PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole


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Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S.A.Update of the 2011 registration document - A03Insurance company investments(in millions of euros)Carryingamount30/06/2012 31/12/2011Gainsrecognised inothercomprehensiveincomeLossesrecognised inothercomprehensiveincomeCarryingamountGainsrecognised inothercomprehensiveincomeLossesrecognised inothercomprehensiveincomeAvailable-for-salefinancial assets 146,783 7,661 (5,703) 148,295 4,288 (7,884)Treasury bills and similarsecutiries 12,441 115 (1,911) 26,287 107 (2,655)Bonds and other fixedincomesecurities 118,592 6,378 (2,410) 105,215 3,087 (3,223)Equities and othervariable-income securities 13,314 747 (1,245) 14,560 737 (1,927)Non-consolidated quityinvestments 2,436 421 (137) 2,233 357 (79)(in millions of euros)Carryingamount30/06/2012 31/12/2011MarketvalueCarryingamountMarketvalueHeld-to-maturity finacial assets 15,174 17,343 15,322 16,886Bonds and other fixed-income securities 3,124 3,643 3,187 3,595Treasury bills and similar secutiries 12,050 13,700 12,135 13,291Impairment - - - -Loans and receivables 8,761 8,789 7,360 7,352Investment property 2,971 5,143 2,494 4,507Carrying amount(in millions of euros) 30/06/2012 31/12/2011Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (including upon initialrecognition) 63,039 62,830Asset backing unit-linked contracts (1) 32,116 40,372Securities bought under repurchase agrements 0 0Treasury bills and similar securities 5,259 4,755Bonds and other fixed-income securities 18,184 9,975Equities and other variable-income securities 6,676 6,935Derivative instruments 804 793Carrying amount(in millions of euros)30/06/2012 31/12/2011Total insurance company investments 236,728 236,301(1) Debt issues relating to assets held by Group insurers on behalf of policyholders included in unit-linkedcontracts were eliminated at 30 June 2012 for an amount of €7 billion.Page 159 sur 237

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