DRIACS-G2...Tracking the moon and celstial bodies without ... - NTMS

DRIACS-G2...Tracking the moon and celstial bodies without ... - NTMS DRIACS-G2...Tracking the moon and celstial bodies without ... - NTMS


Diagrams, PCB templatesand firmware availability• Download for free from :http://www.qsl.net/oe5jfl/ant_cont.htmUpdates and Application Notes are availableAssembled systems please contactAlex, HB9DRIhb9dri (at) emeham.com14th EME Conference Dallas August 201013/08/2010 24Alex Artieda, HB9DRI

14th EME Conference Dallas August 201013/08/2010 25Alex Artieda, HB9DRI

14th EME Conference Dallas August 201013/08/2010 25Alex Artieda, HB9DRI

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