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MESSAGESplacing Oxford in the position of one of a mere handfulof great international universities. Our entry requirementsare exacting, our courses are demanding, our researchprogrammes are uncompromising. The opportunities aregreat in Oxford, with its special qualities, its internationalmix of students, and the close involvement of academicsin the work of those they teach.We, in tandem with most other colleges and togetherwith the University, have launched a fund-raisingcampaign called, in our case, the Catz|fivezero campaign.In four years time we will reach our first half-century,and it is appropriate that we take stock of the majorchallenges lying ahead of us. Our teaching is designed toproduce intellectual self-reliance, to teach people how tolearn, how to take charge of their thinking and how todirect it in an appropriate and analytical manner. Thecrucial qualities which we aim to foster in our studentsare also the most difficult to attain – understanding,independence of judgment, and the ability to distinguishthe true from the seemingly true. These are the qualitieswhich a stable and successful society needs in eachsuccessive generation, and these are qualities that we in<strong>St</strong> Catherine’s are committed to preserving and enhancingin a collegiate environment.As Master, I am reminded daily of, and am immenselygrateful for, the many differing talents of our staff,students, Fellows, alumni and friends of the <strong>College</strong>,all of which meld together to such positive effect.For this I thank them and you greatly. We will have muchto celebrate in 2012. Let us all look forward with relishto influencing the minds of the young in the next fiftyyears, to helping them take charge of their thoughts,and for us and them to seek the truth, wherever itlies, and whatsoever it might be.Our teachingis designedto produceintellectualself-reliance,to teachpeople howto learn, howto take chargeof theirthinking ...ST CATHERINE’S COLLEGE 2008/5

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