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Cooking TermPreparation TipServingSuggestionStorage AndLeft Over TipNutrition Tip<strong>symbol</strong>definitions

ANOTEaboutHEALTHYLEANsuggestionsSIMMERrecipesthelearnFAMILIESFAVOURITESexperienceSTEAMSEASONALTASTYMUNCHunforgettableENJOYThe recipes contained in thisbook have been collectedfrom various Start Right-Eat Right awarded centresacross South Australia.These recipes are generallyquick and easy to prepare.They are the most popularwith children attending childcare and we therefore hopethat they would becomeyour child’s favourites.Recipes are grouped intodifferent categories toinclude: red meat, chickenand fish; vegetarianand snack dishes. There isalso an infant feedingsection with yummy recipesfor your 7-12 month old child.All recipes have been testedand where necessary modifiedto fit with Start Right-EatRight recommendations.A ‘Recipe Modification’section has also beenincluded to help you makeyour own recipes healthier.It contains suggestions ofalternative ingredients thatcan be used and examplesof healthier cooking methods.Since the book is intendedfor use by parents, recipesfor the main meals havebeen changed to servea family of four people.A number of ‘<strong>symbol</strong>s’have been used throughoutthe recipes. Please refer to thelegend to the left of this pagefor an explanation of each.33A Note About The Recipes

FOODSSIZES the firstVARIETYbite-size DEVELOPMENTFOR YEARsmooth FOODS FEEDINGbonding shapesMASHSOLIDSsmall tastesChewingBirth to 6 months:breast milkFrom birth to 6 months breastfeeding is the ideal way to feedyour baby. Breast feeding canhelp you to develop a strongbond with your child.Breast milk alone provideseverything that your baby needsuntil around 6 months of age.Sometimes it is not possibleto breast feed. In these cases,using a suitable infant formulacan meet your baby’s needs.First taste andsmooth foodsAround 6 months your baby’siron stores begin to get lowand your baby also begins touse his tongue and jaw tomash foods. At this stage breastmilk (or infant formula) stillprovides most of his nutrientsbut is not enough to meet allhis nutritional needs. Around6 months (but not before 4months) he can begin tohave small tastes of smoothfoods including:• Iron-fortified rice cereal(e.g. Farex)• Pureed or well-mashed fruits(e.g. apple, banana)• Cooked, pureed, blandvegetables (e.g. potato,pumpkin, zucchini)• Pureed, well cooked leanmeat, poultry and fish• Plain or baby yoghurtsand custards35Foods For The First Year

Be a goodexample: do notexpress dislikesof foods.Introduce one food at atime. Wait 2 days beforeintroducing another food.Start by offeringsolids betweenmilk feeds.Never forcea baby toeat. Everyonefeels hungrieron some daysthan others.36Around6 months:Mash foods untilthere are nolumps or pureeusing a blender.feedingTIPSsolidVARIETYtoyourpositiveforintroducingFOODSBABYenjoytastes

Avoid extremesof temperatures.Do not addsugar, fats, salt.Use ababyspoon,only ¼ to ½teaspoon.7 - 12 months softlumpy and finger foodsBreast milk (or infant formula)is still an important part of yourbaby’s diet but she’ll now alsoenjoy a wider variety of foodsfrom each of the food groups.Do notmix foods.Around 7-8 months yourbaby begins to make chewingmovements. She can havesoft lumpy foods and progressto finger foods. See recipesthat follow.From 12 months onwardsyour child should have familyfoods cut into bite-size pieces.Don’t panic...Your baby’sbowel habitsmay change when theystart solid foods.Eating solidfoods takespractice.If your babyis not keen, try againin a few days.37Foods For The First Year


Recipes for 7-12month oldsBetween 7 to 12 months ofage solid foods will now bea bigger part of your baby’sdiet. By 12 months he wouldbe having breakfast, lunch anddinner and mid-meal snacks.It is important to giveyour baby the appropriatetexture foods for her stageof development (see pages35-37 of the previous section).The following baby recipesdo not have serve sizes.Use your child’s appetite as anindication of how much to give.39Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds

simmerMASHEDÊRINKLEYOGURTPES12BEEFgrowthserveONTH TUNAOLDS{ }Preparation- If your dhal dries out at any point, addmore water.- Remember to cut-down the spices foryounger babies.MBININGpiey

dhal for baby(Adapted from: Homemade Baby Food Recipes )½ cup red lentilsoil for sauté1 small onion, chopped1 teaspoon grated ginger1 garlic clove, crushed1 ¼ cups water1 small sweet potato½ teaspoon coriander½ teaspoon turmeric½ teaspoon cinnamon01 In a lightly-oiled, heated saucepan, sauté the onionfor a few minutes02 Add the garlic and the ginger and continue to sautéfor several minutes03 Add the remaining spices and cook for 5 moreminutes04 Add water and stir05 Add the sweet potato and lentils. Bring to the boil06 Lower the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes untilthe lentils are cooked07 Serve with rice or naan/roti breads for older babies41Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds

cottage pie(Adapted from HEINZ Recipe Book for babies and toddlers)50g beef mince2 tablespoon mashedsweet potato¼ cup mixed vegetables(e.g. carrots, zucchini),finely grated1 tablespoon cheese, grated01 Cook mince in a lightly-oiled saucepan until browned.Add grated vegetables and cook, stirring for 3 minutes02 Line an oven-proof dish with mashed sweet potato03 Top with beef and vegetable mixture04 Sprinkle with cheese and bake at 180 °C for 5 minutes43Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds

tuna casserole(Adapted from: Homemade Baby Food Recipes)340g dry egg noodles170g tin tuna, drained1 stick celery,finely chopped1 spring onion, chopped½ zucchini, sliced100g cheddar, gratedPinch of dried thyme1 tablespoon margarine1 tablespoon plain flour½ cup milk01 Pre-heat the oven to 180 °C02 Grease an oven-proof dish03 Cook the noodles according to packet directions. Drain04 Melt margarine in a saucepan, add flour and cook toform a paste. Gradually add milk, stirring continuouslyuntil sauce thickens05 In a large bowl, mix together the noodles, tuna, celeryand spring onion06 Stir in the white sauce07 Add the thyme08 Spoon half of the mixture into an oven-proof dish andtop with half of the zucchini09 Continue layering with noodle mixture and the restof the zucchini10 Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 30 minutes45Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds

BEEFESSPRINKLE{ }MASHEDÊStorage And Left Overs- Freeze the chicken and vegetable mixturecovered for up to 1 month.growthsimmerYOGURT

chicken andvegetable risoni(Adapted from: The Australian Women’s Weekly Fresh Food for Babies and Toddlers)100g chicken mince1 small red capsicum,finely chopped1 large zucchini,finely chopped310g tin creamedcorn kernels400g tin crushed peeledtomatoes, undrained2 tablespoons risoni01 In a lightly oiled pan, cook chicken for 5 minutesor until brown. Transfer to a bowl and set aside02 Cook capsicum in the same pan over medium heat,stirring for 3 minutes03 Add corn and zucchini; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes04 Add tomatoes; cook stirring until vegetables soften.Combine with cooked chicken05 Cook risoni in boiling water until tender; and drain06 Toss risoni with 1/3 cup of chicken andvegetable mixtureBlend or process until smooth for younger babies47Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds

BEEFESSPRINKLE12MASHEDÊgrowthsimmerYOGURTTUNA NTH OLDS{ }Serving Suggestion- Serve with wholemeal bread or pita bread.serve

cheesy fish(Adapted from: The Australian Women’s Weekly Fresh Food for Babies and Toddlers)½ tablespoon margarine2 teaspoon plain flour½ cup milk2 tablespoons cheddar,finely grated95g tin tuna, drained¼ cup smallbroccoli florets01 Melt margarine in small saucepan, add flour andcook, stirring until mixture bubbles and thickens02 Gradually add milk; cook, stirring until sauceboils and thickens slightly. Remove from heat;stir in cheese03 Boil, steam or microwave broccoli until just tender04 Combine fish, broccoli and cheese sauce in asmall bowl49Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds

FOR 7 12YOGURTRECIPESMASHEDÊsimmerBEEFSPRINKLEgrowth{ }Serving Suggestion- For younger children purée using a blender.

fruity pork(Adapted from: Homemade Baby Food Recipes)170g lean pork, cubedinto small pieces170g swede,peeled and cubed¼ apple, peeled and cubed1 medium potato,peeled and cubed½ cup water¼ onion, chopped(optional)½ capsicum, cubed01 Put the pork and the rest of the ingredientsinto a saucepan and simmer until well cooked51Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds

BEEFESSPRINKLE12MASHEDÊgrowthsimmerYOGURTTUNA NTH OLDS{ }Serving Suggestion- Cut the meat finely and serve with rice.- For younger children purée using a blender.serve

aby beef stroganoff(Adapted from: Homemade Baby Food Recipes)225g lean sirloin steak,cut into thin strips1 tablespoon margarine½ large onion, chopped55g mushrooms, sliced½ garlic clove, crushed1 tablespoon tomato sauce2 tablespoons ofWorcestershirePinch black pepper½ cup natural yoghurt01 Melt the margarine in a frying pan and sautéthe onions02 Add the meat and cook until brown03 Stir in the mushrooms, garlic, tomato sauce,Worcestershire sauce (if using) and black pepper,and cover04 Cook over low heat for 30 minutes until the meatis tender05 Just before serving, stir in the yoghurt. Warm through,but be careful not to boil53Recipes For 7-12 Month Olds


Family meals with redmeat, chicken and fishIncluding a variety of red meat,chicken and fish in your toddlerfriendly family meals provideprotein and other nutrientsessential for good health.Protein foods provide the bodywith amino acids. Essentialamino acids must be obtainedfrom the diet because theycannot be made by the body.Proteins from animal foodssuch as red meat, chicken andfish are ‘complete’ proteins asthey provide all the essentialamino acids.Protein is needed for:••growth and repairof body cells••normal functioningof muscles••transmission of nerveimpulses; and••immune protectionOther nutrientsRed meat is an excellent sourceof haem iron and zinc that areeasily absorbed by the bodyIt also contains vitamin B12.Iron is needed for carryingoxygen around the body, fornormal brain development, andit helps to create energy forgrowth. Zinc is important forhealthy skin, normal growthand development, and for healingwounds. Vitamin B12 is alsoneeded to make red blood cells,and to maintain healthy nervesand good mental abilities.Also packed with importantvitamins and minerals, skinlesschicken is low in fat, particularlysaturated fat. Saturated fat raisesblood cholesterol levels whichcan lead to heart disease.Oily fish (e.g. mackerel, sardines,tuna and salmon) contain omega3 fatty acids which also reduceyour risk of heart disease.The National Heart Foundationrecommends eating 2-3 mealsof oily fish per week forprotective benefits.55Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGmmerGRILLEDPATTIESBOLOGNESEsagneCURRYedFISHLEANBEEFCHOPMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊPREPARE{ }Serving SuggestionSTIR-FRY- Serve with extra vegetables or mixed salad leaves.

mexican beef lasagne(Tea Tree Gully Child Care Centre)400g lean beef mince400g tin kidney beans420g tin tomato soup1 cup onion, finely diced½ cup grated cheese4-6 lasagne sheets1 tablespoon oil01 Heat a lightly-oiled frying pan over medium heat.Add onion and cook until soft02 Add mince and cook until brown03 Add kidney beans and tomato soup to the mince andallow to simmer for 5 minutes stirring occasionally04 Preheat oven to 180 °C05 In a lightly greased oven-proof dish, spread a layerof the meat sauce over the base. Cover with a layerof lasagne sheets06 Continue layering with the remaining lasagne sheetsand meat sauce07 Top with grated cheese08 Bake in pre-heated oven for 40 minutes or until thepasta is cooked57Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGsimmerGRILLEDPATTIESBOLOGNESEN lasagneTY CURRYincedironSPOULTRYCHYUMMYFISHLEANBEEFCHOPASONEDMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊCooking TermPREPARESTIR-FRY{ }- Sauté: to cook food quickly in a small amountof oil.Lamb

indonesian nasi goreng(North East Community Child Care Centre)1 ½ cup uncooked rice500g chicken fillets, diced2 carrots, grated1 onion, sliced½ teaspoon crushed garlic1 capsicum, diced2 cups cabbage, shredded1 eggOil for sautéPepper, to tasteSalt-reduced soysauce, to taste½ teaspoon each paprika,turmeric, cumin01 Cook rice according to packet directions02 In a frying pan sauté capsicum, cabbage and carrotwith seasonings and remove from pan03 Sauté onion and garlic until soft. Add chicken piecesand cook until brown04 Add egg to the mixture stirring until cooked05 In a large microwavable bowl, mix together rice, cookedvegetables and meat. Season with pepper and soy sauce06 Microwave for 3 minutes or until heated through. Serve59Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish


moroccan chicken(Local Kids Seaford)1 small onion, chopped1 carrot, cut into 3cmlengths2 cloves garlic, grated2 teaspoons ground cumin1 teaspoon groundcinnamonPinch of cloves½ teaspoon groundturmeric½ teaspoon paprika1 teaspoon groundcoriander½ teaspoon fennel seeds500g chicken breast orthighs, cubed400g tin tomatoes, chopped½ tablespoon honey1 teaspoon grated orangerind1 large zucchini, cut into 3cm lengths30g dried apricots, chopped400g tin chickpeas, drained2 tablespoons canola oil01 In a lightly-oiled heated saucepan, cook onion andcarrot until nearly brown. Remove from pan02 Reduce heat and add remaining oil, garlic and spices.Cook, stirring for 2 minutes03 Add chicken pieces and stir to coat in spices04 Add onion and carrot mixture, tomato, orange rind, honeyand 1 cup water. Bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmerfor 20 minutes05 Add zucchini and apricots, and simmer for a further 10 minutes06 Add chickpeas and stir to heat through61Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSSE RAWPREPARESTIR-FRYMASHEDÊCHOPPreparationDLamb{ }- For young children (e.g. 7 months), blendthe Bolognese in a food processor for asmoother consistency.

creamy pasta bolognese(Angaston Child Care and Early Learning Centre)400g lean beef mince1 onion, finely diced2 cloves garlic, grated1 large carrot, finely diced1 large zucchini,finely diced420g can diced tomatoes1 tablespoon tomato paste2 tablespoons cream cheese1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs250g macaroni, or pastaof choice01 Cook pasta according to packet directions02 In a frying pan brown onion, garlic and mince03 Add diced carrot and zucchini. Sauté for 2-3 minutes04 Stir in mixed herbs, tomato paste, cream cheeseand diced tomatoes. Simmer uncovered for 5 minutesstirring occasionally05 Serve pasta topped with meat sauce63Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGDICEDsimmerYUMMYCHOPMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONGRILLEDPATTIESStuffedYIROSBOLOGNESE RAW sizzlingEN lasagneTY CURRYLEANPREPARESTIR-FRYPSincedironPOULTRYFISHEASONEDCHBEEFHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊ{ }Cooking Term- Blanch: to cook raw ingredients in boilingwater briefly.Lamb

chicken andbroccoli bake(Kaurna Plains Child Care Centre)2 tablespoons olive oil400g chicken fillet, cubed3 medium potatoes,boiled and sliced1 head of broccoli, blanched420g tin cream ofchicken soup¼ cup breadcrumbs½ cup grated cheese01 Heat oil in a pan, brown chicken on all sides andtransfer to a plate02 Line the base of an oven-proof dish with slicedpotatoes. Top with chicken and broccoli03 Pour over chicken soup04 Combine together cheese and breadcrumbs.Sprinkle over the dish05 Bake in pre-heated 180 °C oven for 40 minutes untilchicken is cooked and the topping is golden brown65Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGsimmerGRILLEDPATTIESBOLOGNESEN lasagneTY CURRYincedironSPOULTRYYUMMYFISHCHOPMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWLEANCooking TermBEEFYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊPREPARE{ }STIR-FRY- Simmer: to cook in liquid just below boilingwith small bubbles rising gently to the surface.

chilli con carne(Local Kids Wireless Road)Olive oil spray500g lean beef mince1 brown onion, chopped2 cloves of garlic, crushed1 large capsicum400g tin crushed tomatoes2 tablespoons tomato paste250ml salt-reduced beef stock400g tin red kidney beans3 tablespoons sweetchilli sauce01 Cook mince in heated sprayed pan, until brown.Add onion, garlic, capsicum, and stir02 Add crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, beef stock,kidney beans and sweet chilli sauce. Bring to the boil03 Reduce heat and simmer for approximately 10 to 15minutes until mixture thickens67Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGsimmerGRILLEDPATTIESBOLOGNESEN lasagneTY CURRYincedironSOULTRYYUMMYFISHCHOPMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWLEANCooking TermBEEFYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊPREPARE{ }STIR-FRY- Shred: to tear or cut food into thin pieces.

chow mein(Whyalla Child Care Centre)500g lean chicken mince¼ cabbage, shredded2 cups frozen beans2 packets 2-minuteinstant noodles1 tablespoon curry powder1 tablespoon salt-reducedvegetable stock powder01 In a lightly oiled frying pan, cook mince until brown.Stir through curry powder and vegetable stock powder02 Add cabbage and beans. Cover and leave untilvegetables are cooked03 Prepare instant noodles according to packetdirections, leaving out the seasonings04 Combine meat and vegetables with instant noodleswhen ready to serveHave some fun, try eating with chopsticks for a change!69Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

asian chicken loaf(Waikerie Children’s Centre)500g lean chicken mince1 cup quick cooking oats1 egg, lightly beaten1 medium carrot, grated1 medium zucchini, grated3 spring onions, finely sliced½ cup coriander, chopped1 cup frozen baby peas2 tablespoons Hoisin sauce01 Grease a 14cm x 24cm loaf tin. Line the base andsides with grease-proof paper02 In a large bowl, mix together mince, oats, egg,carrot, zucchini, spring onions, coriander, peas andHoisin sauce until well combined03 Press chicken mixture into prepared tin04 Cook uncovered at 180 °C for about 50 minutes oruntil cooked through05 Stand for 5 minutes before turning out on a tray06 Brush Hoisin sauce over top of loaf and serve71Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

<strong>SA</strong>LMONLLEDIESStuffedYIROSNESE sizzlingeCHOMEATRAWHAMBURGERSEDÊ{ }Serving Suggestion- Serve with rice.

mild lamb andvegetable curry(Iddy Biddy Kids)500g lean lamb, diced1 celery stick, diced½ tablespoon curry powder¼ cup French onionsoup powder1 leek, sliced1 carrot, diced200g crushed pineappleGarlic, to tasteWater01 In a lightly oiled pan, fry garlic and curry powder02 Add lamb, vegetables and pineapple03 Cook over medium heat until lamb is tender,adding water as needed04 Add soup powder and stir to thicken the curry73Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGmerGRILLEDATTIESOLOGNESEagneURRYedFISHLEANBEEFCHOPONEDMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊPREPARESTIR-FRY{ }Cooking Term- Dollop: a lump, scoop or spoonful of soft food,or a small quantity or splash of liquid.Lamb

yiros style lamb wraps(Waite Campus Children’s Centre)250g lean lamb, diced1 tablespoon mixed herbs1 tablespoon olive oil1 tablespoon crushed garlic1 packet pita breadTzatziki01 In a bowl mix together herbs, olive oil and garlic02 Marinate lamb, leave in the fridge for 30 minutes orovernight03 Cook in fry pan until tender04 Wrap in pita bread and serve with garden saladand a dollop of Tzatziki75Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

spaghetti bake(Local Kids Montebello)300g uncooked spaghetti2 tablespoons crushed garlic1 onion, diced500g lean beef mince¾ cup grated carrot¾ cup celery, thinly sliced¾ medium capsicum, diced2x 400g tinned tomatoes2 tablespoons gratedparmesan cheese¾ cup grated tasty cheesePepper, to taste01 Pre-heat oven to 180 °C02 Cook spaghetti according to packet directions.Drain and set aside03 In a large lightly oiled non-stick frying pan, sautéonion and garlic for 1 minute04 Add mince, combine and cook until brown05 Add carrot, celery, capsicum, tinned tomatoes,pepper and cook for 3 minutes06 Fold in cooked spaghetti combining well withmince sauce07 Pour into an oven-proof dish. Sprinkle with cheeseand bake for 35 minutes77Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

CHICKENTASTY CURRYCHOEDÊPRlasagneBOLOGNESEsHAMPATTIESRAWYsimmer<strong>SA</strong>LGRILLEDStuDICED{ }Cooking Term- To taste: to add an ingredient to a recipe in anamount which indicates the personal preferenceof the cook.M

eef, tomato andmushroom braise(Loxton District Children’s Centre)500g lean beef steak, cutinto 1.5cm wide strips1 tablespoon oilA little extra olive oil1 onion, cut into wedges2 cloves garlic, crushed250g button mushrooms,halved100g frozen spinach500g jar tomato pasta sauce2 tablespoons tomato paste1 cup salt-reducedbeef stockPepper to tastePinch of sugar01 Season beef with pepper02 Stir-fry in a lightly oiled fry pan and transferto a casserole dish03 Add a little oil to the pan and cook garlic andmushrooms for 2 minutes or until mushroomsare golden04 Add spinach, tomato pasta sauce, tomato paste,stock, pepper and sugar, stir until the mixture boils05 Pre-heat oven to 180 °C06 Pour over the beef in the casserole dish and stirto combine07 Cover the casserole dish, place in oven and cookfor 30 minutes or until beef is tender79Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGmmerGRILLEDPATTIESBOLOGNESEsagneCURRYedFISHLEANBEEFCHOPMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊPREPARE{ }STIR-FRYCooking Term- Simmer: to cook in liquid just below boilingwith small bubbles rising gently to the surface.

creamy tuna, leek andbroccoli risotto(Hackham West Children’s Centre)1 teaspoon olive oil5 mushrooms, sliced2 garlic cloves1 ½ cups uncooked rice3 ½ cups water1 tablespoon salt-reducedchicken stock powder375ml evaporated milk2 cups peas1 leek, finely chopped1 cup broccoli florets425g tin tuna, drained2 tablespoons gratedparmesan cheese01 Heat oil in a saucepan. Add mushrooms and garlic,and cook for 1 minute02 Add rice, water, stock powder and evaporatedmilk, and stir03 Add peas, leek, broccoli and tuna04 Bring to the boil, stirring05 Simmer covered for 10 minutes06 Simmer for a further 10 minutes until rice is cooked07 Top with cheese and serve81Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

<strong>SA</strong>LMONLEDIESStuffedYIROSNESE sizzlingeANCHOPMEATRAWHAMBURGER<strong>SA</strong>SHEDÊ{ }PREPARESTIR-FRYNutrition- Remember: Include an additional iron sourcewith white meat dishes.

tuna slice(Loxton District Children’s Centre)200g savourybiscuits, crushed1 onion, finely chopped425g tin tuna, drained1 cup grated cheese3 eggs1 cup milkPepper to taste01 In a bowl, combine biscuits, cheese, tuna, onionand pepper02 Lightly beat eggs, add milk and pour into thetuna mixture. Stir to combine ingredients together03 Pour in a greased tin or oven-proof dish04 Bake at 180 °C for 45mins or until cooked05 Cut up and serve hot or coldServe with some broccoli and other vegetables! Yum…83Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish


potato topped fish pie(Hope Valley Child Care Centre)425g tin tuna, drained4 potatoes, cubed½ red capsicum,finely chopped200g frozen mixedvegetables100g cheese, grated2 tablespoons margarine100g plain flour½ litre milk1 teaspoon mustard1 teaspoon chives1 teaspoon parsley01 Boil potatoes until cooked. Drain and mash withsome milk and ¾ of the cheese02 Melt margarine in a saucepan. Stir in flour.Gradually stir in milk with whisk until the mixturebegins to thicken03 Cook frozen mixed vegetables according to packetdirections04 Reduce heat. Stir in mustard, chives, tuna andvegetables05 Place fish mixture in serving dishes. Top withpotatoes and remaining cheese06 Place in moderate oven until heated throughand cheese is melted85Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

<strong>SA</strong>LMONDStuffedSSE RAWCHMEATYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSDÊ{ }Serving Suggestion- Serve with salad or other vegetables(e.g. steamed broccoli, cauliflower,carrot, pumpkin).

salmon patties(Tiny Tots Academy)500g sweet potato (orpotatoes), diced415g tin salmon, drainedand flaked1 cup dry breadcrumbs1 ½ tablespoon salt-reducedvegetable stock powder01 Pre-heat oven to 180 °C02 Steam sweet potato, drain well and mash03 Mix together sweet potato, salmon, vegetable stock,and breadcrumbs. The mixture should be firm enoughto handle (add extra breadcrumbs if needed)04 Shape into fish shapes or use cookie cutter05 Sprinkle with some extra breadcrumbs05 Cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown87Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGmerGRILLEDPATTIESBOLOGNESEsagneURRYedFISHLEANBEEFCHOPMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊPREPARE{ }STIR-FRYNutrition- Serving smaller quantities gives childrenmore incentive to eat the meals. They canalways ask for more and not be overwhelmedwith the larger servings.

sue’s tuna andsalad roll ups(Local Kids Kadina)2 x 185g tin tuna, drained2 cups lettuce,finely shredded2 cups grated carrots1 ¼ cup grated cheese1 packet soft wraps(or Lebanese bread)Small amount mayonnaise01 Spread mayonnaise thinly onto the wrap or bread02 Combine all other ingredients together.Spread evenly on one side of the bread03 Neatly roll up to form wraps. Cut to bite size piecesFinger foods are great for increasing hand eyeco-ordination and motor skills89Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish

sauceEATINGsimmerGRILLEDPATTIESBOLOGNESEN lasagneTY CURRYincedironSPOULTRYYUMMYFISHLEANBEEFCHOPASONEDMEAT<strong>SA</strong>LMONStuffedRAWYIROSsizzlingHAMBURGERSMASHEDÊCooking TermPREPARESTIR-FRY{ }- To taste: to add an ingredient to a recipe in anamount which indicates the personal preferenceof the cook.

tuna pasta bake(Clare Valley Children’s Centre)250g penne pasta1 small onion, chopped4 tablespoons salt-reducedcanola margarine4 tablespoons plain flour600ml milk300g cheese, grated425g tin tuna, drained420g tin corn kernels2 cups frozen mixedcauliflower and broccoliWhite pepper, to taste01 Cook pasta according to packet directions. Drain02 Microwave frozen mixed vegetables according topacket directions03 Melt margarine in a medium pan and fry the onionuntil tender04 Remove the pan from heat and stir in flour. Returnto low heat and stir for a few minutes04 Gradually add in the milk, stirring until the saucethickens and boils06 Add half of the cheese and stir until melted07 Put pasta, tuna, corn, cauliflower and broccoli intoa baking dish08 Add white sauce and stir to combine well09 Sprinkle with remaining cheese10 Bake at 170 °C until golden brown and bubbling91Family Meals With Meat, Chicken And Fish


Vegetarian Family MealsThe Dietary Guidelines forChildren and Adolescents statethat ‘children and adolescentsshould be encouraged to eatplenty of vegetables, legumesand fruits’.Vegetables and legumes containmany vitamins and minerals thatare good for health. They arealso low in fat, salt, sugar andare a good source of dietary fibre.In addition, legumes and nutsare a good source of proteinfor vegetarians.Even if you are not vegetarian,why not have a vegetarian mealonce a week? Start today!!!Try out our selection of recipesthat follow. Besides the benefitsfor you and the environment,your family will enjoy tryingnew tastes!Remember: plant foods containnon haem iron which is notas well absorbed by the bodyas haem iron in meat. It isimportant to combine thesefoods with foods that are high invitamin C to help absorb the iron(see pg. 17-19).93Vegetarian Family Meals

BoilPKINFLOURARIAN<strong>SA</strong>LADOUPhealthyOIL{ }WRAPSONIONSStorage And Left Overs- Left-overs make a great lunch the next day.CRUSHED

lentil roast(Goodwood Community Child Care Centre)1 tablespoon vegemite2 tablespoons saltreducedsoy sauce1 brown onion, chopped¼ cabbage, shredded150g breadcrumbs1 ½ cups uncooked rice375g red lentils150g cheese, grated1 tablespoon oil2 medium carrots, diced500g jar tomato withbasil pasta sauce01 Cook rice according to packet directions02 Place lentils in a saucepan with water and cookfor 15 minutes. While cooking, add vegemite andsoy sauce03 Fry onions, carrots and cabbage in oil until soft04 Combine rice, lentil mix, vegetables, breadcrumbsand cheese05 Mix well and place in a large roasting pan06 Cook at 170 °C for 30-40 minutes07 Heat pasta sauce in the microwave08 Pour over lentil roast and serve95Vegetarian Family Meals

BoilFLOURUMPKINETARIANIXSOUP healthyOILWRAPSONIONSCRUSHED{ }Cooking Term<strong>SA</strong>LAD- Purée: process food in a blender.

pumpkin soup(Whyalla Child Care Centre)1 butternut pumpkin, cubed1 tablespoon vegetablestock powder1-2 teaspoon nutmeg375ml tin light evaporated milk01 Boil the pumpkin until cooked. Add the stock powderand nutmeg02 Remove ½ of the water and set aside03 Purée the vegetables in a food processor then addevaporated milk. If required, add some of the waterset aside to achieve desire thickness.04 Stir well to mix over low heatYour family will love this soup served with wholemealbread rolls and cheese!97Vegetarian Family Meals

ussian potato romanov(Goodwood Community Child Care Centre)4 large potatoes, diced250g cottage cheese100g light sour cream4 spring onions, chopped1 red capsicum, diced2 garlic cloves, crushed½ teaspoon basil flakes½ cup grated cheese1 tablespoon oil01 Boil diced potatoes for approximately 10 minutesand drain02 Fry garlic, spring onions, capsicum and basil inoil until tender03 Add cottage cheese and sour cream to the mixtureand heat through04 Combine potato to vegetable mix and put intobaking trays05 Sprinkle with cheese and bake uncovered at180 °C for 30-40 minutes06 Serve with other vegetables99Vegetarian Family Meals

BoilPKINFLOUROIL{ }NutritionONIONSCRUSHEDARIAN<strong>SA</strong>LAD- Boost up your Iron: Include some tomatoes andcapsicum in your side salad!

oston bean bake(Port Pirie Child Care Centre)4 eggs1 onion440g tin baked beans125g cheese, grated2 carrots, diced½ packet frozen spinach2 teaspoons mixed herbsBreadcrumbs, as needed01 Sauté the onion in a lightly-oiled pan02 Add all ingredients to a large bowl (adding enoughbreadcrumbs to make a thick mixture)03 Mix together with cleaned, washed hands04 Put baking paper onto a tray. Place mixtureonto the tray. Press flat (about 3-4cm thick)05 Bake in oven at 180 °C for approximately 40minutes or until firm06 Remove from tray immediately onto wire racks(to prevent the bottom from getting soggy).Cool before slicing07 Serve with salad or cooked vegetablesThis makes an ideal lunch box snack101Vegetarian Family Meals

BoilKINFLOUROILONIONSCRUSHEDNutritionRIAN<strong>SA</strong>LAD{ }- Boost up your Iron: Don’t forget to include anadditional iron source + a fruit or vegetablehigh in vitamin C in or with vegetarian meals.

cheesy veggiepasta bake(Local Kids Wireless Road)250g penne pasta2 cups mixed frozenvegetables (e.g.broccoli, cauliflowerand carrot mix)1 tablespoon vegetable oil1 medium onion,finely chopped½ bunch spinach, chopped420g tin corn kernels½ teaspoon mustard½ teaspoon paprika½ cup plain flour1 cup milk420g tin tomato soup400g tin diced tomatoes1 cup grated cheese01 Cook pasta according to packet directions. Drain02 Steam frozen mixed vegetables, set aside03 Heat oil in pan, cook onion and spinach until tender04 Add mustard, paprika and flour, cook stirring over low heat05 Gradually add in milk and soup, stir until mixture boilsand thickens06 Add diced tomatoes, cook, stirring until mixture is hot07 Stir pasta, steamed frozen vegetables, corn and ¾ ofthe cheese into the tomato mixture08 Put into baking dish. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese09 Bake at 180 °C until cheese is melted103Vegetarian Family Meals

oilINFLOURIAN<strong>SA</strong>LADealthyOILPWRAPSONIONS{ }CRUSHEDCooking Term- Simmer: to cook in liquid just below boiling withsmall bubbles rising gently to the surface.

vegetable lasagne(Port Augusta Child Care Centre)4-6 instant lasagne sheets1 stick celery, diced1 onion, minced1 cup mushroom, sliced250g packet frozenspinach, thawed½ cup zucchini, diced1 capsicum, diced1 cup frozen mixedvegetables400g tin diced tomatoes400g tin tomato soup½ tablespoon driedparsley flakes2 garlic cloves, crushed2 tablespoons tomato paste½ cup grated cheese1 teaspoon mixed herbs01 In a pot, combine tinned tomatoes, tomato soup, tomatopaste, mushrooms, celery, zucchini, spinach, capsicum,herbs, parsley and garlic. Simmer until well cooked02 Add the mixed frozen vegetables and allow to cook foranother 2 minutes03 In an oven-proof dish, layer sauce between lasagne sheets.Cover with foil and bake at 180 °C for 35-40 minutes04 Sprinkle with cheese and serve105Vegetarian Family Meals


Why are healthy snacksimportant?Children need healthy snacksin between meals becausethey have small tummies andrequire small amounts of foodmore frequently than adults.A healthy snack should comefrom one or more of the fivefood groups. Offer your childa variety of healthy snackoptions of different colours,textures and flavours. Avoidhaving unhealthy snacks thatare high in sugar, fat or salt(e.g. muesli bars, potato crisps,chocolates, lollies) in the home.Easy and healthysnacks ready in a jiffy••Vegetable sticks with dips,plain corn on the cob••Cracker biscuits with saladvegetables (e.g. tomato),cheese or dips••Cheese slices on wholegraincrackers or crisp-bread••Rice cakes thinly spreadwith ricotta or cream cheeseand vegemite••Whole-wheat breakfast cerealand milk••Fruit yoghurt smoothie: blend½ cup fruit yoghurt + ½cup milk with ½ cup cannedunsweetened fruitor ½ banana••Raisin toast••Fruit: fresh, tinned in naturaljuice, cooked or dried••Frozen fruit such as cut grapes,peeled orange or mandarin••Fruit yoghurt••Custard with fruit••Boiled egg with toast fingers••Scones: plain, fruit or savoury••Baked beans on toast••Wholemeal toasted Englishmuffin or pikelets with jam••Crumpets with a scrape ofmargarine - topped withtomato and cheese••Fruit muffins (see next page)107Snacks And Light Meals

CKSTOASTBISCUITSCooking CEREAL TermCORN bakeCAKEUFFINSFRUITSsticking to it.S BANANA{ }BREADhealthy apricot- Grease: to cover the cooking surface of adish with oil or fat, to prevent the food fromYOGHURT

the kindy roomfavourite muffin(Kura Yerlo Child Care Centre)1 cup plainself-raising flour1 cup wholemealself-raising flour½ cup of brown sugar2 eggs, lightly beaten300g mixed berry yoghurt½ punnet strawberries½ cup vegetable oilA pinch of cinnamon(or your favourite spice)01 Preheat oven to 180 °C02 In a large bowl mix all ingredients together untiljust combined03 Pour mixture in greased muffin tins04 Bake in pre-heated oven for 20 minutes or until askewer inserted into the centre comes out clean05 Allow muffins to stand for 10 minutes and remove from tinMakes 24 mini muffinsOther Great Fruit and Yoghurt combo:••1 Mashed banana and honey yoghurt••½ cup tinned peaches and mango yoghurt109Snacks And Light Meals

chicken lavash pinwheels(Morphett Vale Early Learning Centre)200g tub hummus½ teaspoon ground cumin½ teaspoon groundcoriander1 tablespoon lemon juice4 pieces lavash bread2 teaspoons freshcoriander, chopped2 spring onions, thinly sliced250g shaved chicken1 cup grated cheddar cheese01 In a small bowl, combine hummus, spices and lemonjuice together02 Place lavash bread on a bench. Spread hummus mixtureevenly over the top03 Sprinkle with fresh coriander and spring onions04 Arrange chicken in a single layer over the top. Sprinklewith cheese and roll up bread in Swiss style05 Wrap rolls in cling film firmly, place in refrigerator untilready for serving06 Just before serving, cut rolls crosswise into 2cm slices111Snacks And Light Meals

CKSBISCUITSTermCEREALBREADCookingelectrical mixerCORN bakeCAKEFFINSFRUITSBANANA{ }healthy apricot- Beat: to make a mixture smooth with rapid andregular motions using a spatula, wire whisk or

yummy zucchiniand chocolate cake*(Keithcot Farm Children’s Centre)125g margarine, softened¼ cup packed brown sugar¼ cup white sugar3 eggs1 teaspoon vanilla essence½ cup yoghurt (any type)2 ½ cups plain flour3 cups or approximately 2medium zucchini, grated¼ cup cocoa2 teaspoons bicarbonate soda2 teaspoons cinnamon(or mixed spice)01 Pre-heat oven to 170 °C02 Line the bottom and sides of a 25cm square bakingtin with baking paper03 Beat margarine with sugar until light and creamy04 Mix in eggs, vanilla, yoghurt and ½ cup of the flour.Mix in zucchini05 Sift in remaining flour and add cocoa, bicarbonate soda,cinnamon (or mixed spice)06 Stir to combine. Pour into prepared baking tin07 Bake for 45 minutes or until the centre is firm* perfect for that special occasion... Try me to celebrate thenext birthday!113Snacks And Light Meals

KSBISCUITSCEREALCORN bakeCAKEFFINSFRUITSNANA{ }BREADhealthy apricotPreparation- If the hummus is too thick, add some ofthe cooking water to the mixture.

hummus dip(Wellington Road Child Care Centre)250g chickpeas1 garlic clove3 tablespoons of lemonjuice or vinegar3 tablespoons of oil2 tablespoons of cuminPepper to taste½ teaspoon salt-reducedstock powder (optional)01 Cook chickpeas in boiling water (with stock if desired)until soft02 Place chick peas in the blender with cumin, pepper,garlic, lemon juice and oil and process to a soft puree03 Serve with wholemeal pita bread or as a sandwich filler115Snacks And Light Meals

apricot banana bread(Port Lincoln’s Children’s Centre)1 cup plain flour1 teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoonbicarbonate soda½ cup sugar½ cup dried apricots, chopped1 egg½ cup milk1 tablespoon oil2 ripe bananas, mashed01 In a large bowl combine flour, baking powderand bicarbonate soda and sugar02 Add apricots and combine together. Make a well in thecentre of the dry mixture03 In a separate bowl beat the egg, milk and oil;and fold in bananas04 Pour wet mixture in the well and stir with the drymixture until just combined05 Pour in a greased-tin and bake at 180 °Cfor 65-70 minutes until well browned117Snacks And Light Meals

KSBISCUITSCEREALCORN bakeCAKEFFINSFRUITSNANA{ }BREADhealthy apricotStorage And Left Overs- These muffins can be frozen.- They are great for the lunch box.

cheese muffins(Kesters Road Child Care Center)1 ½ cups self-raising flour1 ½ cups cheese, grated2 eggs¾ cup milk01 Mix all ingredients together02 Spoon into mini-muffin tins03 Cook at 230 °C for approximately 8 minutesMakes 24 mini muffins119Snacks And Light Meals

CKSBISCUITSCEREALCORN bakeCAKEFFINSFRUITSBANANA{ }BREADhealthy apricotServing Suggestion- Once cooled serve with vanilla yoghurt

date cake*(Wellington Road Child Care Centre)250g pitted dates1 cup water2 eggs180g margarine2 cups self-raising flour2 tablespoons vanilla essence½ cup sugar (optional)01 Chop the dates and boil in water02 Cream together eggs, margarine and sugar and addvanilla essence03 Once dates are soft, combine with the mixture andfold in the flour04 Pour mixture into two greased loaf pans05 Bake at 180 °C for 30 minutes. If the skewer comes outclean from the cake then it is ready. If not, leave tobake for a further 10 minutes* Sweet treat121Snacks And Light Meals

short cake*(Gawler Community Child Care Centre)125g margarine½ cup sugar1 egg1 cup plain flour1 cup self-raising flour800g tin apple, peachor apricot pie filling1 tablespoon white sugar1 teaspoon cinnamon01 Pre-heat oven to 180 °C02 Cream together margarine and sugar for 5 minutes.Add egg and beat well03 Sift plain and self-raising flour and stir to combine04 Press two-thirds of the mixture into the base of abaking tray05 Arrange fruit over the mixture06 Use remaining mixture and spread over the fruit layer07 Mix white sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkleon top08 Bake for 35-40 minutes* Ideal as a special celebration dessert123Snacks And Light Meals

CKSBISCUITSCEREALCORN bakeFFINSFRUITS{CAKE}Preparationhealthy apricot - For younger children omit toasting for aTOASTsofter muffin.YOGHURTANANABREAD

jodi’s cheesy tunaand corn muffins(Local Kids Kadina)2 x 185g tin tuna, drained1 cup cheese, grated210g tin creamed corn1 packet of English muffinsSpring onions, sliced (optional)01 Pre-heat oven to 180 °C02 Split and lightly toast muffins03 Mix all other ingredients in a bowl and spread ontothe muffins04 Place in pre-heated oven and cook until the topping isbrown and sizzling05 Allow to cool for 10 minutes125Snacks And Light Meals

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