PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole


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Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S.A.Update of the 2011 registration document - A035.9 Property, plant & equipment and intangible assets (excluding goodwill)(in millions ofeuros) 31/12/2011Changesinscope (2)Property, plant & equipment used inoperationsIncreases(acquisitions,businesscombinations)Decreases(disposalsand Translationredemptions) adjustmentOther Balance atmovements (3) 30/06/2012Gross amount 9,592 (17) 335 (464) 26 102 9 574Amortisation andimpairment (1) (4,422) 8 (312) 290 (16) (48) (4,500)NET CARRYINGAMOUNT 5,170 (9) 23 (174) 10 54 5,074Intangible assetsGross amount 4,670 (98) 218 (50) 10 (15) 4,735Amortisation andimpairment (2,802) 40 (207) 21 (8) 1 (2,955)NET CARRYINGAMOUNT 1,868 (58) 11 (29) 2 (14) 1,780(1) Including depreciation on fixed assets let to third parties.(2) The change in scope is related to the exit of BES Vida in the second quarter of 2012 for -€10 million euroson net property, plant & equipment and for 58 million euros on net intangible assets.(3) Inclusion of temporarily vacant property net of impairment corresponding to expired or terminated financelease contracts for €68 million.(in millions ofeuros) 31/12/2010Changesinscope (2)Property, plant & equipment used inoperationsIncreases(acquisitions,businesscombinations)Decreases(disposalsand Translationredemptions) adjustmentOther Balance atmovements (3) 31/12/2011Gross amount 9,342 108 935 (1,086) - 293 9,592Amortisation andimpairment (1) (4,140) (63) (661) 617 (1) (174) (4,422)NET CARRYINGAMOUNT 5,202 45 274 (469) (1) 119 5,170Intangible assetsGross amount 4,060 137 420 - 3 50 4,670Amortisation andimpairment (2,317) 1 (395) (39) (2) (50) (2,802)NET CARRYINGAMOUNT 1,743 138 25 (39) 1 - 1,8681) Including depreciation on fixed assets let to third parties.(2) At Cariparma, FriulAdria and Carispezia, allocation of goodwill as an intangible asset for a total amount of€133 million. Intangible assets arising from mark-to-market adjustments to assets and liabilities acquiredare amortised over the same period and according to the same method used to amortise other intangibleassets of the same class.At Carispezia, inclusion of property, plant & equipment for a gross value of €108 million and relatedamortisations for -€63 million.(3) Inclusion of temporarily vacant property corresponding to expired or terminated finance lease contracts for€146 million.At Predica, current account reclassification of SCI Imefa 128 regarding the Procession building fromOperating building to Investment property for -€38 million.At Amundi, de-netting of €53 million of amortisation on intangible assets previously recognised at net value.Page 178 sur 237

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