Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil


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<strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Innisfil</strong> <strong>Official</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>LAND USE POLICIESSection (i). These lands may be included within private lots extending fromthe adjacent shoreline residential area to the water’s edge.d) The southern limit <strong>of</strong> the Natural Environmental Area designation along theKempenfelt Bay shoreline shall correspond to a limit <strong>of</strong> development established asthe greatest setback calculated on Provincial Guidelines for the management <strong>of</strong>fish habitat and <strong>of</strong> shoreline slope hazards for large inland lakes and a stable slopeallowance criteria.e) The implementing zoning by-law amendment shall place the Natural EnvironmentalArea along the shoreline in a separate zone category. This zone category shallinclude the requirements to prohibit all buildings and structures, placement <strong>of</strong> fill,soil disturbance and removal <strong>of</strong> vegetation within this area except where suchworks are site plan approved.f) Significant and sensitive natural environmental features identified for preservationin the Environmental Review as non-development areas may be zoned in anappropriate zone category which will prohibit the erection <strong>of</strong> buildings or structures,the placement <strong>of</strong> fill, removal <strong>of</strong> vegetation or any soil disturbance within suchzones.g) The detailed planning and development <strong>of</strong> the land is to be done in accordancewith the recommendations <strong>of</strong> the Environmental Review. The EnvironmentalReview addresses the suitability <strong>of</strong> the proposed development in consideration <strong>of</strong>the existing Shoreline designation and the residential draft plan approvals and thenatural environmental features <strong>of</strong> the site. The Environmental Review identifiesappropriate measures to mitigate potential negative effects <strong>of</strong> development on thesignificant environmental features <strong>of</strong> the site and recommends means to ensurethat such means will be applied in the course <strong>of</strong> development and building on site.The <strong>Town</strong>, in consultation with the Conservation Authority, will be satisfied with theEnvironmental Review and the methods <strong>of</strong> implementing the recommendationsprior to approval <strong>of</strong> a revised draft plan and conditions and a zoning by-lawamendment on the lands.h) Protection <strong>of</strong> the shoreline slope and the integrity <strong>of</strong> the South Shore KempenfeltBay ESA is a key concern <strong>of</strong> Council in development <strong>of</strong> the Shoreline area. Withinthe shoreline Natural Environmental Area, the potential locations for individual lotaccess to the water will be identified through a full Shoreline Access Study to beprepared prior to subdivision plan registration. Stairway access structures,removable docks and storage buildings may be permitted in the NaturalEnvironmental area where and how, as determined by the Shoreline Access Study,and only when designed and constructed in accordance with a site plan andsupporting references prepared by qualified persons to the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Town</strong>, the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Natural Resources and the Lake Simcoe RegionConservation Authority.i) The site plan and supporting references will identify the specific location, size andspecifications <strong>of</strong> all such proposed facilities and assess the impacts <strong>of</strong> all suchfacilities on the vegetation and slope stability <strong>of</strong> the shoreline. The requirement forthe site plan and technical references shall be incorporated in the SubdivisionAgreement so that each lot purchaser will be made aware <strong>of</strong> the constraints and46Adopted July 26, 2006 <strong>Approved</strong> by <strong>OMB</strong> May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011

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