Grid Job Routing Algorithms - Phosphorus

Grid Job Routing Algorithms - Phosphorus

Grid Job Routing Algorithms - Phosphorus


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<strong>Grid</strong> <strong>Job</strong> <strong>Routing</strong> <strong>Algorithms</strong>Co-allocation [OGF-GFD11] Ensures that a given set of resources is available for usesimultaneously.User [OGF-GFD11] A person authorized to submit jobs to High PerformanceComputing resources.Service LevelAgreements (SLA)[OGF-GFD44]A contract between a provider and a user that specifies the levelof service that is expected during the term of the contract. SLAsare used by vendors and customers, as well as internally by ITshops and their end users. They might specify availabilityrequirements, response times for routine and ad hoc queries,and response time for problem resolution.AdvanceReservation[OGF-GFD11]Is the process of negotiating the (possibly limited or restricted)delegation of particular resource capabilities over a defined timeinterval from the resource owner to the requester.Path ComputationElement[Farrel06]An entity (component, application or network node) that iscapable of computing a network path or route based on anetwork graph and applying computational constraints.<strong>Routing</strong> Controller [Alangar03] Provide for the exchange of routing information between andwithin a RA. The routing information exchanged between RCs issubject to policy constraints imposed at reference points (E-NNIand I-NNI).Resource Manager [OGF-GFD81] A manager that implements one or more resource managementfunctions that may be applied to resources.<strong>Grid</strong> Resource [OGF-GFD81] In OGSA, a resource is an entity that is useful in a <strong>Grid</strong>environment. The term usually encompasses entities that arepooled (e.g. hosts, software licenses, IP addresses) or thatprovide a given capacity (e.g. disks, networks, memory,databases). However, entities such as processes, print jobs,database query results and virtual organizations may also berepresented and handled as resources.Project:PHOSPHORUSDeliverable Number: D.5.3Date of Issue: 31/06/07EC Contract No.: 034115Document Code: <strong>Phosphorus</strong>-WP5-D5.313

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