PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole


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Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S.A.Update of the 2011 registration document - A036.B. In the event that the Initial Meeting decides to distribute a Preferred Dividend, the resultingPreferred Dividend payable per Preferred Share shall be calculated by applying to the amountobtained by multiplying (i) by (ii) as defined in paragraph 6.A. above, the ratio obtained by dividing (a)the number of days elapsed between the period from the Date of Issue (inclusive) and the PaymentDate (exclusive) by (b) 365;where “Initial Meeting” means the first General Meeting held after the end of the financial year duringwhich the Preferred Shares are issued and that has approved a Distribution to the OrdinaryShareholders and/or convened to vote on the Company’s financial statements for the financial year inwhich the Preferred Shares are issued.By exception to the first subparagraph of paragraph 6.B. above, in the event of a distribution of one ormore interim dividend(s) to the Ordinary Shareholders before the Initial Meeting, a sum equal to theproduct of (i) multiplied by (ii) as defined in paragraph 6.A. above shall be paid to the PreferredShareholders on the date on which the first interim dividend was paid to the Ordinary Shareholders. Ifthis sum is less than the amount indicated in paragraph 6.B. of this Article as calculated on the date ofthe Initial Meeting and if the Initial Meeting is the Meeting convened to vote on the Company’sfinancial statements for the financial year in which the Preferred Shares are issued and duly noting thepayment of one or more interim dividend(s) to the Preferred Shareholders and Ordinary Shareholders,an additional amount equal to the difference, if positive, between the amount indicated in paragraph6.B. of this Article paid to the Preferred Shareholders and the amount of the first interim dividendalready paid to the Ordinary Shareholders shall be paid to the Preferred Shareholders. The saidadditional amount shall be paid on the day after the date of the Initial Meeting.6.C. For purposes of these Articles of Association, the “Outstanding Amount” means the productobtained by multiplying the outstanding number of Preferred Shares in a given class by the AdjustedIssue Price for the given class, (i) less the amount of each Reduction of the Outstanding Amount (asdefined below) applicable to the given class, (ii) plus the amount of each Restitution of theOutstanding Amount (as defined below) applicable to the given class, in each instance from the Dateof Issue of the Preferred Shares in the given class.If consolidated net income – Group share is negative (the “Loss”) as reflected in the Company’scertified annual consolidated financial statements after taking the Exempt Amount into account (the“Net Loss”), the Outstanding Amount applicable to the given class of Preferred Shares shall bereduced by an amount (the “Reduction of the Outstanding Amount”) calculated by multiplying (i)the Net Loss and (ii) the Percentage of the Preferred Shares in the Notional Capital of the given class(as defined below) determined on the date of publication of the certified consolidated financialstatements reflecting the Loss in question. The Reduction of the Outstanding Amount shall be deemedto have been carried out on the date of publication of the certified consolidated financial statementsreflecting the Loss in question.For purposes of the foregoing paragraph, “Exempt Amount” means the difference between (i) theamount of consolidated shareholders’ equity - Group share, excluding consolidated equity instrumentsof the Company to which the Preferred Shares are subordinated, as reflected in the Company’scertified annual consolidated financial statements, and (ii) the amount of the Notional Capital asreflected in the Company’s certified annual consolidated financial statements.If, following a Reduction of the Outstanding Amount, positive consolidated net income - Group share,as reflected in the Company’s certified annual consolidated financial statements, is recognised (a“Profit”), the Outstanding Amount applicable to the given class of Preferred Shares shall beincreased by an amount (the “Restitution of the Outstanding Amount”) calculated by multiplying (i)the Profit and (ii) the Percentage of Preferred Shares in the Notional Capital of the given classdetermined on the date of publication of the certified consolidated financial statements reflecting theProfit in question.The Restitution of the Outstanding Amount shall be deemed to have been carried out on the date ofpublication of the certified consolidated financial statements reflecting the Profit in question after aReduction of the Outstanding Amount.Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of calculating the Preferred Dividend payable in respect ofa given financial year, the Restitution of the Outstanding Amount, barring prior approval by the SGCB,shall not be taken into account, as indicated above, unless a Preferred Dividend (regardless of theamount thereof) was distributed in respect of the previous two financial years.Page 225 sur 237

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