The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University


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794 <strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong>. June 5.1995You should be subscribing to ourmagazine, too.Because week In and week out<strong>The</strong> N<strong>at</strong>lon brings you the likes <strong>of</strong>Gore Vldal, K<strong>at</strong>ha Pollltt and DanielSinger In every issue.<strong>The</strong>y’re not only some <strong>of</strong> the bestwriters around-they do their best workfor us.<strong>The</strong> N&on.YES I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR MAGAZINE, TOOSend me 24 Issues <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> N<strong>at</strong>lon for $1395 and save $46 <strong>of</strong>fI the newsstand prlce (Offer good for new subscnbers only)II ‘ITYI My payment IS enclosed0 Please blll me l<strong>at</strong>erI For new subscribers onlySTAT EI Forelgn Surface postage add 59/24 Issues Air Mall Add $2750124 IssuesSubscrlptlons payable In US fundsTHE NATION, P.O. BOX 10791, DES MOINES, IA 50340-0791 5,“rn”IIIIIFour years after the book was published, Sen<strong>at</strong>or Lodge denouncedArevalo’s popularly elected successor, Arbenz, as acommunist because, in June 1952, Arevalo had ordered theexpropri<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> United Fruit’s unused land, whichhe gave to 100,OOO Gu<strong>at</strong>emalan families. Arevalo paid thecompany wh<strong>at</strong> he thought was a fair price, their own evalu<strong>at</strong>ion<strong>of</strong> the land for tax purposes. <strong>The</strong> American Empire wentinto action, and through the C.I.A., it put together an armyand bombed Gu<strong>at</strong>emala City. US. Ambassador John Peurifoybehaved r<strong>at</strong>her like Mr. Green in the novel. Arbenz resigned.Peurifoy wanted the Gu<strong>at</strong>emalan Army’s chief <strong>of</strong> staff tobecome president, and gave him a list <strong>of</strong> “communists” tobe shot. <strong>The</strong> chief <strong>of</strong> staff declined: “It would be better,” hesaid, “th<strong>at</strong> you actually slt on the presidential chair and th<strong>at</strong>the Stars and Stripes fly over the palace.”Peurifoy picked another military man to represent the interests<strong>of</strong> company and empire. Since then, Gu<strong>at</strong>emala hasbeen a slaughterground, very bright red indeed against thedarkest Imperial green. L<strong>at</strong>er, it was discovered th<strong>at</strong> Arbenzhad no communist connections, but the “dlsinform<strong>at</strong>ion”had been so thorough th<strong>at</strong> few Americans knew to wh<strong>at</strong> extentthey had been lied to by a government th<strong>at</strong> had now putitself above law and, r<strong>at</strong>her worse, beyond reason.Incidentally, I note th<strong>at</strong> the disinform<strong>at</strong>ion still goes on.In the April New 9 York Tmes (a “recovering” newspaper inrecent years), one Clifford Krauss airily says th<strong>at</strong> Gu<strong>at</strong>emala’sIndians have been regularly screwed for 400 years so wh<strong>at</strong> elseis new? He gives a tendentious history <strong>of</strong> the country-purestLangley boilerpl<strong>at</strong>e, circa 1955-but omits the crucial 1931-44dict<strong>at</strong>orship <strong>of</strong> Jorge Ubico.1 must say I find it dlsconcertmg to read in 1995 th<strong>at</strong> “bysurrounding himself with Communist Party advisers, acceptingarms from Czechoslovakia and building a port to competewith United Fruit’s faclllties, Arbenz challenged the UnitedSt<strong>at</strong>es <strong>at</strong> the height <strong>of</strong> the cold war.” God, to think th<strong>at</strong> suchevil ever walked the Central American night! “President Eisenhower’sC.I.A. organized a Gu<strong>at</strong>emalan [SIC] invasion forceand bombed Gu<strong>at</strong>emala City in 1954.” This is worthy <strong>of</strong> theSultan <strong>of</strong> Brunei’s perjurer.Dark Green, Brlght Red was just reissued in England. Reviewingit in the Evenrng Standard, the Journalist P<strong>at</strong>rick SkeneC<strong>at</strong>ling writes, “I wish I had read this prophetic work <strong>of</strong> flctionbefore my first visit to Gu<strong>at</strong>emala In 1954. Gore Vidalwould have helped me to understand how John Peurifoy . . .was able to take me up to the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> his embassy tow<strong>at</strong>ch . . . the air raids without anxiety, because he and theCIA knew exactly where the bombs were going to fall.”A final note-<strong>of</strong> bemusement, I suppose. I was <strong>at</strong> schoolwith N<strong>at</strong>haniel Davis, who was our Ambassador in Chile <strong>at</strong>the time <strong>of</strong> Allende’s overthrow. A couple <strong>of</strong> years l<strong>at</strong>er Daviswas Ambassador to Switzerland and we had lunch <strong>at</strong> theBerne embassy. I expressed outrage <strong>at</strong> our country’s role inthe m<strong>at</strong>ter <strong>of</strong> Chile. Davis “explained” hrs role. <strong>The</strong>n heasked, “Do you take the line th<strong>at</strong> the United St<strong>at</strong>es shouldnever intervene in the affairs <strong>of</strong> another country?” I said th<strong>at</strong>unless an Invasion was belng mounted against us In Mexico,no, we should never Intervene. Davis, a thoughtful man,thought; then he said, “Well, It would be nice in diplomacy,

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