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3Safety3.2 Guideline of NoticesTwo levels of safety are identified by the followingsymbols:WARNING!CAUTION!DANGERDenotes a possible severely dangeroussituation where, without proper caution,bodily injury or loss of life may result.RISK OF INJURY/SYSTEM DAMAGE/BUILDING DAMAGEIdentifies a possible dangerous situationthat can lead to mild to moderate bodilyinjury or property damage.Additional symbol for designating user notes:NOTICEApplication comment for optimum use ofequipment and adjustment as well asuseful information.3.3 Please observe these safetyinstructionsWARNING!CAUTION!RISK TO LIFEfrom a fall or falling tools and parts. Take appropriate action to preventaccidents when working on roofs. While working on the roof, take allnecessary precautions againsta possible fall. Always wear protective clothing anduse your personal protectiveequipment (PPE). If you are not comfortable working on aladder, a lift, or the roof, hire a roofingcontractor to install the equipment. After completing an installation alwaysverify that all components are installedaccording to the instructions and aresecurely attached.RISK OF INJURYPersonal injury and system faults canresult from altered construction. Never modify structural elements. Never drill additional holes. Never attach non-system relatedcomponents (e.g. antennas).CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!RISK OF INJURYSolar system components can becomevery hot even when a system isdecommissioned. Always wear protective clothing andsafety equipment. Cover the collector (collector coversare available as an accessory) duringinstallation to prevent hightemperatures resulting from solarradiation.Observe maximum load and distance fromedges before installing the substructuresupports to the roof. If necessary, consult astructural engineer to determine if thestructure is suitable for installing solarcollectors, including expected snow andwind loads.Solar pipes and solar fluid can causesevere burns. Extreme caution must betaken when a system is in stagnation.SYSTEM DAMAGEAvoid scratching or sudden shocks to theglass of a solar panel. Never step or walkon collectors.Never braze or solder in close proximity ofa solar panel.Install a heat exchanger to separate poolwater or potable water from the collectorsystem.The use of heat transfer fluid “Tyfocor L,Tyfocor LS and Tyfocor L "G" ” is stronglyrecommended.For more detailed information aboutsuitable solar heat transfer fluids refer tothe installation instruction of the KS pumpstations.This system is not suitable for drain backinstallations. Only closed loop pressurizedsystems are permitted.6Logasol SKN 3.0 - We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications.

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