PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole


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Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S.A.Update of the 2011 registration document - A03Headings required by EC Regulation 809/2004materially affect, the issuer’s operations10.5 Information regarding the anticipated sources of fundsneeded to fulfil commitmentsPage number in Registrationdocument and Updates A.01 andA.02455 RD11. Research and development, patents and licenses N.A.12. Trend information 2 to 3 - 173 to 174 - 367 - 393 RD,44 A0113. Profit forecasts or estimates N.A.14. Administrative, management and supervisorybodies and senior management14.1 Information about the members of the administrative,management and supervisory bodiesand senior management14.2 Administrative, management and supervisory bodiesand senior management conflicts of interests15 Remuneration and benefits81 to 92 - 116 to 146 - 473 RD, 73 to74 A.0281 to 82 - 144 RD15.1 Amount of remuneration paid and benefits in kind 56 to 58 - 87 - 89 to 90 - 92 to 95 -108 to 115 - 183 - 350 to 357- 431RD, 75 to 84 A.0215.2 Total amounts set aside or accrued to provide pension,retirement or similar benefits16. Board and senior management practices86 to 87- 92 to 95 - 108 to 115 - 279to 281 - 345 - 350 to 357 - 400 - 419RD, 75 to 84 A.0216.1 Date of expiration of current term of office 118 to 139 - 473 RD16.2 Information about members of the administrative,management or supervisory bodies’ service contractswith the issuer or any of its subsidiaries16.3 Information about the issuer’s Audit Committee andRemuneration Committee16.4 A statement as to whether or not the issuer complieswith the corporate government regime in its country ofincorporation17. Employees17.1 Number of employees and breakdown by main type ofactivity and by site17.2 Equity interests in the issuer’s share capital and stockoptions17.3 Arrangements for involving the employees in the issuer’scapital18. Major shareholders18.1 Shareholders owning more than 5% of the share capitalor voting rights18.2 Whether the issuer’s major shareholders have differentvoting rights144 RD87 to 90 RD, 79 to 80 A.0280 to 95 - 144 RD7 - 37 to 52 - 351 - 431 RD94 - 108 - 113 to 115 - 118 to 143 -280 to 281 - 289 - 354 to 357 -400 - 460 - 463 to 465 RD113 - 177 to 180 - 280 to 281 - 354 to357 - 460 - 475 to 479 RDPage number in thisupdate108205 to 20614817995 to 9618195 to 961818 - 81 - 178 - 347 to 348 - 463 RD 96 - 1818 -178 - 180 to 182 - 347 - 441 to 442- 460 - 463 to 465 RD18.3 Control over the issuer 16 - 81 - 144 - 261- 463 RD18.4 Description of any arrangements, known to the issuer,the operation of which may at a subsequent date resultin a change in control of the issuer463 RD19. Related-party transactions 260 to 262 - 390 to 391 - 407 to 411 -422 - 466 to 469 RD20. Financial information concerning the issuer’s assetsand liabilities, financial positions and profits andlosses20.1 Historical financial information* 256 to 436 RD106142 to 143Page 235 sur 237

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