The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University
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808 The Nation. June 5,1995those waiting for their tables have beentreating It as a kmd of tableau b clef, tryingto identify who, other than NicoleEisenman herself, 1s who. It is a marvelousexercise In literal deconstruction. TheBiennial will deconstruct itself piecemeal,gallery by gallery, beginning June 4. Ifyou want to see It in its entirety, you hadbetter turn up by then. 0EVENTSWHEN WORKERS DECIDE Workplace DemocracyTakes Root In North Arnerlca A dlscusslonwlth Dr Len Krlmerman, edltor of theGrassroots Economic Organizlng Letter Wednesday,May 24,7.30 PM WESPAC, 255 GroveStreet, Whte Plans $3 contnbutlon requested.For Information, call (914) 682-0488CISPES REUNION. Are you now or have youever been a member of CISPES? 15 years ofSoltdarlty y Adelante, a reunron for all achvlstsof the El Salvador movement. May 26 and27, In Manhattan Call (212) 229-1290, or wnteto 19 W. 21st Street, New York, NY 10010.50 YEARS AFTER THE BOMB: The 8th AnnualPeace Actlon Natronal Congress Empoweringthe mandate for peace and Justlceat home and abroad June 23-25, Drew Unlverslty,Madrson Keynote speaker MlchroKaku, nuclear physlclst, peace actlvlst, WElAlrad10 personality Plenary toplcs lncludlng“Survlvors From the Hlroshlma Bomblng toCornrnunrty Gun Vlolence”, workshops onfundralsrng, confllct resolutlon and more.New, mvlgorated young people’s programContact Peace Actlon Natlonal Congress, c/oNJ Peace Actlon, 89 Walnut Street, Montclar,NJ 07042 Dee Rossman, Congress coordlnator(201) 744-3358THIRD PARTY ACTIVISTS’ SUMMIT June1-4, George Washrngton Unlversrty. Actlvlstsfrom a cross sectlon of post-hberal Arnerlca,emerglng partles, Independent candldates andcommunlty organlzers wlll gather to develop acommon strategy for the 1996 natlonal electlonsThlrd Parties ’96 IS sponsored by numerousstate Green partles together wrth actrvlstsfrom the New Party, Oregon’s Paclflc Party. theBoulder Progresswe Coalltron, DSA, The Centerfor Votlng & Democracy, Fund for ConstltutlonalGovernment, gay rlghts and other progresslvecommuruty-based groups A new mnstreamIS emerglng In American polrtrcs, andthe 3-day conference can be the crltrcal step towardbudding a common-sense electoral alternatrveIn 1996 and beyond Dorm rooms amlablefor early reg~stmnts. For mformatlon, pleasee-mad hndamartm@gcapcorg, or phone (703)642-5710. (510) 654-5311 or (202) 232-5544The adverltsrng deadlme for Events IS everyMonday Raies $75 for up to 50 words, $100for up to 75 words To place an ad. call Tomasmaat (212) 242-8400, ext 201EXCHANGE.nificant enough force to bother with (this(Contrnued From Page 778)prior to the Oklahoma bombings, after whlchsubscrlptlons to The Natron that proclalms the mainstream media became obsessed with“Subscribing to Our Principles Isn’t Enough.” any and everythlng remotely linked to the “pa-Pnnciples? What pnnclples?triot” movement). Incidentally, Harder-whoAnd now the icing on the cake. In the same had heard that I had also spoken to his crit-Issue, it’s revealed that Marc Cooper (radlcal ICs-began to bombard the Trmes, as he laterauthor) is now going Into competltion with bombarded The Natron, wlth phone calls andme to do a weekly talk show that features wnt- faxes asking them to kill the article.ers and editors of The Natron. I have over 350 More dutortions: The comment I left Hard-broadcast afflllates and he now has only one.Correction: Since his article 1 have suddenlylost two aff~hates. Does “sabotage by slander,”as well as envy, enter Into this mlx? Isall of this simply a grab for stations?Cooper’s dlsinformation IS truly a dlsserviceto loyal readers who are supporting TheNatlon. Although we occasionally reprlnt Nationarticles, I now have a new understandingof why The Natron has such a small clrculatlon.The magazlne’s morals and ethlcseemto be confused. Ethlcs are not “sltuational”In the real world. You can’t have it all ways.After 130 years, The Natron is still ahve, butthe present stewards need to look In the mlr-ror and then honestly confront reallty. Greatersuccess may then follow. Chuck HarderCOOPER REPLIESLos AngelesHow distasteful and revoltmg even mdlrectly real best seller, as Harder told me and thento communlcate with such a vile character as confirmed by the mal-order printouts he gaveEustace Mulhns, the sort we thought we got me, is the conspiracy-ndden book and videorld of at Nuremberg. Why waste Ink rebuttmg version of the laughable Clrnton Chronicles.a creature ldentlfled by every major researcher Harder disingenuously portrays hlmself asin the fleld as one of the most prolific gener- an honest broker who, as a public sernce,ators of ant]-Semitic and phllo-Fascist propa- merely offers his mrcrophones and the scrugandain Amenca? It’s sufficlent to note that tlmvng light of day to such extremists as Mul-In his “defense” he characterizes the Holo- hns and Ken Adams of the Michigan Mllitia.caust as a “nonissue,” a flgment of the “es- But the transcnpts of those shows clearly showsentlal morbldlty of the Jewlsh psyche.” And that rn the presence of such guests, Harder isJust as the Holocaust took place despite hlsdenials, so Indeed did Mulllns pen the hatetracts he now dlsavows, along wlth other tltlessuch as Jewlsh TK SIck Slck Slck and EzraPound. Unknown Hero, all currently offeredfor sale in the catalogue of the ChristianDefense League.As to Chuck Harder’s plalntlve screed, myreactlon IS more one of amusement. One thlngIS sure, Chuck knows how to turn his weaknessinto a strength. and has concocted onemore conspiracy theory to put In hls topdrawer: A deceitful reporter wlth a hiddenagenda sets him up and lets him fall as partof a “smear” directed not only agalnst himbut also agalnst those other stalwart opponentsof antl-Semltism, Pat Buchanan andPat RobertsonAs wlth most conspiracy theories, thls onetakes a few needles of truth and hldes themIn a haystack of dlstortlon. So let’s set the rec-ord stmght. I told Harder from the beglnrungthat The New York Tlmes Magazme had comrnisslonedme to wrlte a freelance proflle onhlm and his radlo show The Trmes’s decisionto reject the plece had nothmg to do wlth itsaccuracy, as Harder insinuates. The only reasonstated to me, unfortunately for Chuck,was that it seemed that Harder was not a sig-er with, the same I have told every interviewsubject for twenty years, that I might needto get back to hlm later, has been twisted Intosomething I have never done in two decades-tell the subJect that he or would she have therlght to pre-publlcation review.Space limited me from listing all the othergarbage-apart from Mullins-that bulgesout of Harder’s bookstore: Waco: The Big Lieby Llnda Thompson (the self-appomted “ad-Junct general” of the militla movement), BlgSrster Is Watching You: Hrllary Clrnton andthe Whrre House Feminists Who Now Con-trol Amerrca and New World Order: The AnclentPlan of Secret Societies by Willlam Stlll,among others. In short, a whole library ofthe sort of paranoid materlal that underglrdsthe milltla movement. Harder now wants toclam that this sort of claptrap is auxiliaryto his “largest sellers.” But For The People’sa shamelessly fawnmg host who never challengesthem and who goes out of his way toreinforce thelr theses.Harder is correct on one polnt: When hehosted Adams of the Michigan Militla (whichHarder champloned as a “grass-roots politicalorganization with guns”) It was, In fact, foronly sixty mmutes. For the next thirty mlnutesHarder fielded phone calls and contlnued totrumpet the mllitia h e that Arnerlca wasabout to be swallowed by the New World Order(replete with stories about black helicopters,of whlch Harder told me he a had box of pictures).Harder agreed wlth a caller namedMike from Thomasville, Geoma-a professedmember of Harder’s For The People organi-zatlon, who sad, “We go to bed every night inAmerica afrad of the knock on the door. . . .If we are gomg to fire a shot let It be on ourown so11 for our own country.”The problem wlth Harder IS that thls tonedommates hls dally show. Yes, there mlghtbe the occasional rabbl or odd llberal or twollke Ralph Nader taklng advantage of Chuck’saudience to push their ideas and books. ButChuck always brlngs the talk back to the same

~ ~ ~June 5,1995conclusion, the one that has become far toofamlliar since April 19: America is victimof a conspiracy of 300 (although sometimeshe says 3,000) elitists and internationahsts, oras Chuck often likes to say, “that New Yorkcrowd .”Which brings us to the toxic quote aboutJewish greed that Harder claims I fabncated.Well, let me refresh his memory. It was my lastnlght wth him m White Spnngs. We had Justfinished a wonderful barbecue dinner andwere polishmg off some extra-rich chocolatepie. We were seated at the kltchen table alongwith producer Kent Phdlips and affihate salesmanDon Keyes. Maybe he thought he didn’tsay It because I didn’t tape-record that sesslonand because I was just notlng the more outstandingquotes. In that more relaxed and Informalsituatlon he sald exactly what I havequoted as I wrote it down, nonchalantly andwithout ralslng an eyebrow.Harder tries to bolster hls moral credentialsby claiming he has been attacked by the notoriouslyantl-Semitlc Llberty Lobby’s newspaper,The Spotlrghf, as being so anti-antl-Semitic that he’s actually a tool of Jewish andIsrael1 interests. I know nothing of this attack,but If it did occur, It would quallfy as a do-mestlc dispute, as Harder was once a part ofthe Llberty Lobby family. As outlined In theJanuary 9, 1990. Mdwaukee Journal, In thesummer of 1989 a controlhng interest in Harder’sSun Radio Network was purchased byKayala Satellite Broadcasting Network, controlledby the Liberty Lobby. After Kayala tookover Sun, the Journal reported that Harderclalmed the “Llberty Lobby has done nothing”to make his show conform with its ide-ology. Harder told me he left Sun shortly afterthe buyout because he was “squeezed out” byhls new business partners, with whom hewasn’t politlcally comfortable anyway. But asthat Journal artlcle said, “It is mterestmg,however, to note chat Harder allowed a calleron his show last Thursday to ramble on andon. uncontradicted. about the supposedlymalevolent role of American Jews In WorldWar 11,” Including an assertion that ED.R ,himself a secret Jew, “surrounded himselfwith Jewish advisers” that “no doubt pushedhim into letting the Japanese hlt Pearl Harbor.”Harder’s only answer was “Could be.”Fmally, what Harder calls the “icing on thecake”: the shocking revelatlon that yours truly“smeared” hlm because as host of the newweekly Nalron Hour rad10 show, I am “gomginto competition” wlth him and want to stealhis afflliates Thls is truly laughable. Chuck,as a radio professlonal, certainly knows better.Harder markets hlmself on commerclalAM statlons. The Nation Hour 1s amed onlyat noncommercial FM stations with (believeme!) no crossover Into the market of For ThePeople. Harder knows this, rlght down to thedetails of the programs’ incompatible satelhtesystems. In any case, Chuck, when It comesto how you do radio, and especlally whaf yousay on the radio, I wouldn’t dream of competmgwlth you. Marr CooperThe Nation.CLASSIFIED.Whde we reserve the rlght Io edlt, rejecl or reclassljy anyadverfrsement, The Nation wrshes its readers lo knowwe don’t have the fanlrfles to check the promrses madeby our advertisers, and we have a strong presumplronagamst censorrng any advertisement. especrally if wedrsagme wrih its polrlrcs.BED & BREAKFASTRUSSIA 6 EASTERN EUROPE. Stay In pnvate homes wllhEngllsh-speakmg famllles Expenenced, rehable, reasonablerates Accommodations In all major cllles Visa support Forlnformatton contact lntematlonal Bed & Breakfast PO Box823, Hunlmgdon Valley, PA 19006 (800) 422-5283BOOKSMI YOU HAVE A BOOK To PUBLISH? Contact establlshed moperatlvepublisher for help Call Pentland Press, Inc (8N1)948-Z36“ANARCHIST COOKBOOK” avallable again1 Complete, uncensorededltlon $25, delivered Barrlcade Books. Box 1401-R.Secaucus, NJ 07096MANUSCRIPTS WANTED, ALL TYPES. Company wrth 70-yeartradmon Aulhor’s G urde lo Suhdy PvMishing (800) 6959599BOOK SEARCH SERVICESSTILL LOOKING FOR A BOOK? Free search, Sperhng Books,160 E 38th Street. #25E-N. New York, NY 10016AWAITING YOUR BOOK WANTS Lorralne Zmnerman, Bookseller1816 Euchd. Berkeley, CA 94709 (800) 728-2073, fax(510) 843-1819COUNSELINGWOMAN PWCHOTHERAPISI, 20+ years expenence, Ph D Incllnlcal psychology Inslght-onented and analytlc Cnsls Interventlon.short-term, long-term Intenswe psychoanalytlc approachFree consultatlon Slldlng scale Carnegle Hall vlclnlty(212) 582-5508PHONE CONSUUATION. Pmfesslonal ethlclst pmwdes pramcal,supportwe help with personal deaslon-makag Loglcal SecularFnendly Contaa The Ethlcs Resource, W Box 25109. Tempe,AZ 85285 for brochure For phone consultallon (900) 4204044$1 75/m1nute. 9AM-8PMSPANISH, TOURS. MINICOURSES Escuela Azteca Summer Inbeaunlul Cuemamca $220 each hw weeks Spanlsh all levelsTours pyramids, rmlutlonary murals Study wth Professor RossGandy (Mexrco. Reform or Revolution? Marx and H/storyj wlth wsual ads Mecs, Mayas, Juarez. Mmcan Rmlu.bon lntetacbng Hnth Mmcans culturally, wmen In Mex~co LIHwlth a Mewcan fannly Brochure call 011-52-73-15-24-69 or wnteApdo Postal 76-005, 0 4 2 M , Malm. D FEDUCATIONLEARN SPANISH IN GUATEMAU,help the poor whlle you learnOne-on-one Instrubon, mom and board wth lmal famlly, workprolects In nearby communitws (415) 868-1786SPANISH IN GUANAIUATO. Two weeks $275 lnstltuto Falcbn.Jorge Barroso. Mora 158, Guanajuato, GTO 36000, MexlcoPhondfax (473) 2-36-94EL SALVADOR-INTENSIVE SMNISH, POW, cultural, educatlonalactlvltles School C/O CISPES.Box 1801. New York. NY10159 (212) 229-1290COSTA RIM-IHTENSIVE SPANISH. Emphasls on envlronmental.women’s, soclal jusllce issues Small classes, fleldtnps. lnternshrp placements Wnte ICADS. Dept 826, Bx025216, Mlarm. FL 33102 Fax (506) 34-1337 (C R ) ICADS alsooffers semester-abroad programs In Cosla Rtca and Bellze-~EDUCATION809TRAVEL THE WORLD TEACHING ENGUSHt New World Teachersoffers lntenslve TEFL Certltlcate Courses that prepare you foran excltlng lob lmg overseas teachmg Engllsh No knowledgeof a second language or prevlous teachmg experlence IS necessaryWe provlde hiellme job placement assstance foremployment opportunltles avallable throughout the world Forfurther lnlormatlon call (800) 644-5424SPANISH OR GERMAN MAGAZINE. lntermedlate level. glossaryFree brochure (600) 600-4494 See dlsplay ad for EducatlonalNews Servlce In today’s Books 8 the Arts sectlonLEARN SPANISH. See our dlsplay ad In today’s Books 8 theArts sectlonAmerlSpanUnhmlted. PO Box 40513, Phlladelphla.PA19106, (800) 879-6640F~LMFUNDERS NEEDED FOR AIDS wdeo documentary TravelmgJune 5 from St Peter, Mlnn to Kure Beach, N C For more Info,contact PO Box 102, Mankato, MN 56002, or call StephenTrlplett (507) 931-2091, Julle Boertle (507) 386-0588. or LlsaWestberg (212) 260-8182MERCHANDISEDARWIN PINS EL BUMPER STICKERS. See our dlsplay ad Intoday‘s Books & the Arts sectlon. FISH,Dept. 20, Box 26523,Colorado Spnngs, CO 80936~~~ ~RUSH DON’T KNOW “DIlTO” LY SPUATll bumper stlckers$3 HBP, 180324 Lemon Dnve. Yorba Llnda, CA 92686.3353JESUS IS A LIBERAL. T-shlrts $12 Rambow deslgn or XXXL$15 Blue,purpleorwhale, 10046 cotton M,L,XL. XXL Bumperstlckers 1/$2. 263, 5/$5 Call (703) 368-5770 or wrlte DavldHersch. 10520 Nokesvllle Road. Manassas. VA 22111MISCELLANEOUSLAOlESl Recelve romantlc letters Send SASE lor brochureRSR. 1997 Mlsner Road, Wllhamsport PA 17701PROVOCATIVE ENTERTAINMENT. Food for thought over horsd’oeuvres Femmst performance artlst Celebrated at colleges,benefits, cabarets References NYC area One-hourShow $400 (212) 802-4549ORGANIZATIONSSINGLE WOMEN’S NETWORK. a national group for frlendshlp,travel and support Box117,Gradyvdle.PA 19039 (610)358-5520ARE YOU CONNECTED to bang Jewlsh by hlstory/famlly/peoplehood. a Secular Humanlst phdosophlcally and seekmgcultural renewal In a welcoming envlronmenb Wrlte theCongress of Secular Jewlsh OrganlzaQons. 19657 Vllla OweNorth, Southfleld. MI 48079PERSONALS$2 25 per word, Natlon Box number and weekly forwardmgservlce one-tlme charge $20, for commerclaladvertlsers standard rates applyFor over a decade, Concerned Slngles Newsletter has linkedsmgles concerned about peace, soclal justlce. raclsrn. genderequlty, the envlronment Natlonwlde All ages Free sampleBox 555-NA, Stockbndge, MA 01262 (800) 370-5040

~ ~ ~June 5,1995conclusion, the one th<strong>at</strong> has become far to<strong>of</strong>amlliar since April 19: America is victim<strong>of</strong> a conspiracy <strong>of</strong> 300 (although sometimeshe says 3,000) elitists and intern<strong>at</strong>ionahsts, oras Chuck <strong>of</strong>ten likes to say, “th<strong>at</strong> New Yorkcrowd .”Which brings us to the toxic quote aboutJewish greed th<strong>at</strong> Harder claims I fabnc<strong>at</strong>ed.Well, let me refresh his memory. It was my lastnlght wth him m White Spnngs. We had Justfinished a wonderful barbecue dinner andwere polishmg <strong>of</strong>f some extra-rich chocol<strong>at</strong>epie. We were se<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the kltchen table alongwith producer Kent Phdlips and affih<strong>at</strong>e salesmanDon Keyes. Maybe he thought he didn’tsay It because I didn’t tape-record th<strong>at</strong> sesslonand because I was just notlng the more outstandingquotes. In th<strong>at</strong> more relaxed and Informalsitu<strong>at</strong>lon he sald exactly wh<strong>at</strong> I havequoted as I wrote it down, nonchalantly andwithout ralslng an eyebrow.Harder tries to bolster hls moral credentialsby claiming he has been <strong>at</strong>tacked by the notoriouslyantl-Semitlc Llberty Lobby’s newspaper,<strong>The</strong> Spotlrghf, as being so anti-antl-Semitic th<strong>at</strong> he’s actually a tool <strong>of</strong> Jewish andIsrael1 interests. I know nothing <strong>of</strong> this <strong>at</strong>tack,but If it did occur, It would quallfy as a do-mestlc dispute, as Harder was once a part <strong>of</strong>the Llberty Lobby family. As outlined In theJanuary 9, 1990. Mdwaukee Journal, In thesummer <strong>of</strong> 1989 a controlhng interest in Harder’sSun Radio Network was purchased byKayala S<strong>at</strong>ellite Broadcasting Network, controlledby the Liberty Lobby. After Kayala tookover Sun, the Journal reported th<strong>at</strong> Harderclalmed the “Llberty Lobby has done nothing”to make his show conform with its ide-ology. Harder told me he left Sun shortly afterthe buyout because he was “squeezed out” byhls new business partners, with whom hewasn’t politlcally comfortable anyway. But asth<strong>at</strong> Journal artlcle said, “It is mterestmg,however, to note ch<strong>at</strong> Harder allowed a calleron his show last Thursday to ramble on andon. uncontradicted. about the supposedlymalevolent role <strong>of</strong> American Jews In WorldWar 11,” Including an assertion th<strong>at</strong> ED.R ,himself a secret Jew, “surrounded himselfwith Jewish advisers” th<strong>at</strong> “no doubt pushedhim into letting the Japanese hlt Pearl Harbor.”Harder’s only answer was “Could be.”Fmally, wh<strong>at</strong> Harder calls the “icing on thecake”: the shocking revel<strong>at</strong>lon th<strong>at</strong> yours truly“smeared” hlm because as host <strong>of</strong> the newweekly Nalron Hour rad10 show, I am “gomginto competition” wlth him and want to stealhis afflli<strong>at</strong>es Thls is truly laughable. Chuck,as a radio pr<strong>of</strong>esslonal, certainly knows better.Harder markets hlmself on commerclalAM st<strong>at</strong>lons. <strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong> Hour 1s amed only<strong>at</strong> noncommercial FM st<strong>at</strong>ions with (believeme!) no crossover Into the market <strong>of</strong> For <strong>The</strong>People. Harder knows this, rlght down to thedetails <strong>of</strong> the programs’ incomp<strong>at</strong>ible s<strong>at</strong>elhtesystems. In any case, Chuck, when It comesto how you do radio, and especlally whaf yousay on the radio, I wouldn’t dream <strong>of</strong> competmgwlth you. Marr Cooper<strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong>.CLASSIFIED.Whde we reserve the rlght Io edlt, rejecl or reclassljy anyadverfrsement, <strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong> wrshes its readers lo knowwe don’t have the fanlrfles to check the promrses madeby our advertisers, and we have a strong presumplronagamst censorrng any advertisement. especrally if wedrsagme wrih its polrlrcs.BED & BREAKFASTRUSSIA 6 EASTERN EUROPE. Stay In pnv<strong>at</strong>e homes wllhEngllsh-speakmg famllles Expenenced, rehable, reasonabler<strong>at</strong>es Accommod<strong>at</strong>ions In all major cllles Visa support Forlnform<strong>at</strong>ton contact lntem<strong>at</strong>lonal Bed & Breakfast PO Box823, Hunlmgdon Valley, PA 19006 (800) 422-5283BOOKSMI YOU HAVE A BOOK To PUBLISH? Contact establlshed moper<strong>at</strong>lvepublisher for help Call Pentland Press, Inc (8N1)948-Z36“ANARCHIST COOKBOOK” avallable again1 Complete, uncensorededltlon $25, delivered Barrlcade Books. Box 1401-R.Secaucus, NJ 07096MANUSCRIPTS WANTED, ALL TYPES. Company wrth 70-yeartradmon Aulhor’s G urde lo Suhdy PvMishing (800) 6959599BOOK SEARCH SERVICESSTILL LOOKING FOR A BOOK? Free search, Sperhng Books,160 E 38th Street. #25E-N. New York, NY 10016AWAITING YOUR BOOK WANTS Lorralne Zmnerman, Bookseller1816 Euchd. Berkeley, CA 94709 (800) 728-2073, fax(510) 843-1819COUNSELINGWOMAN PWCHOTHERAPISI, 20+ years expenence, Ph D Incllnlcal psychology Inslght-onented and analytlc Cnsls Interventlon.short-term, long-term Intenswe psychoanalytlc approachFree consult<strong>at</strong>lon Slldlng scale Carnegle Hall vlclnlty(212) 582-5508PHONE CONSUUATION. Pmfesslonal ethlclst pmwdes pramcal,supportwe help with personal deaslon-makag Loglcal SecularFnendly Contaa <strong>The</strong> Ethlcs Resource, W Box 25109. Tempe,AZ 85285 for brochure For phone consultallon (900) 4204044$1 75/m1nute. 9AM-8PMSPANISH, TOURS. MINICOURSES Escuela Azteca Summer Inbeaunlul Cuemamca $220 each hw weeks Spanlsh all levelsTours pyramids, rmlutlonary murals Study wth Pr<strong>of</strong>essor RossGandy (Mexrco. Reform or Revolution? Marx and H/storyj wlth wsual ads Mecs, Mayas, Juarez. Mmcan Rmlu.bon lntetacbng Hnth Mmcans culturally, wmen In Mex~co LIHwlth a Mewcan fannly Brochure call 011-52-73-15-24-69 or wnteApdo Postal 76-005, 0 4 2 M , Malm. D FEDUCATIONLEARN SPANISH IN GUATEMAU,help the poor whlle you learnOne-on-one Instrubon, mom and board wth lmal famlly, workprolects In nearby communitws (415) 868-1786SPANISH IN GUANAIUATO. Two weeks $275 lnstltuto Falcbn.Jorge Barroso. Mora 158, Guanaju<strong>at</strong>o, GTO 36000, MexlcoPhondfax (473) 2-36-94EL SALVADOR-INTENSIVE SMNISH, POW, cultural, educ<strong>at</strong>lonalactlvltles School C/O CISPES.Box 1801. New York. NY10159 (212) 229-1290COSTA RIM-IHTENSIVE SPANISH. Emphasls on envlronmental.women’s, soclal jusllce issues Small classes, fleldtnps. lnternshrp placements Wnte ICADS. Dept 826, Bx025216, Mlarm. FL 33102 Fax (506) 34-1337 (C R ) ICADS also<strong>of</strong>fers semester-abroad programs In Cosla Rtca and Bellze-~EDUCATION809TRAVEL THE WORLD TEACHING ENGUSHt New World Teachers<strong>of</strong>fers lntenslve TEFL Certltlc<strong>at</strong>e Courses th<strong>at</strong> prepare you foran excltlng lob lmg overseas teachmg Engllsh No knowledge<strong>of</strong> a second language or prevlous teachmg experlence IS necessaryWe provlde hiellme job placement assstance foremployment opportunltles avallable throughout the world Forfurther lnlorm<strong>at</strong>lon call (800) 644-5424SPANISH OR GERMAN MAGAZINE. lntermedl<strong>at</strong>e level. glossaryFree brochure (600) 600-4494 See dlsplay ad for Educ<strong>at</strong>lonalNews Servlce In today’s Books 8 the Arts sectlonLEARN SPANISH. See our dlsplay ad In today’s Books 8 theArts sectlonAmerlSpanUnhmlted. PO Box 40513, Phlladelphla.PA19106, (800) 879-6640F~LMFUNDERS NEEDED FOR AIDS wdeo documentary TravelmgJune 5 from St Peter, Mlnn to Kure Beach, N C For more Info,contact PO Box 102, Mank<strong>at</strong>o, MN 56002, or call StephenTrlplett (507) 931-2091, Julle Boertle (507) 386-0588. or LlsaWestberg (212) 260-8182MERCHANDISEDARWIN PINS EL BUMPER STICKERS. See our dlsplay ad Intoday‘s Books & the Arts sectlon. FISH,Dept. 20, Box 26523,Colorado Spnngs, CO 80936~~~ ~RUSH DON’T KNOW “DIlTO” LY SPUATll bumper stlckers$3 HBP, 180324 Lemon Dnve. Yorba Llnda, CA 92686.3353JESUS IS A LIBERAL. T-shlrts $12 Rambow deslgn or XXXL$15 Blue,purpleorwhale, 10046 cotton M,L,XL. XXL Bumperstlckers 1/$2. 263, 5/$5 Call (703) 368-5770 or wrlte DavldHersch. 10520 Nokesvllle Road. Manassas. VA 22111MISCELLANEOUSLAOlESl Recelve romantlc letters Send SASE lor brochureRSR. 1997 Mlsner Road, Wllhamsport PA 17701PROVOCATIVE ENTERTAINMENT. Food for thought over horsd’oeuvres Femmst performance artlst Celebr<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> colleges,benefits, cabarets References NYC area One-hourShow $400 (212) 802-4549ORGANIZATIONSSINGLE WOMEN’S NETWORK. a n<strong>at</strong>ional group for frlendshlp,travel and support Box117,Gradyvdle.PA 19039 (610)358-5520ARE YOU CONNECTED to bang Jewlsh by hlstory/famlly/peoplehood. a Secular Humanlst phdosophlcally and seekmgcultural renewal In a welcoming envlronmenb Wrlte theCongress <strong>of</strong> Secular Jewlsh OrganlzaQons. 19657 Vllla OweNorth, Southfleld. 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