Model Constitution For Student Organizations - Troy University

Model Constitution For Student Organizations - Troy University Model Constitution For Student Organizations - Troy University
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A. An officer may appeal his/her removal, but such appeal must be made within(i.e. one week, two weeks, etc.) of the vote for removal by requesting a specialappeal meeting of the organization. The President, or Vice President if thePresident is the officer being removed, shall notify all members of this meetingwhich is not to occur less than (i.e. one week, two weeks, etc.) and not morethan (i.e. one month) after the appeal request is received.B. The decision to repeal the vote for removal shall require at least a (i.e. 2/3majority, simple majority, etc.) of the voting membership to attend the meeting,and a (i.e. 2/3 majority, simple majority, etc.) vote of the members present atthe meeting.Section 8.Changes in Officers.All changes in officers shall be submitted to the Director for Student Involvementand Leadership within two weeks of such a change.ARTICLE V. FACULTY ADVISORSection 1.Advisor Selection. Identify the process to be used in selection of an advisor for yourorganization.Example:A. The Advisor to this organization must be a member of the Troy faculty orstaff.B. The organization Advisor shall be elected by a (i.e. simple majority) vote eachyear at the time of the regular organization elections.orThe organization Advisor shall be appointed by (i.e. Executive Committee) atthe time of regular organization elections.Section 2.Role of the Advisor. Identify the role(s) of the advisor in your organization.Example:ARTICLE VI. MEETINGSA. The Advisor must co-sign all financial transactions of the organization.B. The Advisor shall assist the officers and the members in accomplishing thepurpose of this organization.C. The Advisor shall regularly review the financial records of theorganization and forward mailings to the appropriate officers.Section 1.Meetings: Address how often business meetings will occur. Identify the process tohold a non-business meeting.Example:A. Business meetings of the organization shall be called by the President (i.e. atleast twice a semester, regularly, etc.) during the academic year.7

A. An officer may appeal his/her removal, but such appeal must be made within(i.e. one week, two weeks, etc.) of the vote for removal by requesting a specialappeal meeting of the organization. The President, or Vice President if thePresident is the officer being removed, shall notify all members of this meetingwhich is not to occur less than (i.e. one week, two weeks, etc.) and not morethan (i.e. one month) after the appeal request is received.B. The decision to repeal the vote for removal shall require at least a (i.e. 2/3majority, simple majority, etc.) of the voting membership to attend the meeting,and a (i.e. 2/3 majority, simple majority, etc.) vote of the members present atthe meeting.Section 8.Changes in Officers.All changes in officers shall be submitted to the Director for <strong>Student</strong> Involvementand Leadership within two weeks of such a change.ARTICLE V. FACULTY ADVISORSection 1.Advisor Selection. Identify the process to be used in selection of an advisor for yourorganization.Example:A. The Advisor to this organization must be a member of the <strong>Troy</strong> faculty orstaff.B. The organization Advisor shall be elected by a (i.e. simple majority) vote eachyear at the time of the regular organization elections.orThe organization Advisor shall be appointed by (i.e. Executive Committee) atthe time of regular organization elections.Section 2.Role of the Advisor. Identify the role(s) of the advisor in your organization.Example:ARTICLE VI. MEETINGSA. The Advisor must co-sign all financial transactions of the organization.B. The Advisor shall assist the officers and the members in accomplishing thepurpose of this organization.C. The Advisor shall regularly review the financial records of theorganization and forward mailings to the appropriate officers.Section 1.Meetings: Address how often business meetings will occur. Identify the process tohold a non-business meeting.Example:A. Business meetings of the organization shall be called by the President (i.e. atleast twice a semester, regularly, etc.) during the academic year.7

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