Pacific Southwest Area Emmy Awards

Pacific Southwest Area Emmy Awards Pacific Southwest Area Emmy Awards

A Night to Celebrate!THANK YOU TO OUR2009 SPONSORS2009 EMMY AWARDSNATAS would like to thank the followingfor their Silent Auction and Gift Bagcontributions for the 2009 EMMY awards:So did you win an <strong>Emmy</strong>? It’sOK if you didn’t, really. Butif you did, we’re expectingthat you celebrated withsome amazing beer from theall-time top rated breweryon planet earth, the mostpopular and highest ratedbrewery ever – Stone BrewingCO! Congratulations…or not.WWW.NATASPSW.ORG(Photos courtesy of: Ken Barrett, Bob Gardner and Greg Penetrante)

2009 San Diego InducteesS I L V E R C I R C L E L U N C H E O NHonoringIndustry AchievementThe Silver Circle is open to individualswho began their careers intelevision at least 25 years ago, eitherin a performing, creative, technical oradministrative role within the industry,or in an area related to televisionsuch as TV journalism education, advertising,promotion, and public relations.The candidates must also havemade a significant contribution to <strong>Pacific</strong><strong>Southwest</strong> television for at leastpart of their 25-year career. Only currentresidents of the <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>Southwest</strong>region are eligible.The Silver Circle was establishedin 1983, and to date 233 membersin our Chapter have joined this mostprestigious honor roll. Nominationsare being taken at this time for the2010 induction class.For more infogo to BlauerDouglas FriedmanJim LaslavicCarol LebeauTom ReeserSammie Jo SwiftMichael TorresSILVER CIRCLE INDUCTEESSILVER CIRCLE INDUCTEESWWW.NATASPSW.ORG

2009 San Diego InducteesS I L V E R C I R C L E L U N C H E O NPhil BlauerSilver Circle Inductee“I love my job because I get to meet new peopleeveryday and I get to learn so much about theworld we live in.”Phil Blauer is an award-winning broadcastjournalist with more than twenty years experience.Before joining the News 8 team as a GeneralAssignment Reporter, Phil spent 15 years as the main anchor at KESQ-TV in Palm Springs. Phil has also worked as a freelance reporter forseveral Los Angeles TV stations including KCBS, KCAL and KCOP.The self-proclaimed news hound has covered major storiesincluding the O.J. Simpson trials and has interviewed PresidentsClinton, Bush, Ford, Reagan and Carter. Locally, Phil did extensivereports on the disappearance of Danielle van Dam and ultimately, theDavid Westerfield murder trial.Raised in Santa Ana, Phil started honing his journalism skillswhile working on student newspapers in high school. He went on tostudy Communications at Cal State Fullerton, where he received hisbachelor’s degree in Print Journalism. An internship with the OrangeCoast Daily Pilot newspaper in Costa Mesa led Phil into broadcastjournalism.Phil dabbled in radio news by anchoring a weekly public affairsprogram broadcast over several Southland stations. But, there wassomething missing. It was the visual aspect of storytelling. “I went tomy father and said he needed to pay for my dream of getting a master’sdegree from USC in broadcast news. He did and the rest is history.”In 1984, Phil took an anchor job in Palm Springs and stayed therefor nearly 15 years. “I loved the desert lifestyle. The people were alwaysfriendly and it was a pleasure to deliver the news there,” says Phil. Buthe has always wanted to work in the San Diego area, ever since fallingin love with it as a young boy. “I’ve already seen the energy and thelove people have for this area.”When he’s not chasing stories, Phil unwinds by listening to music,especially smooth jazz. He also enjoys sampling fine restaurantsaround San Diego County. And finally, when the day is done, he enjoysspending quality time with his wife, Rowena, his three teenagers,Collin, Robbie and Justine and his newest addition, Jaden, whosesmile and laughter makes everyday pure joy.WWW.NATASPSW.ORG

2009 San Diego InducteesS I L V E R C I R C L E L U N C H E O NCarol LebeauSilver Circle InducteePopular San Diego news anchorCarol Lebeau never thought she’d becelebrating 28 years at San Diego’schannel 10, KGTV, but that’s exactlywhat she did this May. Originallyfrom Davenport, Iowa, where shemade her radio and television debut at WOC- AM-FMandTV, Carol is a graduate of the University of NorthernIowa where she majored in broadcast journalism. “Ialso picked up a minor in Spanish,” says Carol, “neverimagining it would come in so handy!”Carol learned first hand at WMBD-TV what “playsin Peoria” after three years as anchor, photographer,producer, writer, talk show host and, “occasionallyturning out the lights in the newsroom…all the thingsyou do in a small market”.During her tenure at KGTV, Carol has accumulatedan impressive collection of awards; among them aGolden Mike, San Diego Press Club awards and C.Everett Koop award for health reporting. But one thatspeaks to her heart was from the Society of ProfessionalJournalists for a series called “Mission to Heal.” Caroland photojournalist Kyle Majors, accompanied a localrelief team of medical professionals who set up clinics intwo tsunami-devastated fishing villages in southeasternIndia.Carol has toured with the Pope, jogged with thePresident and interviewed Oprah. She also has thedistinction…along with TV colleague Kimberly Hunt…to be part of the longest-running female news anchorteam in the country.Even in retirement from local TV news, Carol haslost none of the personal enthusiasm that drew her tojournalism. These days Carol divides her time betweenfreelance health reporting and advocacy. “After coveringhealth news for nearly three decades, says Carol, “I’mnow excited to take my passion and expertise in thefield to a whole new level.”Carol is a master’s swimmer, competes in rough-waterswims throughout the West and enjoys long runs onthe beach. Her husband, Tom Hamilton, is a retiredNavy pilot. The couple enjoys living in Coronado with“Gizmo” and “Little Girl,” resident cats in charge.Tom ReeserSilver Circle InducteeTom Reeser is a native SouthernCalifornian who discoveredOceanside on surfing trips, fellin love with its beauty and decidedto raise his family here. Tomand his wonderful wife, Kim, areparents of two daughters — Melissa, a graduate of UCSanta Cruz who is a writer and is committed to organiccommunity farming; and Autumn Reeser — a televisionand film actress who resides in Hollywood with herproducer/writer husband Jesse Warren and Gatsby – aPapillion pup with a movie star attitude.Tom Reeser holds a degree in communicationsfrom Cal State Fullerton and is also an independentfilmmaker.For 22 years, Tom has been the guiding force andartistic inspiration of KOCT – the Oceanside Channels.He began his video career in the early ‘80s and at KOCTin 1987 as a video production technician. He quicklyassumed the role of station manager and in 1990 Tombecame KOCT Executive Director.KOCT is one of two non-profit, non-commercialcommunity television stations in San Diego County.When Tom started in 1987, KOCT produced around 75programs a year. Now with two channels and a growingOceanside community, KOCT produces more than350 programs annually. In addition to televising CityCouncil meetings, high school sports, documentariesand local festivals, this award-winning television stationis known for its extensive local election coverage. Tomsays, “I find it ironic that media experts are discoveringthat viewers, faced with innumerable media choices,seek out local information. Community channels likeKOCT were created for that purpose-and it’s what westill excel at.”In 2008, KOCT received its first <strong>Emmy</strong> award forthe youth-oriented “Climate TV!”, and an award fromAmnesty International, North County chapter, for itscommitment to broadcasting the message of humanrights. KOCT was also recognized by the Alliance forCommunity Media for the second time as the Best AllAround Public Educational and Government AccessStation in the United States.WWW.NATASPSW.ORG

2009 San Diego InducteesS I L V E R C I R C L E L U N C H E O NSammie Jo SwiftSilver Circle InducteeSammie began her career in 1975at age 19 when KCST (now KNSD)began a scholarship program forminorities and women. Through thisprogram she attended San Diego CityCollege and worked as a part-time broadcast technicaltrainee. She trained in various technical positions andwas hired full time in 1978. Over the years her skills haveincluded studio camera, matte board (those cards usedfor lower third text before the age of electronic supers),film op (when we had one projector that had the videoand the other had the sound reel), floor director, audiooperator, video tape (3/4 inch) playback, master controloperator and technical director.Sammie was promoted to director in 1986. She wasone of the first women to direct news in the San Diegomarket. One of the new projects Sammie was assignedto direct when KNSD moved downtown in 2001 was“Streetside San Diego”, a live multi-camera show outsideon the plaza with a live band. “It was a true team effort.Everyone got involved in the planning and pulling it offeach week”.In 2003, Sammie was among those recognized atthe 24 th Annual YWCA TWIN (Women in Industry)<strong>Awards</strong> and promoted to Supervising Director. Threeyears later, Sammie was assigned another new projectwhen KNSD launched “Football Night in San Diego”. In2007, Sammie received her seventh <strong>Emmy</strong> for directing“Football Night” and was promoted to Senior Director.Sammie met her husband, Fred, a broadcast engineerat KNSD in 1980 and they were married in 1984. In1989 Sammie and Fred celebrated the birth of their son,Daniel. This year Sammie and her husband, Fred, willcelebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.“I can’t believe it’s been 34 years. Time flies by whenyou enjoy what you do. I have such great memories ofeveryone that I’ve had the privilege to know and workwith over the years. I can’t go without mentioning BobDale and how grateful I am to have had the opportunityto work him. As I think back on the past 34 years atKNSD I still laugh at the fact that a lot of us actually livedthrough the “Anchor Man”. I’m still having a blast doingwhat I do”.Michael S. TorresSilver Circle InducteeMichael S. Torres, betterknown as Mickey, has beendirecting for more than 28years. As a native San Diegan,he attended St. AugustineHigh School, San DiegoCity College and UCSD. Justout of high school he receivedhis 1st Phone FCC EngineeringLicense. Mickey began working as a Disc Jockey for1 year before being the last one drafted into the USArmy.After his term of service, Mickey returned to collegeand attended San Diego City College where hereceived an Associates Degree in Telecommunicationsand News. He liked being an anchor/reporterin college, but he always enjoyed his work behind thescenes.Mickey interned at Channel 10 as a writer beforebeing hired on at KCST in 1976 as a part time cameraoperator for the debut of their weekend news. Soonthere after he was promoted to several production positionsincluding Floor Director, Audio operator, TechnicalDirector and Associate Director.Mickey became a Director in 1981. By 1986 hewas the main director for the 5:00 & 11:00 PM newscastsat KNSD. He was later promoted to Senior Directorthat included all outside station projects andlogistics. Mickey is a multiple <strong>Emmy</strong> and Golden MicAward winner. He is particularly proud of his team’sflexibility and coverage during the 2003 & 2007 Firesin San Diego in which he received an <strong>Emmy</strong> Award inTeam Coverage.He has been married to Christine Torres for 32 ½years and has 5 children, Angela, Teresa, Jaclyn, Michael& Allissa along with his favorite & only grandchild,Naya.WWW.NATASPSW.ORG

NATAS SCHOLARSHIPS2009-2010 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS2009-2010Scholarship RecipientsThis year the NATAS PSW Foundation and the NATAS PSW Chapterawarded 19 scholarships. Three of the recipients are pictured here,Danielle Creech from La Quinta High School, Christopher King fromCoachella Valley High School, and Nailah Johnson from CathedralCity High School. Board member and Scholarship Chair EllieWeiner presented the certificates at each respective High School’sScholarship Night. Part of your membership contributes to thesescholarships.Several members have also asked about and have contributed to thescholarship fund. You can contribute as little as $25, just make yourcheck out to NATAS PSW Foundation and send it to the Chapteroffice. The deduction is a 501(c)3 charitable contribution. Yoursupport helps make it possible to award these scholarships.WWW.NATASPSW.ORG

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