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GAZETTEClive Barnes(1948, English)For sixty years, Clive Barnes was perhaps themost admired critic of dance and drama inEurope and America. Born in London in 1927,he studied Medicine for a year at King's<strong>College</strong>, but after conscription into the RoyalAir Force changed course and read Englishunder Chesney Horwood at Catz. Alreadyinterested in drama, dance and music, hebegan writing about ballet in 1949 for Isisand in 1950 shared in reviving the wartimejournal of the Oxford University Ballet Club,Arabesque and also in contributing to thenewly founded magazine Dance and Dancers,where he continued in various editorialcapacities until its last issue in 1998.On graduating, Barnes worked nine years inthe London County Council's town planningadministration while writing freelance aboutthe arts. He became the first dance critic ofThe Times (a function previously filled by thechief music critic), wrote for the Daily Expresson television, film, drama, music and dance,and contributed to five British and fiveAmerican magazines. In 1953, he publishedhis first book, Ballet in Britain Since the War,a highly original paperback which discussedevery British ballet company of the period andtheir French and American opposite numbers.From 1963 he wrote for the arts pages ofthe New York Times, which in 1965 invitedhim to become its chief dance critic, and in1967 appointed him also chief drama critic.For eleven years he broadcast a daily radiocommentary. At Rupert Murdoch's personalinvitation he moved to the New York Post,again as dance and drama critic. He alsocontributed regularly to Dance Magazine,Ballet2000 and The <strong>St</strong>age. Barnes lecturedwidely across the USA, and appearedfrequently on television. In the 1960sand 1970s he was an adjunct professorteaching critical writing at New York University.Short and stocky in build, Barnes was witty andamusing, likeable and friendly. He attendedmore performances of dance, drama and musicthan might seem feasible, and had strongviews on everything he saw, expressed in livelystyle. He was made a Knight of the Dannebrog(Denmark) in 1972 and a Commander of theBritish Empire in 1975. He received honorarydoctorates from Adelphi University in 1976and Albright <strong>College</strong> in 1982.His nine books include Frederick Ashtonand his Ballets (1961) and Nureyev (1982).He was married three times, including toPatricia Winckley in 1958 (with whom he hada son and daughter), and finally, in 2004, tothe former Royal Ballet soloist Valerie Taylorwho cared for him to the end. He continuedwriting until finally admitted to hospital at theage of eighty-one. To mark his funeral NewYork's Broadway theatres dimmed their lights– a remarkable tribute to a critic.John Percival (1948, English)ST CATHERINE’S COLLEGE 2008/67

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