IVR Newsletter

IVR Newsletter IVR Newsletter

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Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y SocialesUniversidad Nacional de ColombiaCuidad UniversitariaBogotá, Colombiaemail: rodolfo_arango@hotmail.comFINLAND(Suomen oikeusfilosofinen yhdistys SOFY – Finnish National Section of the InternationalAssociation for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR)NEWSAn event on the publishing of the book: The gentle civilizer of nations: the rise and fall ofinternational law, 1870–1960 (Cambridge University Press, 2002) by Martti Koskenniemi hasbeen held in Helsinki on April, 3, 2002.A seminar on ”Nordic Legal Positivism” in Lammi on April, 19, 2002.A seminar on ”The Global Law” in Turku on May, 17, 2002.Recent publications: Petter Kavonius, Oikeusperiaatekin velvoittaa! [The Legal Principledoes bind as well!], Helsinki, Finnish Lawyers’ Association, Series E No 1, 2001; Jarkko Tontti,Kaisa Mäkelä & Heta Gylling (Eds.), Filosofien oikeus 1–2 [The Philosophers’law], Helsinki,Finnish Lawyers’ Association, Series E Nos 2 and 3, 2001; Jarkko Tontti, Right and Prejudice –Prolegomena to a Hermeneutical Philosophy of Law [Diss.], Helsinki, 2002; Mikko Wennberg,Oikeusfilosofia – johdatus oikeusteoriaan ja oikeusteoreettiseen ajatteluun, Helsinki, UniPress,2001; Mikko Wennberg, Beyond Offer and Acceptance. Contract Law as a Response to ContractFailures. [Diss.], Reports from the Department of Philosophy, Vol. 8, University of Turku, 2001.RECORDSPresident: Kimmo Nuotio, e-mail: kimmo.nuotio@helsinki.fiVice-President: Juha Räikkä, e-mail: juha.raikka@utu.fiSecretary: Sanna Sinnemäki, e-mail: sanna.sinnemaki@helsinki.fiPUBLICATIONSCONTACTThe Faculty of Law / P.O.B. 4 / Sanna SinnemäkiFIN-00014 University of Helsinkiemail: ivr-sofy@helsinki.fiwww-adress: http://www.helsinki.fi/ ~ sofy_ry/FRANCE(Société Française pour la Philosophie et la Théorie Juridiques et Politiques – SFPJ)NEWS

The SFPJ organized, together with the University of Paris X (Nanterre), the internationalconference on “Validity and applicability” held in Paris on July 1 st 2002 (see Section One of thisNewsletter).CONTACTSecretary General: Prof. Olivier Cayla, 30, rue Anatole France, 94300 Vincennes – France,Olivier.Cayla@ehess.frMichel Troper, troper@ext.jussieu.frJAPANNEWSThe 2001 annual conference of the Japan Association of Philosophy of Law (JALP) tookplace on 9-10 November 2001, at Tohoku Gakuin University in Sendai. The main theme of theconference was "The Problem of Order in the Information Society". The conference began with akeynote speech by Prof. SAKO Ichiro (Kyushu U.), followed by five sessions. Topics andspeakers for each session were;1 Law, Information, and Technology: Prof. SAKO Ichiro (Kyushu U.)2 Some Philosophical Aspects of the Privacy Issues in the Age of the Internet: Prof. MIZUTANIMasahiko (Kyoto U.)3 Efficiency, Diversity, Freedom: Prof. TAMURA Yoshiyuki (Hokkaido U.)4 Information Society and Transformation of Politics and the Public: Prof. HATTORI Takahiro(Okayama U.)5 The Internet and Overlapping Communities: Prof. OHYA Takehiro (Nagoya U.)Profs. MATSUURA Yoshiharu (Nagoya U.), SERIZAWA Hideaki (Tohoku U.), MATSUIShigenori (Osaka U.) and AONO Toru (Kanazawa U.) were the commentators.Apart from these sessions, there were also eight presentations which were not directly related tothe conference topic by the following scholars: Prof. ASANO Yuki (Kanazawa U.), Prof. HAMAShinichiro (Doshisha U.), Ms. ISHIMURA Kumiko (Osaka Prefecture U.), Mr. KANAI Mitsuo(Tokyo Metropolitan U.), Prof. OHE Hiroshi (Hokkaido U. of Education), Prof. TSUNEKI Jun(Osaka U.), Prof. YAMADA Yachiko (Toyo U.), and YAMAMOTO Yoichi (Kagawa U.).The proceedings will be published in the Annals of the Japan Association of Legal Philosophy2001.The 7 th Kobe Lecture. In June 2002, IVR Japan co-sponsored the 7 th Kobe Lecture withJALP. The invited lecturer was Prof. Emilios A. Christodoulidis of the University of Edinburgh,United Kingdom. The program consisted of a lecture in Kyoto and a seminar in Tokyo. TheLecture, entitled “Republican Constitutionalism and Reflexive Politics,” was held at DoshishaUniversity, Kyoto, on June the 22nd. The Seminar, “Republicanism and What the Law Excludes:the case of Ronald Dworkin,” was held in Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo on June the 29th.There were also four seminars before and after the main program for in-depth discussion inKyoto, Nagoya, Tokyo, and Sendai. Topics of these seminars were legal interpretation and“Institutional Imagination”, legal and ethical implications of the Truth and Reconciliation

Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y SocialesUniversidad Nacional de ColombiaCuidad UniversitariaBogotá, Colombiaemail: rodolfo_arango@hotmail.comFINLAND(Suomen oikeusfilosofinen yhdistys SOFY – Finnish National Section of the InternationalAssociation for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (<strong>IVR</strong>)NEWSAn event on the publishing of the book: The gentle civilizer of nations: the rise and fall ofinternational law, 1870–1960 (Cambridge University Press, 2002) by Martti Koskenniemi hasbeen held in Helsinki on April, 3, 2002.A seminar on ”Nordic Legal Positivism” in Lammi on April, 19, 2002.A seminar on ”The Global Law” in Turku on May, 17, 2002.Recent publications: Petter Kavonius, Oikeusperiaatekin velvoittaa! [The Legal Principledoes bind as well!], Helsinki, Finnish Lawyers’ Association, Series E No 1, 2001; Jarkko Tontti,Kaisa Mäkelä & Heta Gylling (Eds.), Filosofien oikeus 1–2 [The Philosophers’law], Helsinki,Finnish Lawyers’ Association, Series E Nos 2 and 3, 2001; Jarkko Tontti, Right and Prejudice –Prolegomena to a Hermeneutical Philosophy of Law [Diss.], Helsinki, 2002; Mikko Wennberg,Oikeusfilosofia – johdatus oikeusteoriaan ja oikeusteoreettiseen ajatteluun, Helsinki, UniPress,2001; Mikko Wennberg, Beyond Offer and Acceptance. Contract Law as a Response to ContractFailures. [Diss.], Reports from the Department of Philosophy, Vol. 8, University of Turku, 2001.RECORDSPresident: Kimmo Nuotio, e-mail: kimmo.nuotio@helsinki.fiVice-President: Juha Räikkä, e-mail: juha.raikka@utu.fiSecretary: Sanna Sinnemäki, e-mail: sanna.sinnemaki@helsinki.fiPUBLICATIONSCONTACTThe Faculty of Law / P.O.B. 4 / Sanna SinnemäkiFIN-00014 University of Helsinkiemail: ivr-sofy@helsinki.fiwww-adress: http://www.helsinki.fi/ ~ sofy_ry/FRANCE(Société Française pour la Philosophie et la Théorie Juridiques et Politiques – SFPJ)NEWS

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