The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University


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778 <strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong>.EXCHANGE.Pumping Up the VolumeJune 5, 1995as Cooper suggests, but a well-documentedreality.Cooper, however, has me seeing the worldas controlled by a Jewish financial conspiracy,so he fabric<strong>at</strong>es the following quot<strong>at</strong>ion:“But ths is why If you go to Wall Street you’llsee it’s all Greenbergs, Shembergs and so on.”I did not say th<strong>at</strong> and Cooper knows it. Cooper’spiece contains many other factual errors.Ken Adams was on for sixty minutes, notninety, and Bo Gritz was given equal time withall other candid<strong>at</strong>es registered wlth the FederalElection Commlssion during the 1992presidential race. <strong>The</strong>se convenient omisslonsspeak volumes.Radical Cooper suggests in a roundaboutfashion th<strong>at</strong> if I had consulted researcher fickE<strong>at</strong>on <strong>at</strong> the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Iwould have learned <strong>of</strong> their claim against theone lone author. Swell! Does th<strong>at</strong> mean th<strong>at</strong>now each talk host on thousands <strong>of</strong> radiost<strong>at</strong>ions has to contact each special-interestgroup to see if their proposed guest is “politicallycorrect”? Go look <strong>at</strong> the masswe Encycbpedra <strong>of</strong> Associ<strong>at</strong>rons in your llbrary and it’sobvious th<strong>at</strong> it’s impossible. Cooper will eventuallyfind out th<strong>at</strong> the most careful talk-showhost occasionally gets snookered. It comeswith the territory. If one <strong>of</strong> our thousands <strong>of</strong>guests was indeed an anti-Semite, then Cooperknows in his heart th<strong>at</strong> our broadcastinghim was an honest mistake. Why didn’t he sayth<strong>at</strong>? SPECIAL AGENDA?It’s also an outrage th<strong>at</strong> wh<strong>at</strong> Cooper agreedwas good about us was also left In his wastebasket.<strong>The</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ron knew prlor to press tlmeth<strong>at</strong> the co-founder <strong>of</strong> our corpor<strong>at</strong>ion andnetwork is a Jew actively involved In Jewlshreligious affairs. Three <strong>of</strong> seven For <strong>The</strong>F‘eoplestaff network hosts are Jewish. For sometime we devoted one <strong>of</strong> our regular programsto Jewlsh Issues. Rabbi Marvm Hier <strong>of</strong> theSimon Wiesenthal Center did a speclal onehourprogram about the Holocaust and wehave aired it <strong>of</strong>ten on the full network. Dozens<strong>of</strong> Jewish authors and public <strong>of</strong>ficials havebeen guests on my show. Thousands <strong>of</strong> ourregular listeners are Jewlsh and many calledIn wlth support after they saw the <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong> article.Finally, I have been <strong>at</strong>tacked in the LibertyLobby’s newspaper, <strong>The</strong> Spotlight, as <strong>at</strong>ool <strong>of</strong> Jewish and Israel1 interests. <strong>The</strong>se aremaJor omlsslons known to <strong>The</strong> N<strong>at</strong>lon prlorto press time.Cooper assumes a hoher-than-thou <strong>at</strong>titudeand holds my feet to the fire subject to hisimagined standards <strong>of</strong> responnblhty. At thesame time, his article 1s accompanled by adsfor Anarchwt Cookbook (did the terroristswho bombed the World Trade Center have th<strong>at</strong>book?), a newsletter called “CounterPunch”(exposing the Chase Manh<strong>at</strong>tan Bank), anotherad screaming “Scholarly Booklet ProvesJesus Never Existed!” while another ad promotesGood Vibr<strong>at</strong>ions sex toys, to name afew. On the followmg page 1s an appeal for(Continued on Page 808)

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