Jutsu vs do 07_1.pdf - GKR Karate

Jutsu vs do 07_1.pdf - GKR Karate Jutsu vs do 07_1.pdf - GKR Karate

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karate) left Okinawa to introduce karate tomainland Japan. At the time, Japan’s majorstyles were Ju<strong>do</strong>, Ken<strong>do</strong> and Sumo. Funakoshipromoted the value of his Okinawaart (karate) as a means of self-improvement,and a means of developing mental andphysical health. He became an expert atlecturing about karate in Japanese universitiesand widened the scope in regards towho should practice martial arts. He statedthat karate, “should be simple enough tobe practiced without undue difficulty byeverybody - young and old, boys and girls,men and women”.» When Funakoshi was a child he sufferedfrom poor health. <strong>Karate</strong> training played amajor role in his genesis from a boy of poorhealth to a man rich in health and vitality.This could have easily been a major factorin his unique and extraordinary perceptionabout everything to <strong>do</strong> with martial artstraining. In his writings he states that, “<strong>Karate</strong>-<strong>do</strong>is not merely a sport that teacheshow to strike and kick; it is also a defenceagainst illness and disease”.» We are learning a fighting art essentially.But karate must become a way of life forthe practitioner, with the number one aimbeing to use the lessons of karate to instillcharacter growth. The acknowledgement ofkarate as ‘<strong>do</strong>’ is only the first step. The realchallenge is to start living it. The aim isn’t tolearn to defend yourself in the hope that thatone day you will, it’s more about learningto defend yourself, while at the same timelearning to control your emotions, actionsand decisions, so that when the time comeswhen the opportunity to defend yourselfpresents itself, you won’t be there!» Life itself is a struggle to remain positiveand maintain a healthy outlook. Thereare many outside negative influences thatwill definitely try to overcome our naturalpositive attitude. So in karate we learn selfdefence and we therefore develop confidenceand self-assurance. Is the ability todefend ourselves, however real that may be,the thing that helps to lift our self worth? Isthere a link between this and the fact that inlife we’re also learning to fight for our right tobe happy and confident? Interesting…?» One of Funakoshi’s most famous quotesis: “to subdue the enemy without fighting isthe highest skill of all.” So even in this quotedelivered by one of the most influential mastersin history, the message is to refrain fromviolent behaviour. The ‘<strong>do</strong>’ has overcomethe ‘jutsu’. A peaceful encounter is still awin for both the way and the skill. The twohave worked together to bring about a veryresounding result!» To have but to not need is having gainedthe real essence of ‘the way of’ and the‘skill’ in karate. This is our goal for the endresult. Allow karate to be something thatteaches you about yourself. It will push youto new limits and beyond, it will ask youto face your fears and it will expect thatyou grow in strength both physically andmentally. When we boil it all <strong>do</strong>wn, withoutthe ‘<strong>do</strong>’, karate-jutsu will have its limitations.You can have the greatest skill level, butwith little character growth, you will be lackingin what is the most important benefit inyour karate journey. | SHIMBUN

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