Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil


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<strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Innisfil</strong> <strong>Official</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>LAND USE POLICIES3.5.2.9 The storage and use <strong>of</strong> hazardous liquid or leachable chemicals includingpetrochemicals not classified as waste shall be regulated in accordance with theregulations and guidelines <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment and the policies for Wellheadprotection areas in Section 4.2. Site specific hydrogeological and stormwater studiesmay be required for new industries, particularly in the <strong>Innisfil</strong> Heights area, to ensureno impact on the groundwater and surface water from the proposed use. Such studiesshall be completed to the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong> in consultation with the applicableconservation authority. The implementing zoning shall set out specific requirementsfor the storage <strong>of</strong> such liquids and chemicals.Appeal #36 <strong>of</strong> Section 3.5.2 and all subsections thereto as it relates to <strong>Innisfil</strong> Heights. Conversion <strong>of</strong> a General Industrial designation to a non-employment area designationand use shall only be considered by the <strong>Town</strong> through a municipal comprehensivereview where it has been demonstrated that:i) the land is not required for employment purposes over the long term;ii)iii)there is a greater need for the conversion to the non-employment use;the <strong>Town</strong> will meet its employment forecasts including the activity rate targetestablished in the <strong>Official</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>;iv) the conversion will not adversely affect the overall viability <strong>of</strong> the remaining GeneralIndustrial designation;v) the conversion will not adversely affect the achievement <strong>of</strong> other policies <strong>of</strong> this<strong>Plan</strong> including the minimum density in designated greenfield areas and theintensification targets <strong>of</strong> this plan;vi) no land use conflicts are created and provincial guidelines with respect to noiseand air quality can be met; andvii) there is existing or planned infrastructure to accommodate the proposed use.Appeal #36 <strong>of</strong> Section 3.5.2 and all subsections thereto as it relates to <strong>Innisfil</strong> Heights. All development shall be served by the central water supply system. Until municipalsanitary servicing is available, only uses <strong>of</strong> a dry nature on private septic systems willbe permitted. Dry uses are considered to be uses which use water for domesticpurposes only which result in the production <strong>of</strong> domestic sewage.Appeal #36 <strong>of</strong> Section 3.5.2 and all subsections thereto as it relates to <strong>Innisfil</strong> Heights. Prior to municipal sanitary servicing being available, new development shalldemonstrate the appropriateness <strong>of</strong> the proposed lot sizes through a hydrogeologicalassessment conducted by a qualified hydrogeologist, satisfactory to the <strong>Town</strong>, whichshall assess the assimilative capability <strong>of</strong> the soils. Such study shall be completed tothe satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong> in consultation with the applicable conservation authority.Appeal #36 <strong>of</strong> Section 3.5.2 and all subsections thereto as it relates to <strong>Innisfil</strong> Heights. Before any major expansion <strong>of</strong> the water system occurs, a study shall be undertakento ensure that the present water supply is sufficient for the proposed type <strong>of</strong>development and the distribution system is adequately sized to maintain the requiredpressures over the ultimate service area. If upgrading <strong>of</strong> the water system is requiredthe costs shall be identified and incorporated into the development charges.Appeal #36 <strong>of</strong> Section 3.5.2 and all subsections thereto as it relates to <strong>Innisfil</strong> Heights. All development within this designation shall be subject to Site <strong>Plan</strong> Control in70Adopted July 26, 2006 <strong>Approved</strong> by <strong>OMB</strong> May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011

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