User's Guide - Websense Knowledge Bases

User's Guide - Websense Knowledge Bases

User's Guide - Websense Knowledge Bases


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Chapter 4: Managing Log ServerServer creates a new log cache file when either the time limit is reached, orthe size of the current log file reaches the size indicated on this tab.WebCatcher tabUse WebCatcher to analyze unrecognized URLs and Security URLs forcategorization and the potential for security and liability risks. Storing fullURLs is not necessary to use WebCatcher. Subsequent downloads of the<strong>Websense</strong> Master Database will include category revisions reflected in theimproved filtering.NoteCurrently, intranet sites are not sent with WebCatcher. Thisincludes all sites in the 10.xxx.xxx.xxx, 172.16.xxx.xxx, and192.168.xxx.xxx ranges.Note that the information sent to <strong>Websense</strong>, Inc., contains only URLs anddoes not reflect individual user information.The following example illustrates the information that would be sent to<strong>Websense</strong>, Inc., if you activated 1 or both of the send options. The IP addressin this entry reflects the address of the machine hosting the URL, not therequestor’s IP address.You may need to make changes on your proxy server or firewall to permit thisinformation to be sent via HTTP post. For information on the types of changes96 <strong>Websense</strong>, Inc.

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