Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil

Innisfil Official Plan OMB Approved - Town of Innisfil


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<strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Innisfil</strong> <strong>Official</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>IMPLEMENTATION9.20.47 Site alteration: means activities, such as grading, excavation and the placement <strong>of</strong> fillthat would change the landform and natural vegetative characteristics <strong>of</strong> a site.9. 20.48 Significant Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Resources means resources thatare valued for the important contribution they make to our understanding <strong>of</strong> the history<strong>of</strong> a place, an event, or a people. Criteria for determining significance for theresources identified in sections (c)-(g) are recommended by the Province, butmunicipal approaches that achieve or exceed the same objective may also be used.While some significant resources may already be identified and inventoried by <strong>of</strong>ficialsources, the significance <strong>of</strong> others can only be determined after evaluation.9. 20.49 Specialty Crop Areas: means areas designated using evaluation proceduresestablished by the province, as amended from time to time, where specialty cropssuch as tender fruits (peaches, cherries, plums), grapes, other fruit crops, vegetablecrops, greenhouse crops, and crops from agriculturally developed organic soil landsare predominantly grown, usually resulting from:a) soils that have suitability to produce specialty crops, or lands that are subject tospecial climatic conditions, or a combination <strong>of</strong> both; and/orb) a combination <strong>of</strong> farmers skilled in the production <strong>of</strong> specialty crops, and <strong>of</strong> capitalinvestment in related facilities and services to produce, store, or process specialtycrops.9.20.50 Strip Development: means lots along arterial, collector and local roads in theCountryside, which are not part <strong>of</strong> an internal local road system designed specificallyto provide groups <strong>of</strong> residential, commercial, industrial, or similar lots with access; andwhere lots are arranged in linear configurations <strong>of</strong> more than three non-farm lots within200 metres <strong>of</strong> the proposed lot line as measured along the frontage <strong>of</strong> one side <strong>of</strong> theroad.9.20.51 Surface water feature: refers to water-related features on the earth’s surface,including headwaters, rivers, stream channels, inland lakes, seepage areas,recharge/discharge areas, springs, wetlands, and associated riparian lands that can bedefined by their soil moisture, soil type, vegetation or topographic characteristics. It isnot intended to include small surface water features such as farm ponds or stormwatermanagement ponds, which would have limited ecological function9.20.52 Valleylands: means a natural area that occurs in a valley or other landformdepression that has water flowing through or standing for some period <strong>of</strong> the year.9.20.53 Vulnerable surface or groundwater: means surface and groundwater that can beeasily changed or impacted by activities or events, either by virtue <strong>of</strong> their vicinity tosuch activities or events or by permissive pathways between such activities and thesurface and/or groundwater.9.20.54 Watercourse: means a body <strong>of</strong> water flowing in a reasonably definite channel withbed and banks.9.20.55 Wildlife habitat: means areas where plants, animals and other organisms live, andfind adequate amounts <strong>of</strong> food, water, shelter and space needed to sustain their140Adopted July 26, 2006 <strong>Approved</strong> by <strong>OMB</strong> May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011

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