The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University
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~~~ __~~~ ~810 The Nation. June 5, 1995CLASSIFIED.PERSONALSMERRY WIDOW seeks widower wlth pre de v~vre. 60-70, nonsmoker,N Y C Natlon Box 140NICELY RIPENED WOMAN, 53, slender, attractive. spmted. affectlonateand bnght, lover of books, blms. classical muslc andall thmgs out-of-doors, seeks love (passionate andcanng) wlthunpretentlous man of substance and humor Suite 86, PO Box529, Lexmgton. MA 02173CLASSICAL MUSIC LOVERS' EXCHANGE@. Natlonwlde llnkbetween unattached music lovers 1-800-2334" BOX 31.Pelham, NY 10803SINGLE BOOKLOVERS. a natlonal group, has been gettlng unattachedbooklovers together slnce 1970 Please wnte Box 117,Gradyvllle, PA 19039 or call (610) 358-5049DOMINATION? FETISH? Erudlte conversation Free Inqulryl(202) 3314433 Low, Lady Maw. (908) 2Bb8M8 Lave. NaneyEROTIC. INTELUGENT, IMAGINATIVE CONVERSATION. Unlnhlbltederploratlon ofyour Wual fantasm Dscrehon assuredInquire (617) 661-3849SILVER GUYS 6 DOLLS. A unlque. quallty personal ads publlcatlonfor those who wish to share thelr longevlty wlth Ilkemlndedseniors Fltty-he and over Quarterly Annual subscrlptlon$20 (800) 388-5888It mpondlng to a Natlon Box number send replies to NatlonBox -, The Natlon, 72 Flfth Avenue, New York, NY 10011POSITIONS AVAILABLETake advantage of The Nabon's reach to the pmgres~vecommunlty of Amerlca wlth our low rates of 4 Insertlons.$1 90 per word. 15 word mlnlmumEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: The Hesperlan Foundation, Internatlonallyknown publisher of Where There /s No Docfor Workwdh Board to develop vlslon for demystlfylng knowledgehoarded by "experts" and wrk for an accountable, democrabcglobal communlty Ideal candldate proven manager, background, lncludlng health education matenal,polltlcally committed. multlllngual, lnternatlonallst Berkeley,CA based Rbsumb wlth salary requirements to Search Commlttee.842 Key Route, Albany, CA 94706. before June 19~"1"ICLASSIFIED ORDER FORMPOSITIONS AVAILABLEWORK AND TRAVEL IN CUM wlth the Venceremos Brlgadethls summer, July23-August6 If you want to experlence Cubanot as a tounst but as a brlgadlsta then thls IS the trlp for youWe w~ll help to rebulld a hospltal Call (415) 267-0606 or wnteVenceremos Brlgade Box 7071, Oakland, CA 94601LIBRARIES FOR THE FUTURE, a New York-based natlonalnonproflt organlzatlon that advocates on behalf of the users ofthe natlon's publlc llbrary system, seeks an Advocacy Dlrectorto manage and expand a natlonal network of community-basedadvocates for publlc llbrarles Puallflcatlons excellent oral andwntlen communlcatlons skills, expenence wlth publlc Interestadvocacy, and program management Salary $30,000 plusbeneflts RBsume and detalled cover letter to Dlantha Schull,Llbranes for the Future,521 Fllth Avenue, Sulte 1612, NewYork. 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June 5,1995 The Nation. 811Crossword Puzzle No. 2526FRANK W. LEWIS$7 50 eachm Order now'ACROSS1 One mlght be concerned wlth the growth ofcorn (11)9 B1ll so-called mlght have 16 of the hght companyrather than the hght brlgade (7)10 Very dry to Capone-and very rough, (6)11 For one spell, the melon IS hke commg andgolng In the first three returned letters (7)12 Tendmg to be the obedlent type? (The braln ongm IS dlsturbedl) (7)14 Etchlng mlght-but don't stay home for dmner!( 3 315 Funny fellows. hke the vlllam of 10 mlsslng thepoint (8)17 Taffy was one much mahgnedl (7)20 Just free of the bottom, It sounds hke a propermethod. (6)22 One way to prove yourself loyal to a sort of comedian(5-2)24 Thls gave Mary a bad name1 (7)26 Take a short auto trlp at 507 Nonsense! (7)27 A confused ram and a befuddled French kmg.for example. have a polnt-at least they haveflre power' (8)28 A shade creased? (One rnlght be for game )(11)DOWN2 Whlte wmes at Informal dances? (A deposlt atsuch probably has a redeemmg feature ) (9)3 Unusual fragment commonly assoc~ated wlththe land of the 17"glven the sound of thebunny, perhaps (7)4 and 13 Evidently a bunch of dogs are gettlnold-so It lnvolves wrapplng up the content:(9)5 Maklng what suggests the nlght addmg on thsound, perhaps. (7)6 and 16 down It seems the b~ll run up IS qultloglcal-cons~der~ng what the bugler does(5,3617 A hlgh pomt wlth cat's beglnnlng, or somother an~mal (6)8 By the way, one IS sard to be born to It. (6)13 See416 See 618 Is It no longer legally wrong to get money lllegally7 (6)19 Comes from a different Mary than the one 0'24, but IS rather soppy! (7)20 Part of the lullaby-small, but deep. (7)21 See 25 down23 Obviously It should lnvolve a brand new story(5)25 and 21 A winner? Only partly when one IS ofthe board (4-6)PUZZLED?No more cross words Fmd out why "httlesklpper" IS a "truant" Send for a freecopy of Frank W Lew~s's Ground Rules toThe Nafzon, 72 Flfth Avenue, New York,NY 10011CALL TOLL-FREE 14300-793-2665AND MENTION REF # 035-07Tmes Books crossword-puzzle htks are avahble throughyour local bookstore. or fill out thls coupon and return toRandom House, Inc., 400 Hahn Road, Westmmster,MD 21157 Am Order Processlng0 Enclosed IS mv check or money order pavdble to ' h a BookChdrge my dccount wlh 0 AMEX 0 VIsa Ma$lerCdrdm-m

June 5,1995 <strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong>. 811Crossword Puzzle No. 2526FRANK W. LEWIS$7 50 eachm Order now'ACROSS1 One mlght be concerned wlth the growth <strong>of</strong>corn (11)9 B1ll so-called mlght have 16 <strong>of</strong> the hght companyr<strong>at</strong>her than the hght brlgade (7)10 Very dry to Capone-and very rough, (6)11 For one spell, the melon IS hke commg andgolng In the first three returned letters (7)12 Tendmg to be the obedlent type? (<strong>The</strong> braln ongm IS dlsturbedl) (7)14 Etchlng mlght-but don't stay home for dmner!( 3 315 Funny fellows. hke the vlllam <strong>of</strong> 10 mlsslng thepoint (8)17 Taffy was one much mahgnedl (7)20 Just free <strong>of</strong> the bottom, It sounds hke a propermethod. (6)22 One way to prove yourself loyal to a sort <strong>of</strong> comedian(5-2)24 Thls gave Mary a bad name1 (7)26 Take a short auto trlp <strong>at</strong> 507 Nonsense! (7)27 A confused ram and a befuddled French kmg.for example. have a polnt-<strong>at</strong> least they haveflre power' (8)28 A shade creased? (One rnlght be for game )(11)DOWN2 Whlte wmes <strong>at</strong> Informal dances? (A deposlt <strong>at</strong>such probably has a redeemmg fe<strong>at</strong>ure ) (9)3 Unusual fragment commonly assoc~<strong>at</strong>ed wlththe land <strong>of</strong> the 17"glven the sound <strong>of</strong> thebunny, perhaps (7)4 and 13 Evidently a bunch <strong>of</strong> dogs are gettlnold-so It lnvolves wrapplng up the content:(9)5 Maklng wh<strong>at</strong> suggests the nlght addmg on thsound, perhaps. (7)6 and 16 down It seems the b~ll run up IS qultloglcal-cons~der~ng wh<strong>at</strong> the bugler does(5,3617 A hlgh pomt wlth c<strong>at</strong>'s beglnnlng, or somother an~mal (6)8 By the way, one IS sard to be born to It. (6)13 See416 See 618 Is It no longer legally wrong to get money lllegally7 (6)19 Comes from a different Mary than the one 0'24, but IS r<strong>at</strong>her soppy! (7)20 Part <strong>of</strong> the lullaby-small, but deep. (7)21 See 25 down23 Obviously It should lnvolve a brand new story(5)25 and 21 A winner? Only partly when one IS <strong>of</strong>the board (4-6)PUZZLED?No more cross words Fmd out why "httlesklpper" IS a "truant" Send for a freecopy <strong>of</strong> Frank W Lew~s's Ground Rules to<strong>The</strong> Nafzon, 72 Flfth Avenue, New York,NY 10011CALL TOLL-FREE 14300-793-2665AND MENTION REF # 035-07Tmes Books crossword-puzzle htks are avahble throughyour local bookstore. or fill out thls coupon and return toRandom House, Inc., 400 Hahn Road, Westmmster,MD 21157 Am Order Processlng0 Enclosed IS mv check or money order pavdble to ' h a BookChdrge my dccount wlh 0 AMEX 0 VIsa Ma$lerCdrdm-m

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