President's Day Lesson - TCI

President's Day Lesson - TCI

President's Day Lesson - TCI

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P R E S I D E N T S’ D A Y L E S S O NBy George!L E S S O NIn onedayWhy is George Washingtonremembered as the “Father of OurCountry?”OverviewStudents play a game to learn about the life andaccomplishments of George Washington and other of ournation’s chief executives.Preview Students draw a quick caricature ofGeorge Washington and annotate with one detail theyknow about his life or achievements.Activity In a Response Group, students play a boardgame to learn about the life and achievements ofGeorge Washington and discover other presidential trivia.Processing Students return to their caricature ofGeorge Washington and add at least five details theylearned by playing the board game.ObjectivesIn the course of this lesson and participating in theclassroom activity, students will• recall the key events that took place during the life ofGeorge Washington.• discuss the importance of George Washington’s actionson successive administrations.• calculate interest on loans made from the bank during aboard game.Materials• Caricature of GeorgeWashington (included)• Drawing paper for studentsto create a caricature ofGeorge Washington.(Alternately: Student can usea website likewww.toondoo.com to createdigital caricatures.)• The board game By George!including directions, board,rules, banker’s tally,questions, and die – Createone game for every three tofour students. Directions forcreating the game are on thefirst page of the game.• Important Note: There aretwo versions of questionsprinted for you: Secondaryand Elementary. Be sure tochoose the appropriate onefor your students.1© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

P r o c e d u r e sPreviewSuggested time: 5-7 minutes1. Greet students at the door. Distribute drawingpaper to students as they enter the room.2. Project a caricature of George Washington.Challenge students to draw a simple caricature ofGeorge Washington similar to the one you areprojecting. Tell the students to annotate their imagewith one detail (fact) they know about Washington.3. Debrief the drawings. After three to four minutes,ask the students:• What details do you know aboutGeorge Washington?• Why is it important for us to study theaccomplishments of George Washington?• On what holiday do we celebrate the birth ofGeorge Washington?*Though commonly called Presidents’ <strong>Day</strong>, there is no federalholiday by such name. The third Monday in February is setaside by law to commemorate Washington’s birthday. Severalstates, however, do have a holiday called Presidents’ <strong>Day</strong>.Check your state to find out.Caricature of GeorgeWashingtonResponse GroupSuggested time: 20-30 minutes1. Place students into triads. Group studentsheterogeneously into triads.2. Explain the purpose of the activity. Project ByGeorge! (board game rules) to students and tell themthat this game is intended to give them an opportunityto examine the life, accomplishments, and challengesthat George Washington faced. Explain that whentime is up, you will challenge them to add details totheir caricature. (Important: You will need to havea board game for each triad. To save time, printeverything students will need for the game andhave the triads cut it out as part of their gameprep.)By George! BoardGame Rules© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com2

P r o c e d u r e s3. Explain the rules. Review the rules for the boardgame as a class, answering any questions studentshave regarding play.4. Let students play game. Allow the students 20minutes of play. Encourage students to begin a secondgame should they finish the first. (Students shouldshuffle trivia cards.)Working with upperelementary students?Consider allowing players toread all the trivia cards for twoto three minutes before playingthe first time so they will havesome immediate success.5. Transition to debrief the game. After every grouphas been given an opportunity to play at least onegame to completion, tell the students they will nowcomplete a class debrief of what they learned.6. Project caricature of George Washington. Ask eachgroup to brainstorm for 30 seconds any new detailsthey learned about George Washington. Tell thegroups to appoint one person who will share onedetail with the rest of the class.7. Have groups annotate caricature. Ask each groupto send their spokesperson to the front of the class toannotate the projected caricature using an InteractiveWhite Board or projector.8. Add any missing important information. If youfeel that groups left out any important information, besure to add it to the caricature. Ask the students someclosing questions:• What details about George Washington didyou find the most interesting?• What things did you find out about otherpresidents that you did not know beforeplaying the game?• Why is George Washington remembered asthe “Father of Our Country?”Want to know moreabout ResponseGroups?To learn more about this lessonstrategy and how to get themost out of it, visitTeacherGenius and viewsubmissions:http://teachergenius.teachtci.com/response-group/3© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

P r o c e d u r e sProcessingSuggested time: 10 minutes; complete for homework1. Challenge students to correct and add to theircaricature of George Washington. Allow studentsto select any details they learned regardingGeorge Washington and add to their caricature fromthe Preview.2. Have the students answer the Essential Question.Direct the students to answer the Essential Questionat the bottom of their caricature ofGeorge Washington.Going DigitalSuggestionIf you are working with upperelementary students, anothersite you can use to digitallycreate a caricature iswww.kerpoof.com4© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

Caricature of George WashingtonDirections: Draw a simple caricature of GeorgeWashington similar to this one. Write one detail(fact) that you know about him. Be prepared toshare.Cartoon created by tmray025© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

Game SetupThe game to learn allabout George WashingtonSetting Up the Game:• This game is for two-three players.• Give each player a marker such as a bingo chip or penny to use as a play piece.• Make 1 copy of cartoon quarters per game and cut out.• Make 2 copies of cartoon dollars per game, and cut out.• Make 1 copy of 50-50 question cards on colored cardstock per game and haveplayers place face down near the game board• Make 1 copy of the “Double It!” cards on colored cardstock (different from 50-50)per game and have the players place face down near the game board.• Make 1 copy of Banker’s Tally sheet per game.• Make 1 copy of dice per game and have players cut out and tape for use.© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

50-50 Trivia QuestionsTrue or FalsePresidents’ <strong>Day</strong> is a NationalHoliday.False – There is no federal holiday named Presidents’ <strong>Day</strong>.True or FalseWashington got every vote to bePresident.True – Washington won all 69.True or FalseWashington had four children ofhis own.False – Washington was a step-father though.True or FalseWashington was a slave owner.True – Washington owned a plantation in Virginia where heowned slaves. They were freed when he died in 1799.True or FalseWashington was not that rich.True – In 1789 he did not have a great deal of money andhad to borrow money to go to work.True or FalseGeorge Washington wrote theConstitution.False – Many people helped write the Constitution.True or FalseWashington had wooden teeth.False – Though he did wear dentures made fromhippopotamus bone and ivory.True or FalseWashington was born in England.False – He was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.True or FalseGeorge lived in Washington DCwhile President.False – John Adams was the first President to live there.© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

50-50 Trivia QuestionsTrue or FalseWashington became a 6-StarGeneral after he was dead.True – By law in 1976True or FalseWashington had scars from beingsick when he was young.True – He was scarred by small pox.True or FalseWashington earned $25,000 ayear as PresidentTrue – That was a lot of money at that time.True or FalseAs a boy, Washington chopped hisfather’s cherry tree down.False – It was a story made up to show how honest he was.True or FalseHe was the first President to useairmail.True – He used a hot-air balloon to deliver it.True or FalseGeorge was not the first person to becalled President of the United States.True – He was 15 th to have that title, but first under the USConstitution.True or FalseWashington was worried about beingburied alive underground.True – He even made people wait two days before theywould bury him after he died..True or FalseWashington was short.False – He was 6 feet 2 inches tall and wore a size 13 boot..True or FalseWashington was related to theKing of England.True – They were 3 rd Cousins© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

Wildcard QuestionsHow many Presidents have we had?A) 43B) 46Answer: A) 43 Presidents – Though Obama is our 44 thPresident, Grover Cleveland was president in two nonconsecutiveterms.Which President has a monument (statue) in WashingtonDC?A) LincolnB) BushAnswer – A) LincolnWhich former Presidents died on the same day in 1826?A) Washington and AdamsB) Adams and JeffersonAnswer – B) Jon Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died onJuly 4, 1826.What state has been where the most Presidents were born?A) OhioB) VirginiaAnswer – B) Virginia has had 8 presidents born there.A) 3B) 4How many Presidents have been murdered?Answer – B) 4 presidents have been assassinated (Lincoln,Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy)Which President was the tallest?A) James PolkB) Abraham LincolnAnswer – B) Abraham Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches tall.Who was the youngest President?A) Theodore RooseveltB) John KennedyAnswer – A) Theodore Roosevelt was 42 years, 322 daysoldWho is the only President not born in Hawaii?A) Lyndon JohnsonB) Barak ObamaAnswer – B) Barak Obama was born in HawaiiWhich President is on the face of a quarter?A) WashingtonB) JacksonAnswer – A) Washington is on both the quarter and dollar.© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

Game SetupThe game to learn allabout George WashingtonSetting Up the Game:• This game is for two-three players.• Give each player a marker such as a bingo chip or penny to use as a play piece.• Make 1 copy of cartoon quarters per game and cut out.• Make 2 copies of cartoon dollars per game, and cut out.• Make 1 copy of 50-50 question cards on colored cardstock per game and haveplayers place face down near the game board• Make 1 copy of the “Double It!” cards on colored cardstock (different from 50-50)per game and have the players place face down near the game board.• Make 1 copy of Banker’s Tally sheet per game.• Make 1 copy of dice per game and have players cut out and tape for use.© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

Banker’s Tally SheetIf a player borrows $1 from the bank, use this tally sheet to record it. Atthe end of the game, the player who borrowed money must pay the bankback for each dollar borrowed PLUS 1 quarter (which is interest).Player1TotalOwed x.25 perdollarPlayer2TotalOwed x.25 perdollarPlayer3TotalOwed x.25 perdollarBanker’s Tally Sheet & RulesRules to Game:1. The object of the game is to finish with the most money.2. One player should assume the role of banker and give toor take money from players when needed.3. Every player should place their game piece on the startbox to begin. Each player begins with $1.4. Roll the dice to see who gets the highest number. Thatplayer goes first, then rotate clockwise.5. Roll the dice and move that number of spaces.6. If a player lands on a picture of George Washington, theymust answer a 50-50 question. One of the other playersshould pull a trivia card (that is face down) and read it tothe player. If they are correct, the player earns 50cents from the bank. If the player is incorrect, they lose50 cents to the bank. Used cards should be set aside.7. If a player has no money, they must borrow a dollar fromthe bank, which must be paid back at the end of the gamePLUS interest. Interest is 25 cents for every dollarborrowed. The banker should write down the person’sname and how much they borrow throughout the gameon the Banker’s Tally Sheet.8. If there are no remaining 50-50 questions, shuffle thequestions, place the pile face-down, and pull from thetop.9. If a player lands on a “Double it” space, the player canplay any amount they have. If they answer the question(asked by another player) correctly, they double theiramount. If they are wrong, they lose double the amountand may be forced to borrow.10. The game ends when all players have reached the Redtile.11. At the end of the game, players should count their moneyand pay the bank back for any debt. The player with themost money wins.© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

By George! Game BoardIf your die roll landsyou exactly here,collect 1 quarterfrom each player asa retirement bonus.1789 – Washington iselected the 1 stPresident under anew constitution.Win $11732 - Washington isborn on Feb. 22Win $1The game to learn allabout George Washington1793 – PresidentWashington is reelectedto a secondterm in office.Win $11780’s – The nationsuffers from a weakgovernment withArticles ofConfederation.Lose $11797 - US Populationhits 4 million duringWashington’s secondterm.Win $11794 - Washington isforced to put downrebellion of farmersin Pennsylvaniaprotesting Whiskytax.Lose $11749 - Washingtonhas first job as adultas a surveyor inCulpepper Co., VA.1781 - Washingtondefeats the Britishat Yorktown,Win $1Win $11754 - ColonelWashingtonsurrenders Ft.Necessity duringFrench & Indian War.Lose $11759 - Washingtonmarries MarthaCustis – Take 1quarter from eachplayer as weddinggift.1775 - ElectedCommander-in-Chiefof Continental Army.Win $11777 – During theRevolutionary warfollowing defeats,Washington and hisarmy suffer the coldat Valley Forge.Lose $1© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

50-50 Trivia QuestionsTrue or FalsePresidents’ <strong>Day</strong> is a NationalHoliday.False – There is no federal holiday named Presidents’ <strong>Day</strong>.True or FalseHe was the only US President toever win unanimously.True – Washington won all 69 votes in the electoral college.True or FalseGeorge fathered four childrenwith MarthaFalse – George & Martha had no children together..True or FalseWashington was a slave owner.True – Washington owned a plantation in Virginia where hewas a slave-holder. By his will, his slaves were freed uponhis death in 1799.True or FalseWashington had to borrow moneyto attend his own inauguration.True – In 1789 he did not have a great deal of money.True or FalseGeorge was the only President tosign the Constitution.False – James Madison also signed.True or FalseWashington had wooden teeth.False – Though he did wear dentures made fromhippopotamus bone and ivory.True or FalseWashington was born in England.False – He was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.True or FalseGeorge lived in Washington DCwhile President.False – John Adams was the first President to live there.© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

50-50 Trivia QuestionsTrue or FalseNo general will ever out-rank6-star Gen. WashingtonTrue – By law (1976), no other general can get above 5.True or FalseWashington was scarred bymeasles when he was young.False – He was scarred by small pox though.True or FalseWashington earned $25,000 ayear as PresidentTrue – That was a lot of money at that time.True or FalseBoy George chopped his father’scherry tree down, then admitted it.False – It was a fable created to show how honest he was.True or FalseHe was the first President to useairmail.True – He used a balloonist to deliver it.True or FalseGeorge was not the first person to holdthe title President.True – He was 15 th to have that title, but first under the USConstitution.True or FalseGeorge instructed he not be buriedfor at least two days after he died.True – He was afraid of being buried alive.True or FalseWashington was average inheight for his time.False – He was 6 feet 2 inches tall and wore a size 13 boot..True or FalseWashington was related to KingGeorge III.True – George and George were 3 rd Cousins© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

Wildcard QuestionsHow many Presidents have served under the US Constitution?A) 43B) 44C) 45D) 46Answer: A) 43 Presidents – Though Obama is our 44 th President, GroverCleveland was president in two non-consecutive terms.Which Presidents have monuments erected at the Washington Mall?A) Washington, Jefferson, and ReaganB) Lincoln, Ford, and JeffersonC) Washington, Jefferson, and LincolnD) Jefferson, Lincoln, and PolkAnswer – C) Washington, Jefferson, and LincolnWhich former Presidents died on the same day in 1826?A) Washington and AdamsB) Adams and JeffersonC) Jefferson and MadisonD) Adams and MadisonAnswer – B) Jon Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826.What state has been the birthplace of the most Presidents?A) OhioB) New YorkC) VirginiaD) PennsylvaniaA) 1B) 2C) 3D) 4How many Presidents have been assassinated?Which President was the tallest?A) James PolkB) Barak ObamaC) Woodrow WilsonD) Abraham LincolnAnswer – C) Virginia has had 8 presidents born there.Answer – D) 4 presidents have been assassinated (Lincoln, Garfield,McKinley, and Kennedy)Answer – D) Abraham Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches tall.Who was the youngest President?A) Theodore RooseveltB) John KennedyC) Franklin PierceD) George W BushWho is the only President not born in the continental US?A) Lyndon JohnsonB) Martin Van BurenC) Barak ObamaD) Jimmy CarterA) 11B) 12C) 13D) 14How many Presidents appear on US money?Answer – A) Theodore Roosevelt was 42 years, 322 days oldAnswer – C) Barak Obama was born in HawaiiAnswer – B) 12 – Lincoln, Jefferson, F. Roosevelt, Washington, Kennedy,Eisenhower, Jackson, Grant, McKinley, Cleveland, Madison, and Wilson.© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.comCartoon Quarters

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.comCartoon Dollars

By George! Game Dice42 1 32142 1 321© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute www.teachtci.com info@teachtci.com

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