European Criminal Justice - EJTN

European Criminal Justice - EJTN

European Criminal Justice - EJTN

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<strong>EJTN</strong> training guideline in <strong>European</strong> <strong>Criminal</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> - Update 2011b. Case law1. C-306/09 I.B.2. C-261/09 Mantello3. C-83/08 Leymann and Pustovarov (Art 27 para 2 EAW FD; scope of thespeciality rule)4. C-296/08 Goicoechea (Art. 31 and 32 EAW FD; relationship betweenEAW and 1996 Extradition Convention)5. C-123/08 - Wolzenburg - Ruling of 6 October 2009 - Optional nonexecutionof an EAW - interpretation of Article 4(6)6. C-66/08 Szymon Kozlowski (Art. 4 No. 6 of the EAW FD; definition of‘staying’ and ‘resident’)7. C-303/05 Wereld/Ministerraad, Judgment of the Court of 3 May 20078. Irish Supreme Court, Judgment of 23.7.20109. German Oberlandesgericht, Judgement EAW, 25.2.201010. Czech Constitutional Court, Judgement EAW, 03.05.2006(http://www.eurowarrant.net)11. Cypriot Constitutional Court, Judgement EAW, 07.11.2005 (Council doc14281/05)12. P 1/05 (judgment), Polish Constitutional Court, EAW, 27.04.200513. German Federal Constitutional Court, Judgement EAW, BverfG, 2 BvR2236/04, 18.07.200514. Tribunale di Bolzano, Sezione per il riesame, Ordinanza 28 luglio 2005Nr. 44/05 Reg. Riesami3. TrainersTrainers recommended for the EAW are EU exerts and national practitioners.4. TraineesThe issue of the EAW is especially recommended for senior judges andprosecutors.5. MethodologyA) Training methodBeing the first instrument of mutual recognition in the EU to come into force,the EAW is not only a new phenomenon in the judicial landscape but will alsoform the pattern for potential further instruments to come, such as, e.g., the<strong>European</strong> Evidence Warrant. The EAW should be part of basic seminars on<strong>European</strong> criminal justice and especially on extradition.Particular attention, however, should be paid to specialised seminars orworkshops on the EAW.B) Complementary e-learningTraining on this legal instrument can be completed by e-learning.C) PriorityTraining on the EAW should be given top priority.Training on this topic has been selected to form part of a common nationaltraining curriculum in <strong>European</strong> criminal justice by the participating trainers of29

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