The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University


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782 <strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong>. June 5. 1995Instead <strong>of</strong> challenging the conserv<strong>at</strong>ive line on the deficit,the Administr<strong>at</strong>ion has echoed it. Now Republicans are saying,Put up or shut up. Recently Laura Tyson, the President’schief economist, suggested th<strong>at</strong> elimin<strong>at</strong>ing the budget deficitmight not be such a gre<strong>at</strong> idea. But it was too l<strong>at</strong>e: <strong>The</strong> WhiteHouse had already set out the cutlery for the Republican feast.JEFF FAUXJeff Faux is presden f <strong>of</strong> the Economic Policy Institute.Usual SuspectsAnotherabout theweek <strong>of</strong> continued media handwringmggeneral racial divlde on 0. J.’s innocence.How ever could black people give such credenceto all this trumped-up consplracy stuff? (Blacksare rel<strong>at</strong>lvely less educ<strong>at</strong>ed and therefore possibly more gull-Ible, opined one jury expert.) Meanwhde, it was another interestingweek on the home front. Flfteen more <strong>of</strong>ficers wereindicted in the Bronx for corrupt~on and racketeering. InJersey City, a man died <strong>of</strong> a be<strong>at</strong>ing while in police custody.And Earl Graves Jr., senior vice president for advertising andmarketing <strong>at</strong> Black Enferprlse Magazrne, was stopped andfrisked “from top to bottom” on his way to work, reported<strong>The</strong> New York Times. Graves “asked the [Metro North police]<strong>of</strong>ficers wh<strong>at</strong> kind <strong>of</strong> man they were looking for and wastold a black man with short hair. ‘Well, th<strong>at</strong> narrows it downto about 6 million people,’ Graves replied.”Please don’t get me wrong. In the Simpson case, a policeconspiracy would have to have been a pretty intric<strong>at</strong>e m<strong>at</strong>terinvolvmg an unlikely number <strong>of</strong> people-the odds are againstit, I think. But one should not have to be black to be worriedth<strong>at</strong> serious abuses <strong>of</strong> st<strong>at</strong>e-sponsored force occur far too frequentlynot to have eroded some measure <strong>of</strong> institutlonal leg~tirnacy.One should not have to be black to be worried abouthaving cre<strong>at</strong>ed a vlrtual caste system in which civil societyis divided into racially and ethnically presumptlve “suspectpr<strong>of</strong>iles” on the one hand and those unexceptional “all-American types” (as the F.B.I. described Timothy McVeighafter the Oklahoma Clty bombing) on the other.<strong>The</strong> blindness <strong>of</strong> too many Americans to the long, long history<strong>of</strong> police abuses In black communities-such as thoseth<strong>at</strong> fueled the L.A. nots-has resulted In a remarkably undemocr<strong>at</strong>ictolerance for police violence and corruption. Butscandalous practices do not stay confined to racial or ideologicaltiers forever. <strong>The</strong> erosion <strong>of</strong> publlc trust in pol~ce andother institutions <strong>of</strong> law enforcement has repercussions <strong>at</strong>every level. If fear <strong>of</strong> the black bogyman makes Robocop ahero, then we can hardly be surprised when those same hightechcowboy tactics-guns a-blazing, wires a-tapping-preciplt<strong>at</strong>edisasters in which not only members <strong>of</strong> MOVE butalso Branch Davldians perish.<strong>The</strong> medla coverage following the arrest <strong>of</strong> McVeigh wasamazing for the backflips by comment<strong>at</strong>ors who had beenspeaking <strong>of</strong> “these Middle Easterners” and “those people”and “thuggish, terrorist types,” into flowery discussions <strong>of</strong>how careful we must be not to prejudge “indivlduals” orto “indict all militias.” This contrast in styles <strong>of</strong> discoursemight be underscored by the tongue-in-cheek convers<strong>at</strong>ionI had with a friend who was raised on a farm in the Midwest,shortly after the arrest <strong>of</strong> McVeigh’s alleged accomplice,Terry Nichols.“I hope you don’t think all farmers from the heartland arelike this,” he said.“Well, I don’t know,” I replied. “<strong>The</strong> F.B.I. says th<strong>at</strong> JohnDoe Number live is a Mlddle Western type, and your peoplewould seem to fit the bill.”“No, really!” he pleaded. “Not all Mlddle Westerners areterrorists.”“I know, I know,” I comforted him. “In fact I don’t eventhink <strong>of</strong> you as a Middle Westerner.”“You know, Middle Westerners share the same values andrespect for life as anyone else. We’re just the same as you.”“Come now, let’s not get carried away,” I felt compelledto interject on behalf <strong>of</strong> scientific truth. “We New Yorkershave much higher I.Q.s, after all. Would the course <strong>of</strong> civiliz<strong>at</strong>ionhave veered so much as a hiccup if cornflakes had neverbeen invented? Face it, the Middle West has yet to produceits Tolstoy, its Mozart, its Brooke Astor. . . .”Wh<strong>at</strong> happens if the absurdity <strong>of</strong> this convers<strong>at</strong>ion becomesthe dominant mode <strong>of</strong> political speech? Wh<strong>at</strong> happens if Midwesternersbecome so mythologized and feared th<strong>at</strong> we juststop hiring them and arrest as many <strong>of</strong> them as we can andtie the tubes <strong>of</strong> their sturdy, too-fertile women, and cut <strong>of</strong>ftheir farm subsidles-they’re just sitting around stockpilingfertilizer with our tax dollars, after all-and build the kind<strong>of</strong> prisons where they will never again see the light <strong>of</strong> day?And surely wh<strong>at</strong>ever power on earth it would take to controlan evil like Midwesterners could never be called excesswe.Just think <strong>of</strong> how c<strong>at</strong>hartic it could be. Just think <strong>of</strong> howmany problems it would obliter<strong>at</strong>e. Just think <strong>of</strong> the jobs itwould cre<strong>at</strong>e. Just thmk . . . how simple, and how safe, theworld might be.PATRICIA J. WILLIAMS*BUSH, BACKSLID<strong>The</strong> N.R.A.’s so fevered rn rts talkTh<strong>at</strong> Bush the Elder sard he’d take a walk.Retired now, thrs Bush no longer needsTo cultiv<strong>at</strong>e fhe noxrous wacko weeds.Could this decrslon be the first small signTh<strong>at</strong> Bush, now th<strong>at</strong> he needn’t toe the he,WrIl be the Bush before his quo pro qwd-When he thought voodoo was as voodoo drd?WIN he become, whrle former foes rejoice,A man <strong>of</strong> rnoderairon-and pro-choice?Calvin Triflrn

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