The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University

The Nation. - Department of Government at Cornell University


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= FLYING FOR D.N.C. DOLLARSRon Brom’sV.I.P. JunketsKEN SILVERSTEINT interest as with fealty790 <strong>The</strong> <strong>N<strong>at</strong>ion</strong>. June 5,1995he cries <strong>of</strong> outrage coming from the White Houseover Republican thre<strong>at</strong>s to elimin<strong>at</strong>e the Commerce<strong>Department</strong> have <strong>at</strong> least as much to do with self-to the corpor<strong>at</strong>e cause. Throughthe department’s efforts to promote exports, the Clintonitesargue, American busmesses landed foreign deals worth$47 billion last year. But a little cross-referencing <strong>of</strong> the companlesthus helped and <strong>of</strong> campaign contribution records andinternal Democr<strong>at</strong>ic Party fundraising memorandumshowsth<strong>at</strong> for both corpor<strong>at</strong>ions and the Administr<strong>at</strong>ion, to give istruly to receive.Early last year, for example, Saudi Arabia was looking toexpand its commercial air fleet and examined proposals fromU.S. and European aircraft makers. After being furiously lobbiedby President Clinton and Secretary Ron Brown, the Saudisplaced a $3.6 billion order with Boeing. Within six months<strong>of</strong> closing the deal, the company had laden Democr<strong>at</strong>ic Na-tional Committee (D.N.C.) c<strong>of</strong>fers with $65,000, four timesmore than it had don<strong>at</strong>ed during the previous three years.At about the same time, Administr<strong>at</strong>ion pressure won Raytheona $1.4 billion deal with Brazil for building a s<strong>at</strong>elllte surveillancesystem in the Amazon. In the 1992-94 election cycle,Raytheon don<strong>at</strong>ed $175,110 to Democr<strong>at</strong>ic candid<strong>at</strong>es.Export promotion-precisely wh<strong>at</strong> the Republicans havesingled out for cutting-is <strong>at</strong> the heart <strong>of</strong> Brown’s str<strong>at</strong>egy<strong>at</strong> Commerce, and indeed <strong>of</strong> Clinton’s str<strong>at</strong>egy in foreign pol-ICY. When It comes to drumming up commerce for U.S. corpor<strong>at</strong>ions,this Administr<strong>at</strong>ion has outstripped its two wildlypro-business Republican predecessors. In Brown’s “war room,”bureaucr<strong>at</strong>s monitor bidding on dozens <strong>of</strong> global deals, g<strong>at</strong>heringintelllgence (with help from the C.I.A.) and coordin<strong>at</strong>ingfinancing from government sources to give U.S. firms an insidetrack. More directly, Brown leads select groups <strong>of</strong> executiveson commercial trips abroad. Last year corpor<strong>at</strong>ionsfought to accompany the Commerce Secretary to Brazil, Argentina,Chile, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, Russia,India and the Middle East. Some 300 C.E.0.s applied for se<strong>at</strong>son the trip to Russia alone; only twenty-nine were chosen.Details <strong>of</strong> those trips have been obscure because Commercehas been stingy about providing inform<strong>at</strong>ion. Th<strong>at</strong> will soonchange, since in mid-May the courts forced Commerce to turnover to Judicial W<strong>at</strong>ch 30,000 pages <strong>of</strong> documents concerningwhich companies were picked, which were left behind andwh<strong>at</strong> the basis for decision was. But from wh<strong>at</strong> I have beenable to plece together from published reports and from vari-ous internal documents (including some now ordered for release),it 1s already clear th<strong>at</strong> the rel<strong>at</strong>ionship <strong>of</strong> don<strong>at</strong>ionsKen Sdversteern is co-ederror. with Alexander Cockburn, <strong>of</strong> thebmonthly Washington-based newsletter “CounterPunch.”to access is like th<strong>at</strong> <strong>of</strong> spring rain to garden blooms.Melissa Moss, head <strong>of</strong> the Commerce <strong>Department</strong>’s Office<strong>of</strong> Business Liaison, decides who accompanies Brown. Shehas said firms “are chosen on merit and real business consider<strong>at</strong>ion.”But, like her boss, she is also intim<strong>at</strong>ely familiarwith party money m<strong>at</strong>ters. Prior to joining the Administr<strong>at</strong>ion,Moss was a top fundraiser for the D.N.C. under Brown,and before th<strong>at</strong>, for the Democr<strong>at</strong>ic Leadership Council,which Clinton helped found and once chaired.<strong>The</strong> group she assembled for Brown’s September 1994 tripto Beijing is revealing. Embarking three months after Clintonextended most-favored-n<strong>at</strong>ion trade st<strong>at</strong>us to China,Brown’s entourage included:0 Lodwrick Cook <strong>of</strong> Atlantic Richfield, which gave $201,500to the Democr<strong>at</strong>s between 1992 and 1994. Cook is also closeto Clinton, who last June presented the Arco chief with abirthday cake during a White House lunch for executives.you don’t have to be a Democr<strong>at</strong>iccontributor t<strong>of</strong>ly with RonBrown-but it sure helps.0 Edwin Lupberger <strong>of</strong> Entergy, who closed an $800 milliondeal to build a power plant in China. Lupberger is a personalfriend <strong>of</strong> Clinton, and in the last election cycle Entergy don<strong>at</strong>ed$60,000 to Democr<strong>at</strong>ic candid<strong>at</strong>es.0 Bernard Schwartz <strong>of</strong> the bra1 Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion, who negoti<strong>at</strong>eddeals th<strong>at</strong> will net his telecommunic<strong>at</strong>ions company$1 billion over the next decade. Three months before the tripSchwartz don<strong>at</strong>ed $lOO,OOO to the D.N.C.0 Raymond Smith <strong>of</strong> Bell Atlantic, which has glven nearly$200,000 to the Democr<strong>at</strong>s since 1991. According to Democr<strong>at</strong>icfundraising memos I obtained, Smith 1s also a party“trustee,” meaning he has personally helped raise $lOO,OOOor more.0 Leslie McGraw <strong>of</strong> Fluor, which came through with$108,450 for Democr<strong>at</strong>ic candid<strong>at</strong>es in the last election.McGraw, like several <strong>of</strong> the executives who have been pickedto accompany Brown, is also a donor and board member <strong>of</strong>the Democr<strong>at</strong>ic Leadership Council.All told, <strong>at</strong> least twelve <strong>of</strong> the twenty-five firms whose <strong>of</strong>ficialsmade the trip to China are major donors or fundraisersfor the President’s party. Those companies gave almost $2 millionto Democr<strong>at</strong>ic candid<strong>at</strong>es during the last election cycle.“I only believe in coincldences occasionally,” says ChuckLewis, head <strong>of</strong> the Center for Public Integrity. “Here you seeconsistent p<strong>at</strong>terns.’’It’s the same with Brown’s other trips. Traveling with theCommerce Secretary to South Africa were Donald Anderson,an adviser to the president <strong>of</strong> Time Warner, which don<strong>at</strong>ed$508,333 to the Democr<strong>at</strong>s between 1992 and 1994, and RonaldBurkle, C.E.O. <strong>of</strong> the Yucaipa Group and a “managingtrustee’’ <strong>of</strong> the D.N.C. <strong>The</strong> title design<strong>at</strong>es him as havinghelped the party raise $200,000 or more.Even some <strong>of</strong> the smaller businesses th<strong>at</strong> have had access

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