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COLLEGE LIFEThe callers for theautumn 2008 telephonecampaign... we hopethat as manyof our alumniand friends aspossible willbe able tojoin with us incelebrating thisconsiderablelandmark in<strong>College</strong> history.donations inresponse tocampaignmailings.The targetsthat we have setourselves for the Catz|fivezero campaign are ambitiousbut achievable, and fulfilling these goals will give the<strong>College</strong> confidence to continue to expand and developas an internationally recognised centre for excellencethat attracts to it the best students and researchers.Catz|fivezero eventsWe will be organising a series of Catz|fivezero eventsin the run-up to 2012, as well as during the anniversaryyear itself, and we hope that as many of our alumniand friends as possible will be able to join with us incelebrating this considerable landmark in <strong>College</strong> history.In honour of the fiftieth anniversary, we will be puttingtogether a comprehensive programme of events that willinclude concerts, a series of wide-ranging lectures (fromFellows and distinguished alumni), anniversary dinners,and regional receptions in the UK and overseas.Catz fivezero50th anniversary campaignsecuring the futureIndeed, the fiftieth anniversary provides us with awonderful opportunity to bring the wider <strong>College</strong>community together both here in Oxford and furtherafield. We are keen to build upon the success ofthe alumni events we held in America and the FarEast in autumn 2008 and are planning both toreturn to these destinations and – where possible –to arrange events in new locations. In Britain,while Oxford will provide a central base forCatz|fivezero events such as anniversary dinners,we would also like to hold smaller gatherings acrossthe country.This is an exciting time for <strong>St</strong> Catherine’s. I lookforward to keeping you updated with the progress ofour campaign, and also to welcoming you to one ofthe many events that we are currently organising.If you would like more information about supportingthe Catz|fivezero Campaign, or about forthcoming<strong>College</strong> events (details of which, once finalised, willbe published on the <strong>College</strong>’s website) please contacta member of the Development Office.18/CATZFIVEZERO

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