Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil


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<strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Innisfil</strong> <strong>Official</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>LAND USE POLICIES3.3.4.11 All dwelling units shall be designed and constructed to a high standard <strong>of</strong> quality andshall reflect the special requirements <strong>of</strong> persons <strong>of</strong> retirement age such as ease <strong>of</strong>access to and movement within the unit. The minimum gross floor area <strong>of</strong> living space shall be stipulated within theimplementing Zoning By-law. Dwelling units should be <strong>of</strong> an adequate size to ensurethat the development is in character with residential developments. In order to preserve significant areas <strong>of</strong> open space, residential development shallgenerally take place in a cluster fashion, closely linked along a linear road system or inthe form <strong>of</strong> multiple housing. However, certain areas may also be developed at lowerdensities on large lots. All internal roads shall be paved and <strong>of</strong> a standard and width that are reviewed andaccepted by the municipality. Multiple accesses may be required by the municipality.If these roads are to be assumed by the municipality at a future date, they are to bebuilt to municipal standards. External access roads may have to be improved in order to accommodate theincreased traffic flows resulting from the development. All commercial uses shall provide adequate on-site parking facilities and shall bebuffered by planting and by substantial spatial separation from adjoining residentialuses. Access points to parking areas shall be limited in number and designed in such amanner that will minimize the danger to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.Site Specific Exceptions: Sandy Cove Acres Adult Lifestyle communitya) The Sandy Cove Acres adult lifestyle community may be owned by both condominiumcorporations and a single owner-manager. Various forms <strong>of</strong> tenure may be madeavailable to the residents including condominium ownership, individual ownership andfully rental units. Condominium ownership is a desirable form <strong>of</strong> ownership for aresidential retirement community because it minimizes the amount <strong>of</strong> exteriormaintenance required <strong>of</strong> the residents. Furthermore, condominium ownership affordscommunal control over the maintenance <strong>of</strong> standards for communal areas andfacilities. The condominium corporation will have ownership over and be responsiblefor the maintenance <strong>of</strong> common areas around the dwelling units and other open spaceareas within the condominium corporation ownership.b) The single owner-manager will maintain ownership in, and will be responsible for theoperation and maintenance <strong>of</strong> any hotel or motel, marina, rental apartments, privateroads, golf course and waterfront open space and other major common areas. Theowner-manager will be responsible for such routine services as garbage collection.These ownership and operation arrangements will afford the single owner-manager asignificant degree <strong>of</strong> control over the standard <strong>of</strong> quality in the development and thelevel <strong>of</strong> services provided.c) Prior to authorizing any subsequent phase, Council shall review the traffic patterns and50Adopted July 26, 2006 <strong>Approved</strong> by <strong>OMB</strong> May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011

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