Industrial Sheet Rubber, Matting & Specialty Items Catalog

Industrial Sheet Rubber, Matting & Specialty Items Catalog Industrial Sheet Rubber, Matting & Specialty Items Catalog
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SHEET RUBBER GLOSSARYAdhesion: (1) Basically, the adhering, clinging,bonding or sticking of two material surfaces toone another, such as rubber to rubber, rubber toglass, rubber to metal, rubber to wood, rubberto fabric, rubber to cord, rubber to wire, etc. (2)Refers to the strength of bond between curedrubber surfaces or cured rubber surface and anon-rubber surface.Aging: To undergo changes to physical propertieswith age or lapse of time.Aging, Air Oven: A means of acceleratingthe change in physical properties of rubbercompounds by exposing them to the action of airat an elevated temperature.Ambient Temperature: The environmenttemperature surrounding the object underconsideration.Blemish: A mark, deformity, or injury whichimpairs the appearance.Blisters: A raised spot on the surface or aseparation between layers usually forming a voidor air-filled space in the vulcanized article. (Seebubbles, sinks and voids.)Bloom: A coating or efflorescence creating adiscoloration or change in appearance of thesurface of a rubber product caused by themigration of a liquid or solid to the surface.Examples: Sulfur Bloom, Wax Bloom. Not to beconfused with dust on the surface from externalsources.Calendered: Continuously sheeted or plied uprubber compound or fabric that is frictioned orcoated with rubber compound on a machineequipped with three or more heavy internallyheated or cooled rolls revolving in oppositedirection.Checking: Short, shallow cracks on the surface,generally due to effect of destructive action ofenvironmental conditions.C. I. (Cloth-inserted): An abbreviation used toindicate a sheet of rubber containing one ormore plies of cloth or duck, in which the cloth iscompletely covered with rubber.Cloth Impression: Same as fabric impression.Coating: A layer of material covering a surface.Compression Set: The deformation whichremains in rubber after it has been subjectedto and released from a specific compressivestress for a definite period of time at a prescribedtemperature. Compression set measurements aremade for the purpose of evaluating the creep andstress relaxation properties of rubber.Cracking: A sharp break or fissure in the surface.Generally due to excessive strain.Crazing: A surface effect on rubber articlescharacterized by multitudinous minute cracks.Cure: The act of vulcanization.Curing Temperature: The temperature at whichthe rubber is vulcanized.Diaphragm Sheet: Sheet (generally fabricreinforcedrubber) from which flat diaphragmsmay be cut.Die Cut: Shaped articles punched from a sheet ofrubber with a die.Dielectric Strength: The measure of electricpotential strength of a rubber product. Measureof its ability as an insulating compound to resistpassage of a disruptive discharge produced byan electric stress. Measure as volts per mil ofthickness.Durometer: An instrument for measuring thehardness of rubber. Measures resistance to thepenetration of an indentor point into the surfaceof the rubber.Durometer Hardness: An arbitrary numericalvalue which measures the resistance topenetration of the indentor point of the durometer.Value may be taken immediately or after a veryshort specified time.Elastomer: Macromolecular material that returnsrapidly to approximately the initial dimensionsand shape after substantial deformation by aweak stress and release of stress.Elongation: Increase in length expressednumerically as a fraction or percentage of initiallength.Filler: (1) A material incorporated into a rubbercompound to increase its bulk. (2) A compoundbuilt into a rubber product to increase its bulkand/or improve its appearance. (3) Sometimeserroneously used to mean “filling" in textiles.Finish, Fabric: Same as impress, fabric.Finish, Paper: Finish resulting from curing incontact with paper.Finish Plate or Platen: Same as plate finish(sheet).Foreign Material: Any extraneous matter suchas wood, paper, metal, sand, dirt or pigment thatshould not normally be present in a particularrubber product or composition.16 Telephone KOA for widths and lengths not shown.KSRCA0213

SHEET RUBBER GLOSSARYGauge: (1) The measure of thickness of theindividual elements making up a rubber product.(2) A device for measuring. (See thickness.)Grain: The effect on a rubber compound due toprocessing it through a tubing machine, calender,or mill.Hardness: Property or extent of being hard.Measured by extent of failure of the indentorpoint of any one of a number of standardhardness testing instruments to penetrate theproduct.Homogeneity: Uniformity of compositionthroughout the material.Homogeneous: Of uniform compositionthroughout.Impression: Design formed during vulcanizationin the surface of any rubber article by a methodof transfer, such as fabric impression or moldedimpression.Impression, Fabric: Impression formed duringcure by fabric wrap.Laminated: Built up from thinner layers.Modulus: In the physical testing of rubber, itis the ratio of stress to strain; that is, the loadin pounds per square inch or kilograms persquare centimeter of initial cross sectionalareanecessary to produce a stated percentageelongation. It is a measure of stiffness.Non-blooming: The absence of bloom.Oxidation: The reaction of oxygen on a rubberproduct, usually detected by a change in theappearance or feel of the surface, or by a changein physical propertiesOzone Cracking: Surface cracks, checks orcrazing caused by exposure to an atmospherecontaining ozone. (See also ozone resistant.)Ozone Resistant: Withstands the deterioratingeffects of ozone, generally cracking.Plate Finish (Sheet): A commercially smoothsurface, the usual result of vulcanization betweenpress plates (platens).Ply: (1) A layer of rubberized fabric. (2) A layerconsisting of multiple strands of cord or wireclose spaced. (3) A single yarn in a compositeyarn. (4) Used in processing as a layer ofunvulcanized rubber compound.Polymer: A very long chain of units of monomers,prepared by means of an addition and/orcondensation polymerization. The units may bethe same of different. There are copolymers, dipolymers,tri or ter polymers, quadri-polymers,high polymers, etc. Natural rubber is a polymer ofIsoprene.Press Length: The length of a product which canbe vulcanized at one time in a press, limited tothe length measurement of the press.Random Length: A unit of material whichdoes not fall into any current classification forstandard length.Relative Humidity: The ration of the quantity ofwater vapor actually present in the atmosphereto the greatest amount possible at the giventemperature.Roll: Sheet rubber and gasket material of auniform width rolled up on itself from whichgaskets and other products of lesserdimensions and various shapes may be cut.Rubber: A material that is capable of recoveringfrom large deformations quickly and forcibly, andcan be, or already is, modified to a state in whichit is essentially insoluble (but can swell) in boilingsolvent, such as benzene, methyl ethyl ketone,and ethanol-toluene azeotrope.Sinks: A collapsed blister or bubble leaving adepression in the product.Slab: Thick sheet, generally laminated.Specific Gravity: The ratio of the weight of agiven substance to the weight of an equalvolume of water at a specified temperature.Tacky (Rubber Surface): Tending to adhere.Tensile Strength: The maximum tensile stressapplied during stretching a specimen to rupture.Viscosity: A manifestation of internal frictionopposed to mobility. The property of fluidsand plastic solids by which they resist aninstantaneous change of shape, i.e., resistant toflow.Volume Swell: Increase in physical size causedby the swelling action of a liquid.Vulcanization: Act or process of treating anelastomer or compound of same to improve itsuseful properties, usually accomplished byapplication of heat.Warp: The yarns that run lengthwise in a wovenfabric.Waft: The crosswise threads in a fabric; fillingthreads. The threads or yarns running at rightangle to the warp.KSRCA0213 Telephone KOA for widths and lengths not shown.17

SHEET RUBBER GLOSSARYGauge: (1) The measure of thickness of theindividual elements making up a rubber product.(2) A device for measuring. (See thickness.)Grain: The effect on a rubber compound due toprocessing it through a tubing machine, calender,or mill.Hardness: Property or extent of being hard.Measured by extent of failure of the indentorpoint of any one of a number of standardhardness testing instruments to penetrate theproduct.Homogeneity: Uniformity of compositionthroughout the material.Homogeneous: Of uniform compositionthroughout.Impression: Design formed during vulcanizationin the surface of any rubber article by a methodof transfer, such as fabric impression or moldedimpression.Impression, Fabric: Impression formed duringcure by fabric wrap.Laminated: Built up from thinner layers.Modulus: In the physical testing of rubber, itis the ratio of stress to strain; that is, the loadin pounds per square inch or kilograms persquare centimeter of initial cross sectionalareanecessary to produce a stated percentageelongation. It is a measure of stiffness.Non-blooming: The absence of bloom.Oxidation: The reaction of oxygen on a rubberproduct, usually detected by a change in theappearance or feel of the surface, or by a changein physical propertiesOzone Cracking: Surface cracks, checks orcrazing caused by exposure to an atmospherecontaining ozone. (See also ozone resistant.)Ozone Resistant: Withstands the deterioratingeffects of ozone, generally cracking.Plate Finish (<strong>Sheet</strong>): A commercially smoothsurface, the usual result of vulcanization betweenpress plates (platens).Ply: (1) A layer of rubberized fabric. (2) A layerconsisting of multiple strands of cord or wireclose spaced. (3) A single yarn in a compositeyarn. (4) Used in processing as a layer ofunvulcanized rubber compound.Polymer: A very long chain of units of monomers,prepared by means of an addition and/orcondensation polymerization. The units may bethe same of different. There are copolymers, dipolymers,tri or ter polymers, quadri-polymers,high polymers, etc. Natural rubber is a polymer ofIsoprene.Press Length: The length of a product which canbe vulcanized at one time in a press, limited tothe length measurement of the press.Random Length: A unit of material whichdoes not fall into any current classification forstandard length.Relative Humidity: The ration of the quantity ofwater vapor actually present in the atmosphereto the greatest amount possible at the giventemperature.Roll: <strong>Sheet</strong> rubber and gasket material of auniform width rolled up on itself from whichgaskets and other products of lesserdimensions and various shapes may be cut.<strong>Rubber</strong>: A material that is capable of recoveringfrom large deformations quickly and forcibly, andcan be, or already is, modified to a state in whichit is essentially insoluble (but can swell) in boilingsolvent, such as benzene, methyl ethyl ketone,and ethanol-toluene azeotrope.Sinks: A collapsed blister or bubble leaving adepression in the product.Slab: Thick sheet, generally laminated.Specific Gravity: The ratio of the weight of agiven substance to the weight of an equalvolume of water at a specified temperature.Tacky (<strong>Rubber</strong> Surface): Tending to adhere.Tensile Strength: The maximum tensile stressapplied during stretching a specimen to rupture.Viscosity: A manifestation of internal frictionopposed to mobility. The property of fluidsand plastic solids by which they resist aninstantaneous change of shape, i.e., resistant toflow.Volume Swell: Increase in physical size causedby the swelling action of a liquid.Vulcanization: Act or process of treating anelastomer or compound of same to improve itsuseful properties, usually accomplished byapplication of heat.Warp: The yarns that run lengthwise in a wovenfabric.Waft: The crosswise threads in a fabric; fillingthreads. The threads or yarns running at rightangle to the warp.KSRCA0213 Telephone KOA for widths and lengths not shown.17

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