PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole


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Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S.A.Update of the 2011 registration document - A03For registered securities, the Company shall also have the right at any time to request that theintermediary that has registered on behalf of third parties disclose the identity of the holders of saidsecurities and the number of securities held by each of them.For so long as the Company feels that certain holders of securities (whether registered or bearer), theidentity of which has been provided to it, are holding said securities on behalf of third parties, it shallhave the right to request said holders to disclose the identity of the owners of the securities as set forthabove and the number of securities held by each of them.After the information set forth above has been requested, the Company shall have the right to requestany legal entity which holds more than one-fortieth of the share capital or voting rights of the Companyto disclose to the Company the identity of the persons who directly or indirectly hold more than onethirdof the share capital or voting rights (which are exercised at General Meetings) of the said legalentity.If a person who has been the subject of a request in accordance with the provisions of the presentArticle 9.B. fails to disclose the requested information within the legally required period or disclosesincomplete or incorrect information regarding its capacity or the holders of the securities, or thenumber of securities held by each of them, the Shares or securities which give rise to present or futurerights to the Company’s share capital which said person has registered, shall immediately lose theirvoting rights at any General Meeting or Special Meeting until complete information has been provided.Dividend payments shall also be suspended until that date.In addition, in the event that the registered person deliberately misconstrues the above provisions, thecourt which has territorial jurisdiction over the Company’s registered office may, at the request of theCompany or of one or more Shareholders holding at least 5% of the share capital, revoke in whole orin part the voting rights regarding which the information was requested and, possibly, thecorresponding dividend payment of the Shares, for a period which may not exceed five years.ARTICLE 10 – INDIVISIBILITY OF THE SHARES; RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ATTACHED TO HESHARESA. Indivisibility of the SharesThe Shares are indivisible with regard to the Company.Voting rights attached to the Ordinary Shares are exercised by the beneficial owner at OrdinaryGeneral Meetings and by the legal owner at Extraordinary General Meetings.Voting rights attached to the Preferred Shares are exercised by the legal owner at Special Meetings ofholders of the relevant class of Preferred Shares.The joint owners of indivisible Shares are represented at General Meetings or Special Meetings, asthe case may be, by one of them or by a single representative. In the event of a dispute, theirrepresentative shall be appointed by the Court at the request of the first joint owner to refer this matterto the Court.The right to the award of new Shares following the capitalisation of reserves, profits or any sharepremiums belongs to the legal owner, subject to the rights of the beneficial owner.B. Rights and obligations attached to the Shares1. Ownership of a Share automatically entails compliance with the Articles of Association and,subject to the stipulations contained in Article 29, “Special Meetings” herein, with resolutions dulyadopted by General Meetings.2. Each Ordinary Share gives the holder the same right of ownership in the Company’s assetsand profits, as defined in Article 34 “Dissolution - Liquidation” and Article 31 “Determination, allocationand distribution of profit” herein.Each Ordinary Share gives the holder the right to attend General Meetings and to vote therein, underthe conditions set forth by law and by the Articles of Association. Each Ordinary Share shall give thePage 212 sur 237

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