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Climate changeThe EU has been trying to rally China and India’s leaders to intensifycooperation on climate change. The idea would be to developclean coal technologies, increase energy efficiency and promoteenvironmentally friendly energy sources. And, if these countriescommit to reducing their emissions according to their capabilities,the EU has expressed its willingness to go a step further - increasingits own commitment to a 30% reduction.Making a differenceHouseholds are directly responsible for around 16% of the EU’sgreenhouse gas emissions, 70% of the energy used by householdsis spent on heating homes, 14% on heating water and 12% onlighting and electric appliances. Private car use is responsible foranother 10% of EU greenhouse gas emissions. The potential foraction is therefore vast!It is possible to calculate how much you contribute to globalwarming by using a carbon-dioxide footprint calculator. Thereare several tools available on the internet, such as the EU’s owncalculator: www.mycarbonfootprint.eu .By using this calculator you can discover how you can make yourlifestyle more sustainable without compromising your quality oflife. Luckily, some of the most effective things we can do are someof the simplest, and they save money.Opt for a cleaner mode of transport. Choose the train or businstead of the car and walk or cycle as much as you can. This goes along way to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. If you need to buya car, purchase one that consumes less fuel and emits less CO 2.Unplug electrical appliances when not in use. Even on standbythese appliances still consume energy – up to 60% of the powerthey use when on! Fit special light bulbs that consume less energy- these can last up to 12 times longer than ordinary bulbs and sowork out cheaper.020

Climate changeDomestic household appliances sold in the EU carry a label gradingthem according to their energy efficiency, with the grades runningfrom A (high energy efficiency) to G (low efficiency). Choosinghigher energy efficient products saves unnecessary emissions andencourages enterprises to invest in research and development.We all try to optimise the temperature of our homes. In the winterwe turn up the heat and in summer the air conditioning. But byinstalling home insulation we can reduce this need as our homesbecome more resilient to outside temperatures. Homes are oftenoverheated - a simple change like turning down the thermostat by1°C could easily go unnoticed, yet have a great impact. Not onlydoes this cut down in energy use but it can also knock as much as10% off your heating bill. We can achieve substantial reductionsby making clever choices.“Unplug,turn off,turn down ” 021

Climate changeThe EU has been trying to rally China and India’s leaders to intensifycooperation on climate change. The idea would be to developclean coal technologies, increase energy efficiency and promoteenvironmentally friendly energy sources. And, if these countriescommit to reducing their emissions according to their capabilities,the EU has expressed its willingness to go a step further - increasingits own commitment to a 30% reduction.Making a differenceHouseholds are directly responsible for around 16% of the EU’sgreenhouse gas emissions, 70% of the energy used by householdsis spent on heating homes, 14% on heating water and 12% onlighting and electric appliances. Private car use is responsible foranother 10% of EU greenhouse gas emissions. The potential foraction is therefore vast!It is possible to calculate how much you contribute to globalwarming by using a carbon-dioxide footprint calculator. Thereare several tools available on the internet, such as the EU’s owncalculator: www.mycarbonfootprint.eu .By using this calculator you can discover how you can make yourlifestyle more sustainable without compromising your quality oflife. Luckily, some of the most effective things we can do are someof the simplest, and they save money.Opt for a cleaner mode of transport. Choose the train or businstead of the car and walk or cycle as much as you can. This goes along way to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. If you need to buya car, purchase one that consumes less fuel and emits less CO 2.Unplug electrical appliances when not in use. Even on standbythese appliances still consume energy – up to 60% of the powerthey use when on! Fit special light bulbs that consume less energy- these can last up to 12 times longer than ordinary bulbs and sowork out cheaper.020

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