IVR Newsletter

IVR Newsletter IVR Newsletter

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- Artificial Intelligence in the Law; E - governanceThe use of moderns tools (artificial intelligence, internet etc.) in legislation and legal practiceLegal consequences of the electronic revolution- Human Rights and MinoritiesIndividual rights and collective rightsWhat kinds of minorities matter?Working language is English but working groups in French, German and Spanish can beorganized on request.A more detailed description of possible topics can be found on the Congress website.Preliminary List of Special Workshops- Legal Practitioners’ Need of Reflective Application of Legal Philosophy- Democracy and Rule of Law- Indigenous and Transplanted Legal Values in the Post-colonial World- East Asian Jurisprudence on Rights and Duties- Practical and Theoretical Problems in Legislation.Research in Legisprudence.- Division of Powers, including Independence of Courts.- Stressing Legal Decisions- Law Scholarship and Law. Teaching - Technical or Theoretical?- Law and Economics and Legal Scholarship- Law, Morality, Politics, Defeasibility- Artificial Intelligence in the Law. Efficient Tools for Politicians and Lawyers.- Scandinavian Legal Realism in Theory and Practice- Legal Reasoning- Legal Positivism after Hart and Dworkin.- Coherence Theory of Law and Analogy in Legal Reasoning- Politics of Human Rights- The Actuality of Conceptual Jurisprudence- Criminal ResponsibilityThe above list is subject to changesTravel Arrangements and AccommodationLund is a university town in the south of Sweden: Copenhagen, the Danish capital, can bereached in less than one hour by train. Also, Lund is connected to the Copenhagen internationalairport by direct train service.

Participants should make their own travel arrangements to Lund. Participants requiring visas toenter Sweden or the Schengen area should be registered at least six months before the Congress,requests for proof of registration for visa purposes should be made together with the registration.Beginning in autumn 2002, detailed information on the booking of hotel rooms (at differentstandards) will be forthcoming on the IVR website.More information on the World Congress: http://www.ivr2003.netSECTION THREE: NATIONAL SECTIONS NEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND RECORDSARGENTINA(Asociación Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho)NEWSOn May 24 th , 2002, a public debate was held in Buenos Aires about “El concepto deemergencia desde la filosofía del derecho”. The subject was introduced, from diverse viewpoints,by Profs. Eduardo S. Barcesat, Juan Cianciardo, Martín D. Farell and Horacio Spector.The AAFD published in 2002 the first issue of its Annuary, named Ideas y derecho,directed by AAFD President, prof. R.A. Guibourg, with Profs. Eugenio Bulygin, Carlos M.Cárcova, Miguel Á. Ciuro Caldani and Rodolfo L. Vigo as members of the publishing board andcoordinated by Liliana Rodríguez Fernández in her capacity of Secretary of Redaction. This issueof Ideas y Derecho contains the following papers: Ricardo A. Guibourg, Presentación ensociedad; Roberto J. Vernengo, Hacer derecho, conocer derecho; Paula Viturro, Por un derechotorcido; Pablo Martín Perot, Tipos de reglas y el concepto de obligación jurídica; María CristinaRedondo, El carácter práctico de los deberes jurídicos; Ricardo V. Guarinoni, Validez yjustificación – Las justificaciones últimas; Eduardo Barbarosch, Contractualismo y relativismomoral; Ariel Álvarez Gardiol, Justicia plena: titularidad y merecimiento; Juan Cianciardo,Cognitivismo débil, pretensión de corrección, injusticia y principios en el razonamiento judicial– Una visión crítica; Ulises Schmill O., Una fundamentación de la democracia; EduardoBarcesat, Sobre el porvenir de los derechos humanos; Julio Raúl Méndez, Los derechos humanosy el pluralismo jurídico; Paolo Comanducci, Sobre el problema de la tolerancia; RolandoChirico, La libertad.ANNOUNCEMENTSIn October 24-26, 2001, the XVI Argentine Conference on Legal and Social Philosophywill take place in Azul, province of Buenos Aires. Speakers will be Fernando Atria (Chile), LuizFernando Coelho (Brazil), Jorge Malem, José Juan Moreso and Andrés Ollero Tassara (Spain)and Julio César Cueto Rúa, Diego Duquelsky, Santiago Legarre and Mario A. Portela(Argentina). As in previous occasions, a Young Scholar Award will be granted as a result of acontest.

Participants should make their own travel arrangements to Lund. Participants requiring visas toenter Sweden or the Schengen area should be registered at least six months before the Congress,requests for proof of registration for visa purposes should be made together with the registration.Beginning in autumn 2002, detailed information on the booking of hotel rooms (at differentstandards) will be forthcoming on the <strong>IVR</strong> website.More information on the World Congress: http://www.ivr2003.netSECTION THREE: NATIONAL SECTIONS NEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND RECORDSARGENTINA(Asociación Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho)NEWSOn May 24 th , 2002, a public debate was held in Buenos Aires about “El concepto deemergencia desde la filosofía del derecho”. The subject was introduced, from diverse viewpoints,by Profs. Eduardo S. Barcesat, Juan Cianciardo, Martín D. Farell and Horacio Spector.The AAFD published in 2002 the first issue of its Annuary, named Ideas y derecho,directed by AAFD President, prof. R.A. Guibourg, with Profs. Eugenio Bulygin, Carlos M.Cárcova, Miguel Á. Ciuro Caldani and Rodolfo L. Vigo as members of the publishing board andcoordinated by Liliana Rodríguez Fernández in her capacity of Secretary of Redaction. This issueof Ideas y Derecho contains the following papers: Ricardo A. Guibourg, Presentación ensociedad; Roberto J. Vernengo, Hacer derecho, conocer derecho; Paula Viturro, Por un derechotorcido; Pablo Martín Perot, Tipos de reglas y el concepto de obligación jurídica; María CristinaRedondo, El carácter práctico de los deberes jurídicos; Ricardo V. Guarinoni, Validez yjustificación – Las justificaciones últimas; Eduardo Barbarosch, Contractualismo y relativismomoral; Ariel Álvarez Gardiol, Justicia plena: titularidad y merecimiento; Juan Cianciardo,Cognitivismo débil, pretensión de corrección, injusticia y principios en el razonamiento judicial– Una visión crítica; Ulises Schmill O., Una fundamentación de la democracia; EduardoBarcesat, Sobre el porvenir de los derechos humanos; Julio Raúl Méndez, Los derechos humanosy el pluralismo jurídico; Paolo Comanducci, Sobre el problema de la tolerancia; RolandoChirico, La libertad.ANNOUNCEMENTSIn October 24-26, 2001, the XVI Argentine Conference on Legal and Social Philosophywill take place in Azul, province of Buenos Aires. Speakers will be Fernando Atria (Chile), LuizFernando Coelho (Brazil), Jorge Malem, José Juan Moreso and Andrés Ollero Tassara (Spain)and Julio César Cueto Rúa, Diego Duquelsky, Santiago Legarre and Mario A. Portela(Argentina). As in previous occasions, a Young Scholar Award will be granted as a result of acontest.

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