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HOROSCOPE SAmira K.CAPRICORNDecember 22 – January 19PISCESFebruary 19 – March 20ARIESMarch 21 – April 19It’s that time of the month wheresomeone is going to depend on youstrongly, most likely to be a friendor a family member. Make sure to bethere, your support will be greatlyappreciated.AQUARIUSJanuary 20 – February 18Don’t let others put you down.There is a chance of making realprogress in your personal andprofessional career, if only if youignore the put-downs of others andlisten to what is in your heart. Thiswill lead to a <strong>com</strong>pletely new andvigorous regime in which you putyourself above others- at last!What happened to your New Year’sResolutions? Sorry to be harshPisces, but year after year you makepromises of big changes in your lifebut once again you have failed tolive up to them. You will learn thatto improve you must be strong, andthat can only <strong>com</strong>e with effort.There are issues that need to bedealt with straight away, beforethey spiral out of control. Being atypical Aries, you are prone to leavethings to the last minute, whichresults in half-hearted efforts toresolve testing issues in your life.Write down everything that troublesyou, bite the bullet and solve theseproblems before it is too late.TAURUSApril 20 – May 20GEMINIMay 21 – June 20CANCERJune 21 – July 22LEOJuly 23 – August 22Remember that luck is simply aword that successful people useto disguise their hard efforts inachieving their goals- but this secretis now out in the open. You often<strong>com</strong>plain about having ‘no luck’, butnow you know that it is up to yourown level of effort and disciplineto achieve the goals you always setout to.VIRGOAugust 23 – September 22The way you view yourself is howothers will see you too, and at themoment your reputation has tool abit of a pounding. This is often thecase with introvert and humanitarianindividuals like yourself, who oftenput the needs of others ahead ofyour own, with a tendency to broodover troubling issues, but now youneed to understand that respectfrom others is vital to success.KFWS • MindGymFebruary 8, 2010Although the majority of friendsthink they know you, there are stilla lot of things which you have keptback from them. Now is the chanceto make a fresh start with friendsas many have seen you as grumpyand uncooperative for some time. Ifonly they understood the reasonswhy then they would begin tounderstand, so be brave and shareyour thoughts.LIBRASeptember 23 – October 22You aren’t really all that sure aboutwhat is going on, but things willget a bit more interesting towardsthe end of the weekend. Expect asurprise or two after a heroic actthat you showed earlier this year.You deserve nothing but the best.It’s going to be difficult lettinggo, but there <strong>com</strong>es a time ineverybody’s life where that is theonly option. Don’t let a burden fromthe past weigh you down. Talk tosomeone close, it will make thingseasier.SCORPIOOctober 23 – November 21KFWS • MindGymMarch 1, 2010It’s time to wake up to newopportunities. Your creativeflare is about to guide you tobetter pastures. Don’t waste theopportunity given to you. Hopon and enjoy the ride, becausealthough it may be rocky, it’sbound to lead somewhere.Family issues should be at theforefront of your plans at presentare they are matters which youhave been neglecting for sometime. This is understandable Leo,constraints in your life due to abusy work schedule means thatyou have had to forget about other<strong>com</strong>mitments. There should be aquiet time, so use this to improverelations with your family.SAGITTARIUSNovember 22 – December 21What you plan for the week is likelyto end up being very different, asyou will be inundated by calls thatcarry both good and bad news.Good news, you will have plenty ofadmirers and fans vying for yourattention. Bad news, colleagues willbe expecting you to be on call 24/7.CRAIC ATTACK with Maz JobraniThe Sultan Centre Raffle Draw44SOLUTIONSCROSSWORDSUDOKUGO FIGUREKFWS • MindGymMarch 1, 2010

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