International Student Guide 2012-2013 - University of Nicosia

International Student Guide 2012-2013 - University of Nicosia

International Student Guide 2012-2013 - University of Nicosia

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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Student</strong><strong>Guide</strong> <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>2013</strong>

Welcome tothe <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>Welcome to the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>, where students are inspired and challenged to achieve their full potential!The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong> is an independent, co-educational, equal opportunity institution <strong>of</strong> higher education,combining the best elements in western education, quality standards and an international philosophy.Located in <strong>Nicosia</strong>, the capital <strong>of</strong> Cyprus, the <strong>University</strong> is becoming a global education centre. <strong>International</strong>in philosophy, the <strong>University</strong> hosts students from all over the world, in a multicultural learning environment,promoting friendship, cooperation and understanding.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a diverse range <strong>of</strong> academic programmes <strong>of</strong> study at both the undergraduateand postgraduate level through its four Schools - School <strong>of</strong> Business, School <strong>of</strong> Education, School <strong>of</strong>Humanities, Social Sciences and Law and the School <strong>of</strong> Sciences.The main language <strong>of</strong> instruction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> is English. The <strong>University</strong> provides a dynamic learningenvironment in a modern European country and a multicultural student body <strong>of</strong> over 5,000. The <strong>University</strong>pursues excellence in education through high teaching standards, in a continually improving academicenvironment. With emphasis on critical thinking and lifelong learning skills, the <strong>University</strong>’s programmesprepare students for service in the public and the private sectors.In addition to classroom instruction, the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers students the opportunities to become involvedin a whole range <strong>of</strong> activities including student clubs, sports, public lectures and seminars. Moreover,the <strong>University</strong> maintains close links with a number <strong>of</strong> European, American and CIS universities, giving ourstudents the opportunity to participate in exchange or study-abroad programmes. Additionally, the <strong>University</strong>received approval for an Erasmus <strong>University</strong> Charter and is an <strong>of</strong>ficial participant in the European CreditTransfer System (ECTS).The <strong>University</strong> is actively involved in local, European and <strong>International</strong> research projects as a lead partnerand as a coordinating institution. The <strong>University</strong> is also actively involved in the community with campaignsfor various causes, including environmental protection. In recognition <strong>of</strong> this work the <strong>University</strong> receivedthe prestigious “Global 500” award from the United Nations.We are delighted that you are considering spending some <strong>of</strong> the most crucial years <strong>of</strong> your life at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>, an institution that is committed to “Excellence in Education”, and in making a significantdifference in your future.1

Study in CyprusA member <strong>of</strong> the European Union since 2004, Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is a majorbusiness and financial centre for Southeast Europe and the Middle East. Cyprus is an island rich with historyand tradition and exploring Cyprus is itself a rewarding experience waiting to be discovered.Cyprus is in many ways an ideal centre in which to study and in fact, Cyprus and the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>have become a major international education destination. Over 20% <strong>of</strong> the 5,000 students at the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong> come from abroad, from over 65 different countries.With over three million visitors coming to Cyprus each year, the island <strong>of</strong>fers excellent facilities for sport,recreation, leisure and an exciting and varied night-life. Blessed with natural beauty and a wonderfulMediterranean climate, Cyprus gives visitors and residents alike the opportunity to enjoy golden beaches,rugged coastlines, and forest-clad mountains dotted with picturesque villages.Cyprus is a safe place to live, with a very low crime rate and welcoming people. The country also enjoys avigorous economy with a high standard <strong>of</strong> living, and is a member <strong>of</strong> the eurozone.The cost <strong>of</strong> living is still lower than in most European countries and the general pace <strong>of</strong> life is more relaxed.Work and Study in CyprusNon EU students are permitted to work for 20 hours per week during the semester and 38 hours duringvacation periods. <strong>Student</strong>s are eligible to work 6 months after entering the country as per the Aliens &Immigration Law No. 184(1)/2007.2

<strong>University</strong> FacilitiesThe <strong>University</strong> campus is situated on the outskirts <strong>of</strong> the capital city <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong> in new, spacious, purpose-builtpremises. The campus is well-designed with facilities that enable students to enjoy a successful academicand social life. There are a number <strong>of</strong> labs designed specifically for the needs <strong>of</strong> academic programmessuch as Engineering Labs, Design and Multimedia Labs, TV and Radio Production Labs, Biology, Chemistry,and Physics Labs and a Nursing Skills Lab.<strong>Student</strong>s also have access to state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art Computer Labs equipped with modern hardware and s<strong>of</strong>twareprogrammes, as well as a high-speed Internet connection throughout the campus which allows studentsaccess to efficient, quick and modern methods <strong>of</strong> learning. A library information centre is housed in aseparate building and includes over 100,000 books and numerous online journal databases, providinginformation, resources and services to support teaching, research and foster independent learning.The campus also accommodates a cinema theatre, a gym, a games room, cafeterias, a restaurant andrecreational facilities where students can meet and socialize.<strong>Student</strong> Life<strong>University</strong> life <strong>of</strong>fers you a wealth <strong>of</strong> opportunities, not only academic, but also social and cultural. <strong>Student</strong>sshould graduate with happy memories <strong>of</strong> their time spent at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>. It is therefore importantthat students not only study hard but that also enjoy their time at the <strong>University</strong>. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Nicosia</strong> provides a diverse environment with a rich mix <strong>of</strong> students <strong>of</strong> many nationalities from all culturaland social backgrounds.3

Facts and Figures- Largest and most reputable non-governmental university in Cypruswith over 5000 students- <strong>International</strong>ly recognised degrees- Member <strong>of</strong> the European <strong>University</strong> Association and the EUROMED<strong>University</strong> Forum- UNESCO Chair focused on Cultural Diversity and InterculturalDialogue- UN Global 500 Prize for contributions in EnvironmentalConservation- Member: <strong>University</strong> Leaders for a Sustainable Future- EFQM: Committed to Excellence winner- <strong>International</strong> Faculty Body- Active Participation in EU-Funded Research Programmes- Academic courses are structured on the European Credit TransferSystem (ECTS)4

Programmes <strong>of</strong> Study5

Application ProcedureStart your application by completing the <strong>University</strong> Application Form either on-line or sent by post orscanned copy to admissions@unic.ac.cy. Together with your Application Form please also send a copy <strong>of</strong>your High School Leaving Certificate or copy <strong>of</strong> your <strong>University</strong> degree and <strong>of</strong>ficial transcript (Postgraduatestudents) and a copy <strong>of</strong> your passport (page with your name and picture on).Once we review your Application Form you will be contacted by an Academic Advisor guiding you throughthe rest <strong>of</strong> the application process and the procedure for issuing your student visa.Following the above and after a Conditional Acceptance Letter is issued, we will guide you on how to submitthe following documents to the Office <strong>of</strong> Admissions:1. €55 Application fee (application will not be processed without this non-refundable fee).2. €86 <strong>Student</strong> Visa fee (application will not be processed without this non-refundable fee).3. 4 passport sized photos.4. Attested copy <strong>of</strong> High School Leaving Certificate (Lower & Higher Secondary) and marksheets.5. Attested passport copy (valid for at least two years from the start <strong>of</strong> the semester to be enrolled).6. Attested Police Clearance Certificate (PCC for Indian applicants translated intoEnglish if necessary).7. Attested Bank Letter stating that the student’s sponsor has the financial ability tosupport his/her living, tuition and repatriation expenses. Sponsor may only be Father/Mother/Self. The letter must also clearly state the relationship between sponsor and student.8. Supporting bank statement9. Attested Blood Test report (HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C).10. Attested chest X-ray report (T.B.).6<strong>Student</strong>s who are applying for a Masters degree must also submit the following:1. Attested copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> Transcripts.2. Attested copy <strong>of</strong> Bachelor Degree.3. 2 Reference letters.4. Evidence <strong>of</strong> work experience (where applicable).

Attestation <strong>of</strong> documents<strong>Student</strong>s are required to attest the following documents by the appropriate/relevant authorities in theirhome country:– academic documents– police clearance certificate– bank sponsorship letter and statement– passport– blood test and X-ray reportsThe attestation process differs between countries who have signed the Hague Convention, 1961 (Apostille)and those who have not. Please contact the <strong>International</strong> Admission Counsellors for instructions on howto attest documents in your country.Attested documents must be in English, in cases where a translation is necessary, this must be done by anapproved translator and attested by the relevant authorities in the applicant’s country.Completed application forms, and required documents should be sent to:<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>Office <strong>of</strong> Admissions46 Makedonitissas AvenueP.O. Box 24005, 1700 <strong>Nicosia</strong>, Cyprusadmissions@unic.ac.cyFax: +357 22352067Tel: +357 22841528For payments, please refer to page 10 for the <strong>University</strong>’s account details.7

ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYEnglish is the main language <strong>of</strong> instruction at the <strong>University</strong>. <strong>Student</strong>s are required to take the EnglishPlacement Test (EPT) before registering for classes so that the level <strong>of</strong> their English pr<strong>of</strong>iciency can bedetermined. The EPT may show that a student may undertake additional English classes in addition tosome <strong>of</strong> their normal academic classes.<strong>Student</strong>s whose first degree has been completed in the English language or have acquired the followingEnglish qualifications will register directly for their academic programme <strong>of</strong> study:BachelorMastersTOEFL 513 and above 550 and aboveComputer based TOEFL 183 and above 213 and aboveiBT TOEFL 65 and above 79 and aboveIELTS 5.5 and above 6.5 and aboveCambridge First Certificate B and above B and aboveCambridge Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency C and above C and aboveGCSE English C and above C and aboveMichigan Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Pass PassMichigan Competency Pass Pass8

Welcome tothe <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>Application DeadlinesApplicants must submit their application and required documents at least three weeks prior to the start <strong>of</strong>the semester to which they are applying.IMPORTANT DATESStarting Dates Application DeadlinesFall Semester October 2, <strong>2012</strong> mid August, <strong>2012</strong>Spring Semester February 4, <strong>2013</strong> mid December, <strong>2012</strong>Summer Session June 3, <strong>2013</strong> mid April <strong>2013</strong>Accommodation OptionsThere is a large range <strong>of</strong> housing options available on or very near the campus which are within walkingdistance to local shops and entertainment areas. The <strong>University</strong> hostels <strong>of</strong>fer both single and double rooms,with shared kitchens and bathrooms. Hostel places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, sostudents who are interested should contact the Housing Office as early as possible.Many students prefer to live in privately rented houses or flats near the <strong>University</strong>. The Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Student</strong>Affairs will be able to help you arrange accommodation either on or <strong>of</strong>f campus according to your needsand budget.For more information please contact the Housing Office at housing@unic.ac.cy. or visitour <strong>of</strong>ficial housing website at www.housing.unic.ac.cy9

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS:TUITION AND FEES <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>2013</strong>TUITIONEuroUndergraduate (Bachelor) Programmes-Tuition per credit/teaching hour (whichever is higher) 335Postgraduate Programmes - entire programmeMaster in Business Administration (46 credits @ €341) 15,686Master in <strong>International</strong> Relations (42 credits @ €357) 14,994Master in Media and Communication (36 credits @ €380) 13,680Master in Clinical Psychology (99 credits @ €350) 34,650Master in Educational Psychology (27 credits @ €400) 10,800PhD Programmes - Please contact the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> AdmissionsOTHER FEES*Application fee (one-<strong>of</strong>f/non-refundable payment) 55Visa fee (one-<strong>of</strong>f/non-refundable payment) 86Registration fee (per semester) 26Annual Insurance fee 175<strong>Student</strong> Activities fee (per semester) 20Technology fee - Internet use, etc. (per semester) 15Lab fee (per course with lab) 26<strong>International</strong> <strong>Student</strong> Guarantee (one-<strong>of</strong>f/refundable payment) 400* Other fees may vary according to the undergraduate programme <strong>of</strong> study.- The Tuition Fees <strong>of</strong> the Medical and Hertfordshire programmes can be found on a separate leaflet.PERSONAL/LIVING EXPENSESThe estimated expenses for the academic year are as follows:EuroAccommodation (shared accommodation) 2,000 - 3,500Food and Personal Expenses 2,000 - 3,500Books and Stationery 400 - 500PAYMENT OF FEES<strong>International</strong> (Non-EU) students are required to be full-time, (minimum 12 credits/hours per semester) Tuition andOther Fees are calculated and charged at the beginning <strong>of</strong> each semester (Fall & Spring). A deposit as stated onthe Acceptance Letter (unless otherwise required by the <strong>University</strong>) must be paid upon receipt <strong>of</strong> the Certificate <strong>of</strong>Admission. The balance <strong>of</strong> the Semester’s Tuition and other Fees must be paid upon registration.10

PAYMENT OPTIONSAll payments should be made in Euro to the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong> through bank transfer, account detailsas follows:Hellenic Bank<strong>Nicosia</strong>, CyprusAccount No.: 119-01-567831-01IBAN: CY 15005001190001190156783101Swift: HEBACY2NorBank <strong>of</strong> Cyprus<strong>Nicosia</strong>, CyprusAccount No.: 0182-11-007377IBAN: CY 35002001820000001100737700Swift: BCYPCY2N010Note: Tuition and other fees are expected to increase by approximately 4-6% each academic year.INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: SCHOLARSHIPSBased on Previous Academic Performance<strong>International</strong> students, in their first year at the <strong>University</strong>, are eligible for a Tuition Fees scholarship on thebasis <strong>of</strong> the grades <strong>of</strong> their High School Leaving Certificate, based on the country in which this qualificationwas issued. <strong>Student</strong>s who wish to transfer credits on the basis <strong>of</strong> their Bachelor or Diploma, will havethe scholarship considered in accordance with this qualification. Awards are given as a percentagereduction on the Tuition Fees.In order to be eligible for this type <strong>of</strong> scholarship, students must:a) submit their High School Leaving Certificate and/or Bachelor Degree upon applicationb) be registered on a full time basis (minimum 12 credits/hours per semester).More information about scholarships can be obtained from the Office <strong>of</strong> Admissions.Based on Academic Performance at the <strong>University</strong>Two regular semesters after the student first registers and every semester thereafter, scholarships willbe awarded according to the student’s academic performance at the <strong>University</strong>, as follows:Cumulative GPATuition Reduction4.00 50%3.75 - 3.99 20%3.50 - 3.74 10%In order to be eligible for this type <strong>of</strong> scholarship, students must have:a) completed a minimum <strong>of</strong> 24 credits at the <strong>University</strong>, andb) been registered in the previous semester.ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS<strong>Student</strong>s who are actively involved in the <strong>University</strong> sports teams may be eligible to receive athleticscholarships <strong>of</strong> up to 50% <strong>of</strong> their tuition fees.The exact amount <strong>of</strong> scholarships will be determined after the relevant application and selection is made.The sport category as well as student’s contribution and performance to the various sports and other<strong>University</strong> activities will determine the scholarship amount.11

Welcome tothe <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>Dates to RememberRegistration/Commencement <strong>of</strong> Classes:Courses commence on the dates shown below. <strong>Student</strong>s, however, are advised to come to Cyprus at least1-2 weeks before registration, in order to make arrangements for their accommodation.Fall Semester <strong>2012</strong> Spring Semester <strong>2013</strong> Summer Semester <strong>2013</strong>Deadlines for theSubmission <strong>of</strong> Application mid August <strong>2012</strong> mid December <strong>2012</strong> mid April <strong>2013</strong>Commencement <strong>of</strong> classes 02/10/<strong>2012</strong> 04/02/<strong>2013</strong> 03/06/<strong>2013</strong>Late registration continues for two weeks after the dates <strong>of</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> classes for regular semesters,and one week after the commencement <strong>of</strong> Summer classes.12

Contact Us<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nicosia</strong>Office <strong>of</strong> Admissions46 Makedonitissas Ave., P.O. Box 240051700 <strong>Nicosia</strong>, CyprusTel: + 357 22 841528Fax: + 357 22 352067E-mail: admissions@unic.ac.cyWebsite: www.unic.ac.cy8.12.1000


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