Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze

Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze

Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical Gaze


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Normal Horizontal Saccades Left

Additional SignsLeft ocular tilt reactionLeft hypotropiaOcular dysmetriaRight gaze to center hypermetricLeft gaze to center hypometricLight-near dissociation <strong>of</strong> the pupils

Light-near Dissociated Pupils

Figure 1. MRI DWI hyperdensity in the right thalamusextending into the right parasagittal midbrainsurrounding the red nucleus

On follow-up two months later he had:Full vertical gaze with slow saccades upand downOn looking down the eyes lateropulsed tothe left or convergedBeats <strong>of</strong> convergence nystagmusprovoked by a fast upward saccade andPersistent somnolence. He has adoptedthe habit <strong>of</strong> setting 3 alarm clocks to wakehim each morning

Normal Upgaze

Normal Downgaze

Figure 2A. Axial T2 MRI Chronicright thalamic infarct

Figure 2B. Coronal MRI, Chronicright thalamic infarct

Figure 2C. Sagittal MRI Chronic rightthalamic infarct

Figure 3. Position <strong>of</strong> the patient’s eyesin (a) straight ahead gaze (b) left gaze(c) right gaze (d) attempted upgaze and(e) attempted downgaze.

Figure 4 T2 axial and diffusion MRI <strong>of</strong> the midbrain. Thearrows indicate the ischemic lesion at caudal (left) androstral (right) midbrain levels.

Figure 5. Histologic cross-section at caudal (left) androstral (right) midbrain levels showing structures involvedin the mediation <strong>of</strong> vertical gaze. PC, posteriorcommissure; PUL, pulvinar nucleus <strong>of</strong> the thalamus; SC,superior colliculus; PG, periaqueductal gray; RN, rednucleus; SN, substantia nigra; 3 rd nuc, this cranial nervenucleus; Int Caps, Internal capsule; rlMLF, rostralinterstitial nucleus <strong>of</strong> the medial longitudinal fasciculus;INC, interstitial nucleus <strong>of</strong> Cajal.

Neurology 38(1): 114-22; 1985

ReferencesAlemdar M, Kamaci MD, Budak F.Unilateral midbrain infarction causingupward and downward gaze palsy. J Neur-Ophthalmol 2006; 26:173-176.Percheron G. Les arteres du thalamushumain. Il Arteres et therritoresthalamiques paramedians de l’arterebasilair communicante. Rev Neurol 1976;132:309-324.

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