PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (3.77 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole


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Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S.A.Update of the 2011 registration document - A03The condensed interim financial statements are designed to update the information contained in the Crédit<strong>Agricole</strong> S.A. group's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 and must beread as supplementing those financial statements. As a result, only the most material information regardingthe change in the Group's financial position and performance is reproduced in these interim financialstatements.Estimates have been made by management to prepare the consolidated financial statements. Theseestimates are based on certain assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties as to their actualachievement in the future. Accounting estimates that require the formulation of assumptions are used mainlyin measuring financial instruments at fair value, non-consolidated equity investments, equity-accountedentities, pension plans, other future employee benefits and stock-option plans, permanent impairment ofavailable-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities, irrecoverable debt write-downs, provisions, impairment ofgoodwill and deferred tax assets.Page 136 sur 237

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