Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil


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<strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Innisfil</strong> <strong>Official</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>LEFROY SECONDARY PLANe) Lands within the WDAA shall be subject to a holding provision in theimplementing zoning by-law which shall only be lifted once studies in accordancewith subsections c) and d) demonstrate that there will be no unmitigatable publichealth and safety risks. The lifting <strong>of</strong> the holding provision shall also only be liftedonce a development agreement has been entered into with the owner <strong>of</strong> theproperty being developed or redeveloped, which agreement shall incorporate thestudy requirements set out above and any necessary warning provision to futurepurchasers.f) Mitigation measures or activities, identified through studies conducted inaccordance with subsection d), shall be implemented through the registration <strong>of</strong> adevelopment agreement registered on title to the subject lands. These studiesand measures shall be used to assist the Chief Building <strong>Official</strong> in implementingthe applicable Building Code requirements, as amended or replaced from time totime.g) The holding provision referred to above shall not apply to the following:i) interior alterations to existing structures;ii) exterior alterations that do not expand the footprint <strong>of</strong> an existing structure;iii) new structures or alterations to existing structures which are not habitableand where such structures do not prevent the free movement <strong>of</strong> air into theatmosphere;iv) any structure that does not require a building permit.13.5.8 Noise and Vibrationa) Potential noise sources within the Secondary <strong>Plan</strong> area include but may not belimited to:i) Simcoe Road 39ii) 5 th Lineiii) The A.C.D.C. Newmarket Subdivision rail line;iv) The Lefroy D.S. transformer on Killarney Beach Road.b) Where residential development is located within proximity to the facilities listed insubsection a), proponents will be required to undertake noise analysis reportsprior to draft plan <strong>of</strong> subdivision approval. Such studies shall use recognizednoise and prediction techniques and incorporate appropriate mitigation measuresto minimize impacts. The noise report shall be prepared to the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Town</strong> in consultation with the railway and the County <strong>of</strong> Simcoe whereapplicable.c) The Noise Analysis Report shall contain an assessment <strong>of</strong> noise levels to whichthe proposed uses will be subjected before and after abatement measures areinstalled, for the existing and anticipated situation during both day time and nighttime hours.216Adopted July 26, 2006 <strong>Approved</strong> by <strong>OMB</strong> May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011

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