The Navy Vol_22_Part2 1960 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_22_Part2 1960 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_22_Part2 1960 - Navy League of Australia


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wSERVICETO INDUSTRYCOPPER • BRASS • BRONZE • ALUMINIUMAuslral Alloys <strong>of</strong> Copper. Bronze and Aluminium possess allthe chemical, physical and mechanical properties demandedby modern industry. Fabricators know that Austral BronzeCompany supply the highest quality material to their mostexacting requirements and tolerances.NOTE: Sheet tint! Strip proitm Is tire availahlc in continuous U-nfilhcoils to i ill protlin lion ci>sl.flUSTRHL#• Extruded Rod, Bars, Wire andSpecial Sections• Strip • Circles• Sheet • PlateCOMPANY PTY. LTD.BRONZE128 130 Rothschild Av.. 473-479 Swan St., <strong>22</strong>4 Montague Rd„Rotebery. MU 4443 Burnley. JB 4324. West End. J 6562.463 Torrent Rd., 101 St. 6eor«e't Tor.. Box 42, P.O., Glenorchy.Weodville JI 5366 Perth BA 7072. Mobort 76BB7 HebortConsiderable stocks ore available in oil Austral Bronze warehouses to satisfy the requirements<strong>of</strong> fabricators <strong>of</strong> all types <strong>of</strong> non-ferrous products.AB128/8.3<strong>Vol</strong>. 23"'HAVlfJULY, I960CONTENTSLMITC; • LL L;' f.ASY2 3 AUG <strong>1960</strong>SVBWCYPageNaval Communications — WIN BATTLES 3H.M.A.S. "HARMAN" 6International Co-ordination <strong>of</strong> Time Signals 7H.M.A.S. "HARMAN"—Technical 8WRANS Part in Naval Communications 10First Naval Apprentices Pass Out . 10Visual Signalling is not a Modern Art 11New Ratings Block at H.M.A.S. "HARMAN" 13Submarine Versus Submarine 14Latest Developments in Soviet Naval Policy 19See Cadets in the News 21Queen's Birthday Honours 23New Type Sonar 24Russian Submarines 25Merchant Shipping — Nuclear Power 27Plus news items from all Compass Points.Published by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>League</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Australia</strong>.N.S.W.: 66 Clarence St.. Sydney. VIC.: 443 Little Collins St.. Melbourne.ADVERTISING: Sydney—29 6531; Melbourne—MU 3123.SUBSCRIPTION RATE: 12 issues post free in the British Commonwealth, 20/-.Copies <strong>of</strong>' "Herald" photographs published may be obtained direct fromPhoto Sales, " Sydney Morning Herald/' Hunter Street, Sydney.To "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Navy</strong>"Box 4819, G.P.O.Sydney, N.S.W.SUBSCRIPTION FORMI enclose 20/- (postal note, money order or cheque) for12 issues <strong>of</strong> " <strong>The</strong> <strong>Navy</strong>/' post free, commencing fromNameStreetCityDateJuly. I960(Please add evehange whereStateapplicable)THE NAVY LEAGUEOF AUSTRALIAPATRON:is Excellency <strong>The</strong> Governor-General,be Rt. Hon. Viscount Dunrossil, P.C.,G.C.M.G., M.C., K.8U., Q.C.FEDERAL COUNCIL:President: Rear Admiral H. A.Showers. C.B.E. (Retd.).Deputy President: Cdr. R. A. Nettleford.DB.O.. V.R.D.. R.A.N.R.Secretary: Lieutenant Ifackay-Orulse.R.A.N.R.New South Wales Division:Patron: His Excellency <strong>The</strong> Oovernor<strong>of</strong> New South Wales.President: Rear Admiral H. AShowers. C.B.E.Secretary: Lieutenant Mac kay-Cruise,R.A.N.R.Hon. Treasurer: R. I. Rae. Esq.Victorian Division:Patron: His Excellency the Governor<strong>of</strong> Victoria.President: Lleut.-Comdr. A. N. Bouiton.R.A.N.R.Secretary: Miss E. C. Shorrocks. Room8. 8th Ploor. 528 Collins Street,Melbourne.South <strong>Australia</strong>n Division:Patron: His Excellency <strong>The</strong> Governor<strong>of</strong> South <strong>Australia</strong>.President: Surgeon-Comdr. R. F.Matters (Retd.).lion. Sec.: R 8utton. Esq.. 30 PlrleStreet, Adelaide.Tssmanian Division:Patron: Vice Admiral Sir Guy Wystt.K.B.E.. C.B., R.N. (Retd.).President: Comdr. A. H. Green, O.B.E..D.S.C.. R.A.N. (Retd.).Hun. Sec.: Comdr. O. E. W. W. Bayly.O.B.E.. V.R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. (Retd ).726 8andy Bay Road. Lower 8andyBay. Hobart.Western <strong>Australia</strong>n Division:Patron: His Excellency <strong>The</strong> Governor<strong>of</strong> Western <strong>Australia</strong>.President: Roland Smith, Esq.Hon. Sec. - Hon. Treas.: K. Olson.Esq., 62 Blencowe Street. WestLeedervllle. W.A.Queensland Division:Patron: His Excellency <strong>The</strong> Governor<strong>of</strong> Queensland.President: Comdr. N. S Plxley.M BE.. V R.D.. R.A.N.R. (Retd).Rv«n House. En^le Street. Brisbane,lion. Sec.: G. B. O'Neill. Esq.. Box376E.. G P.O.. Brisbane.<strong>Australia</strong>n Capital Territory Division:President: Lt.-Cdr. J. B. Howae.R.A.N.V.R.. M.P.. Parliament House.Canberra. A.C.T.Hon. Sec.. Lieut. D. M. Blake.R A.N.V.R.. 60 Limestone Avenue.Alns'le. A C T Phone: J 3237.Northern Territory Division:Patron: His Honour the Administrator.J. C. Archer. Esq., 0 3 IPresident: Captain 8. H. K. 8purgeon.DSO.. O.B.E.. R.A.N. (E/Ll.Hon. Sec.: C A. J. McRae. Esq.. c/-Welfare Branch. Darwin. N.T.AUSTRALIAN SEA C*DET COUNCIL:Representatives <strong>of</strong> the Naval Beard:Director <strong>of</strong> Naval Reserves. CaptainW. B M. Marks. C.B.E.. DS C..Comdr H. L. Gunn. O.BJt.. DB.C.Representatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> Leacue:Comdr R. A Nettlefold. DSC.V R D . R.A.N.V.R.L G. Pearson. Esq.: L. Pony the.Esq.Lleut.-Comdr. P. O. EvansR AJ* VHHon. See.: Lieutenant Mackay-Cruise.R.A.N.R.

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