A Practical Guide to Creating a Sustainable Community Building

A Practical Guide to Creating a Sustainable Community Building

A Practical Guide to Creating a Sustainable Community Building


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A <strong>Practical</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>Creating</strong> a <strong>Sustainable</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>Building</strong>- February 2005 -

Front cover pho<strong>to</strong>graphsTop - Ardross Village Hall, Easter Ross; designed by David Somerville Architect © David SomervilleCentre - Sgoil na Coille, Sunart, Lochaber © Sunart Oakwoods InitiativeBot<strong>to</strong>m - Garbh Eilean wildlife hide, Loch Sunart, Lochaber © Sunart Oakwoods Initiative

Network 21 is a partnership of the Highland Wellbeing Alliance involving publicbodies from the Highland <strong>Community</strong> Planning Partnership (The HighlandCouncil, Scottish Natural Heritage, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and NHSHighland) and the voluntary sec<strong>to</strong>r (Voluntary Groups – East Sutherland andVoluntary Action Lochaber). Between 2002 and 2005, the Network 21project received grant support from the Scottish Executive’s Rural StrategicSupport Fund.Network 21 aims <strong>to</strong>: Encourage sustainability <strong>to</strong> be embedded in community developmentsupport in the Highlands Encourage community action on sustainable development Provide a range of support and advice on sustainable development Promote best practice on sustainability.This guidance was produced for Network 21 by Campbell Consulting (Highland)Ltd in association with David Somerville Architects.Extracts from the text may be re-produced for use by or on behalf ofcommunities, provided the source is acknowledged.While every effort has been made <strong>to</strong> ensure the accuracy of the advice given,neither the Network 21 partnership nor its member organisations can acceptliability for loss or damage arising from the information supplied.A pdf version of this guidance can be downloaded from the Highlands andIslands Enterprise website. Hard copies are available from:Strengthening Communities, Highlands and Islands EnterpriseCowan House, Inverness Retail and Business Park, Inverness IV2 7GFTel 01463 234 171FEBRUARY 2005

ContentsINTRODUCTION What this <strong>Guide</strong> covers 1 What do we mean by a sustainable community building? 2 Why incorporate sustainability in<strong>to</strong> the design of a community building? 3STAGE1:GETTING STARTED: THE BUILDING FEASIBILITY STUDY Getting organised 4 How <strong>to</strong> find an architect/design team with sustainability credentials 5 Developing the project brief and incorporating your sustainability requirements 8 Site selection and best use 8 Meeting essential planning requirements 9 Indicative costs 9 Funding issues 10STAGE 2:DEVELOPING YOUR PROPOSAL: THE SCHEME DESIGN STUDY Healthy and comfortable buildings 12 Construction methods 13 Energy system options 14- Minimising energy use 14- Choosing your energy source 15 Use and specification of sustainable materials 17 Minimising waste water and managing sewage 18 Access for all and parking 18 Planning consent and building control 19STAGE 3:CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION Preparation of tendering contract documents 20 Tendering for building contrac<strong>to</strong>rs 20 Letting the contract 20 On-site management 20 Project hand-over, snagging and building maintenance issues 20 Final completion 21WHERE TO GO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 22EXAMPLES OF BEST PRACTICE IN SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION 26Page

Subject guidesThe series of numbered GUIDES below provides further information and pointers on subjects coveredin the main text, where each GUIDE is referenced where relevant.GUIDE 1:GUIDE 2:GUIDE 3:GUIDE 4:GUIDE 5:GUIDE 6:GUIDE 7:GUIDE 8:GUIDE 9:Key considerations for sustainable community design and constructionWHO, WHAT & WHEN: An overview of creating a community buildingKey issues in site selection and making the most of your siteSome construction approaches that you may come acrossSome sustainability issues <strong>to</strong> consider when specifying your building materialsDesign checklist <strong>to</strong> minimise energy use and wastageRenewable energy options appropriate for community buildingsSustainability pointers for water, sewage and waste managementDesign checklist for access for allGUIDE 10: Sustainability tick list for community buildingsGUIDE 11: Funding sources specifically for sustainability costsGUIDE 12: Network 21 sustainability checklist

IntroductionWhy incorporate sustainabilityin<strong>to</strong> the design of a communitybuilding?In Europe, approximately half our energy isused in buildings, the largest share of whichis for heating. Global warming, drivenprimarily by CO 2emissions, requires achange in our current patterns of energygeneration and use. So working withbuildings provides an excellent opportunity<strong>to</strong> act <strong>to</strong> reduce CO 2emissions by planningfor high levels of energy efficiency in theirdesign, construction and use.Increasingly stringent requirements arebeing introduced in<strong>to</strong> building regulations,<strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong>wards nationalenvironmental targets <strong>to</strong> lower CO 2emissions. These set a minimum standardfor energy efficiency, however, whichcommunities should ideally aim <strong>to</strong> exceed.Promote best practice <strong>to</strong> other localdevelopers who may be building in thecommunity.Support and encourage the developmen<strong>to</strong>f products and systems with goodenvironmental credentials, which couldpotentially be produced in theHighlands.The planning and design stage of a building isthe key time <strong>to</strong> identify which sustainabilityaspects will have the greatest impact, areachievable in your building, and how <strong>to</strong>incorporate them. Solutions will vary indifferent situations. This booklet providesstep by step notes on applying sustainabilitypractice <strong>to</strong> the building process, along withthe other vital considerations of communityneed, cost, space requirements, and buildingregulations. As a starting point, <strong>Guide</strong> 1gives a summary of the key sustainabilityissues <strong>to</strong> consider.<strong>Building</strong>s that are designed <strong>to</strong> exceed basic<strong>Building</strong> Regulation requirements can deliversignificant benefits <strong>to</strong> communities, becausethey:-Save on running costs through efficiencymeasures and use of renewable energysources.Maximise local economic impact duringconstruction, by sourcing materials andlabour locally.Reduce the negative environmentalimpact of construction, throughminimum site disturbance and waste.3

STAGE 1Getting started: the building feasibility studyPurpose:This stage examines the feasibility of your idea. Having already defined your communityneeds, you will:research broad sustainability options and begin <strong>to</strong> set out the sustainability priorities foryour construction project.begin dialogue with professionals.assess potential sites.explore fundamental planning issues in relation <strong>to</strong> your chosen site.Getting OrganisedPrior <strong>to</strong> thinking about building design, youneed <strong>to</strong> carry out prepara<strong>to</strong>ry work in thecommunity, including:-Identifying the community need andcreating a community profileEstablishing a formal organisation <strong>to</strong>manage the projectResearch on and study visits <strong>to</strong> examplesof sustainable community buildingsIdentifying the community need andcreating a community profileYour Local Enterprise Company (LEC) andCouncil of Voluntary Service (CVS) arerecommended as the first port of call inhelping <strong>to</strong> carry out an initial communityneeds exercise or assessing the businessplanning or financial viability of the project.They will be able <strong>to</strong> guide you on, andpossibly provide funding for, this earlyconsultation process. This may include input,if required, from a community economicdevelopment consultant – who may wellcontinue <strong>to</strong> work alongside the communityand any building professionals (architect /engineer / quantity surveyor) engaged, indue course, <strong>to</strong> prepare a feasibility study.These building professionals do not getinvolved, however, in the initial assessmen<strong>to</strong>f community need, financial viability orbusiness planning.Remember <strong>to</strong> canvass community views onwhat they consider the most important localsustainability issues. Make sure that youinclude specific sustainability questions inyour survey or consultation process e.g.travel modes, recycling facilities, renewablesetc. Your community group can then use thisinformation in your prioritisation ofsustainability aspects in the building design.Separate useful guidance has been producedon the process of community projectmanagement, from creating a new group anddefining your project, through <strong>to</strong> businessand general management. This <strong>Guide</strong> focuseson the sustainability considerations of acommunity building project, and we suggestthat you use it in conjunction with one of thepublications listed in “Where <strong>to</strong> go forfurther information” under “Sources ofcommunity support”.4

STAGE1Getting started: the building feasibility studyEstablishing a formal organisation <strong>to</strong>manage the projectOnce your organisation is formed, appoint alead community contact for theconstruction project. This does not have <strong>to</strong>be the Chair. The greater the distribution oftasks between group members, the moresustainable your management! Ideally, asecond community person should beappointed <strong>to</strong> work in parallel and lead onthe sustainability agenda. At this earlystage, your community group can progressthe project considerably at your own hand,such as making initial contact with theregula<strong>to</strong>ry bodies <strong>to</strong> obtain site specificguidance and complete the necessarypermissions. This can contributeconsiderable savings on the hire ofprofessionals, but will depend on the timeavailability and confidence within yourgroup. Carry out background research – thesection on “Where <strong>to</strong> go for furtherinformation” provides contacts and web sitesthat you can investigate. The more youunderstand about the issues and the cleareryou are about what is required from yourdesign, the more effective you’ll be incommunicating this <strong>to</strong> your designer andachieving your goal.Research on and study visits <strong>to</strong> examples ofsustainable community buildingsSite visits <strong>to</strong> view good practice insustainable community buildings are highlyrecommended at this stage. Refer <strong>to</strong> thesection in this <strong>Guide</strong> on Examples of bestpractice in sustainable construction. Localagencies (for example, your Local EnterpriseCompany, the Council’s Planning andDevelopment Service, SNH, CVS) may alsobe able <strong>to</strong> suggest relevant projects you cancontact within your area. A chance <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong>other groups with prior experience of theprocess is invaluable, including dilemmas anddifficult decisions they have faced. It isworth bearing in mind, however, thatcommunity projects are usually managed byvolunteers and it is important <strong>to</strong> makeefficient use of the limited time they have <strong>to</strong>share knowledge and experience with you.By this stage you should have established andwritten down your initial summary ofproject requirements (e.g. number and sizeof rooms required, activities <strong>to</strong> be cateredfor etc) based on the community survey andcommittee discussions. <strong>Guide</strong> 2 provides anoverview of the “who, what and when” inthe process you are about <strong>to</strong> embark on ofdeveloping your community building.How <strong>to</strong> Find an Architect andDesign Team with SustainabilityCredentialsContracting an architect and design teamwith prior ‘sustainability’ track record andexpertise should be a high priority for yourproject. They can provide proactive ideasand suggestions based on their previousexperience and knowledge. You may wish <strong>to</strong>balance this, however, with using relativelylocal professionals who are able <strong>to</strong> meet withyour group regularly. As environmental andsustainability concerns rise up the politicalagenda and public awareness increases,more professionals are taking an activeinterest in the subject. However, thenumber of professionals with in depthexperience is still limited.5

STAGE1Getting started: the building feasibility studyThere are three main sources of informationon such professionals:The Royal Incorporation of Architects inScotland (RIAS) recently launched anaccreditation scheme for sustainablebuilding designers enabling architects witha proven track record <strong>to</strong> qualify andregister. A similar RIAS accreditationscheme already operates <strong>to</strong> identifyexpertise in his<strong>to</strong>ric buildings. There aredifferent levels of accreditation based onproject size. For more informationcontact the RIAS, Tel 0131 229 7545; E:s<strong>to</strong>mbs@rias.org.uk; Websitewww.rias.org.uk.The Scottish Ecological DesignAssociation (SEDA) is a voluntaryorganisation of professional members thatadvocates ecological design, providinginformation, advice and raising awarenessthrough events, site visits, study <strong>to</strong>urs andpublications. It is working <strong>to</strong> establish aweb gateway on sustainable design andbuilding materials. www.seda2.org ; E:seda@freezone.co.ukIdeally, consider 2-3 architects <strong>to</strong> assess howeach would approach the project and theirattitude <strong>to</strong> sustainability issues. Providethem with your initial summary of projectrequirements and invite them <strong>to</strong> make apresentation <strong>to</strong> the committee on theirproposed approach. It is vital that yourcommunity group is comfortable with thearchitect’s style, communication andflexibility. You will be stuck with this onceyou start – it is expensive <strong>to</strong> change adviserat a later stage.The architect should be involved <strong>to</strong> provideguidance as early as possible in thefeasibility stage. Remember yourcommunity group can still carry out some ofthe tasks at your own hand, if desired, <strong>to</strong>reduce professional fees eg. liaison withplanning and Scottish EnvironmentalProtection Agency (SEPA) requirements.The Association of Energy ConsciousBuilders (AECB) lists its members from arange of professions (architects, buildingcontrac<strong>to</strong>rs, energy assessors, engineersetc) at www.aecb.net/seekf.htm. Go <strong>to</strong>“seek members” and select from dropdown menu ‘Highland’ (or required area)and ‘all professions’ <strong>to</strong> get a full list.6

STAGE1Getting started: the building feasibility studyDeveloping the Project Brief andIncorporating your SustainabilityRequirementsYou – the community committee or Board –are the client and will be employingprofessionals <strong>to</strong> carry out work on yourbehalf. It is your job <strong>to</strong> communicate theneeds of the community project <strong>to</strong> thedesign team and <strong>to</strong> ensure that they havegood clear instructions. To start the ballrolling you can write an initial, short brief,defining the physical, space and amenityrequirements of the design. This should bedeveloped in<strong>to</strong> the Project Brief, which is aclearly defined statement of yourrequirements for the building, based on yourcommunity research and consultation. TheProject Brief develops systematically throughan iterative process involving dialoguebetween the community and design teamthat allows your design requirements <strong>to</strong> takefirmer shape. This dialogue progressesthroughout Stages 1 and 2 of the buildingproject. The Project Brief will usually befinalized by both parties by the end of Stage2 and will provide the basis for thepreparation of the Tender Documents.Architectural design decisions directlyinfluence the sustainability performance andencourage “greener” management of thefinished building. As the client you canspecify selected sustainability objectives forthe building in your Project Brief. The designteam will suggest design options that willdeliver your requirements. It may help you <strong>to</strong>produce an overall Mission or SustainabilityDesign Statement <strong>to</strong> map out the extent thatyou wish <strong>to</strong> incorporate sustainability in thedesign. <strong>Guide</strong> 11 provides discussion points<strong>to</strong> explore the extent of your communityaspirations <strong>to</strong> incorporate sustainabilityobjectives in the construction project. Yourarchitect will be able <strong>to</strong> guide you throughthe sustainability issues and choices –amending the detail of the Project Briefduring Stages 1 and 2, as you fine tune yourrequirements with the design team.Site Selection and Best UseSelection of your site is a fundamentaldecision that will determine futuresustainability potential of a number ofaspects of your building. It is vital that timeis invested in site considerations. Once thesite, and positioning within it, is determinedthe scope for some other options will befixed. The location of your building isunlikely <strong>to</strong> be an open choice, and indeedmay be pre-determined if it is arefurbishment. Different constraints willapply in urban and rural locations, but thesustainability issues in <strong>Guide</strong> 3 should beconsidered when making your decision.8

STAGE1Getting started: the building feasibility studyFunding IssuesPlan ahead for your funding for Stages 1 and2 – as financing these early planning studiescan sometimes cause a dilemma. Mostcommunities need the security of confirmedfunding before committing <strong>to</strong> spending onprofessional fees. A fixed fee is oftennegotiated for the <strong>Building</strong> Feasibility Study,<strong>to</strong> include approval of planning consent. Asmentioned above, this means that theplanning permission is based on thearchitect’s initial proposal and sketch designin Stage 1 – which cannot subsequently bematerially altered. This may pre-empt orcompromise later sustainability decisions.Stage 2 fees are usually charged byprofessionals as a percentage of the finalcontract value – the percentage will be lowerfor larger projects. Your community groupand/or your local funders may not becomfortable about proceeding <strong>to</strong> Stage 2without planning permission in place. Beaware of this and discuss with your architectand local funding agencies <strong>to</strong> find the bestsolution.You will not be in a good position <strong>to</strong> submitfunding applications for capital costs untilyour design is refined and more accurate<strong>to</strong>tal costs are clear. However, you shouldresearch and make contact with potentialfunders at this stage <strong>to</strong> cover any additionalcosts of sustainability features.Remember that, with good design advice andcareful choices, investment of additionalmoney in the capital build stage can berepaid by savings in the running costs ofyour building – and most community groupsfind that one-off capital funding is easier <strong>to</strong>source than ongoing revenue support. Somegrant funding is available specifically <strong>to</strong>meet the higher installation costs ofenvironmentally-friendly systems andsustainability features (see <strong>Guide</strong> 10). Checkout your eligibility for such funds <strong>to</strong> help youwith your cost decisions.10

STAGE1Getting started: the building feasibility studyWhat you should have achieved by the end of Stage 1As a community group, you will have:-appointed a lead person for sustainability issues from your community group.selected and appointed your professional team (architect, QS, landscape architect,surveyor and others).communicated all your prepara<strong>to</strong>ry work <strong>to</strong> your architect, including community needsand profile, sustainability aspirations, and feedback from study visits.written an initial Project Brief laying out the scope of the project and requirements insustainability and quality standards.confirmed the acceptability of your chosen site with regard <strong>to</strong> basic planningrequirements, confirming that there are no “fatal flaws”.agreed the optimum use and layout of the site, with particular reference <strong>to</strong> the levelsurvey, landscaping aspects and orientation of the building.received an initial design and outline proposal prepared by your architect ready forfurther development – including sketch design (elevations and plan section) suitable forplanning application.received an estimate of the likely capital costs based on the draft specification andplan.identified eligible funding sources <strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> any additional sustainability costs inyour building.received a Feasibility Study report from the design team, which documents all theabove.[approval of planning permission if you have chosen <strong>to</strong> submit an application at thisstage – see note above].11

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyPurpose:This stage undertakes what is sometimes referred <strong>to</strong> as the ‘Scheme Design Study’,revisiting in more detail some aspects from Stage 1. Your community group will:-refine the Project Brief by examining a range of sustainability issues and options in moredetail with your architect.make a series of design decisions with sustainability implications which will not be easilyaltered at a later stage – some of the benefits, drawbacks and cost options are outlinedin this section.play a vital questioning role, as the community client, <strong>to</strong> ensure that the building keepsin line with community needs and expectations, although input at Stage 2 will largely beby the professional team.Healthy and Comfortable <strong>Building</strong>sAchieving sustainability in your communitybuilding includes maximising the health andcomfort of building users. There are anumber of cross-cutting quality issues thatyou will need <strong>to</strong> consider from a users’perspective in all your design decisions.Don’t compromise on performance andquality where these issues are concerned:HeatingRooms need <strong>to</strong> be warm at the time peopleare using them, with a degree oftemperature control <strong>to</strong> maintainbackground heating when not in use.Insulation is one of the key methods forachieving thermal comfort efficiently in abuilding. For example, at the new villagehall in Ardross (Ross and Cromarty), highlevels of insulation combined with underfloorheating (a series of pipes warming the floorsurface) and solar roof panels deliver aneffective and cost-efficient heating system.This provides a warm backgroundtemperature, avoiding the need for earlyarrival at the hall <strong>to</strong> pre-heat the building inadvance of use. Heating costs are lowerthan for the smaller “old” hall. Alternatively,responsive heating can be used, which iscapable of raising or lowering temperaturesquickly. As this is applied only when theroom is required, it results in the buildingbeing cold when not in use; each time aroom is heated the temperature has <strong>to</strong> beraised from ambient level.Air QualityAchieving the correct balance betweenenergy conservation and adequateventilation is the key <strong>to</strong> good indoor airquality. Insufficient ventilation can lead <strong>to</strong>: High levels of indoor pollutants emittedgradually from synthetic materials andfinishes (eg certain paints and floorcoverings) over the course of theirlifetime; Excessive humidity that encourages dustmites, which are a big problem forasthma sufferers.12

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyLightCareful design should make full use ofnatural lighting wherever possible,supplemented by artificial lighting. This willenable people <strong>to</strong> work and use the buildingwithout eye strain. Design should eradicateglare from sunlight, which is of particularimportance for older users of your facility.AcousticsSounding proofing between rooms isessential <strong>to</strong> attract bookings forsimultaneous use of the building by differenttypes of users. This will encourage good useof the building, contributing <strong>to</strong> financiallysustainability. Areas that are <strong>to</strong> be used forperformance will need <strong>to</strong> be designed withspaces and materials that lend themselves<strong>to</strong> good acoustics.Construction MethodA choice of construction techniques could beapplied <strong>to</strong> your building, although this islikely <strong>to</strong> be determined by cost, practicalconsiderations and the size and complexityof the building. Some new or unconventionalconstruction methods associated withsustainable building practice are at an earlystage of development, not fully tested orproven and may not be advocated for use inlarge buildings. In the Highland climate, thedurability of a structure against the weatheris a major consideration – and timber is oftenthe most suitable sustainable buildingmaterial.Some illustrative construction methods thatyou may come across are outlined in <strong>Guide</strong>4. The construction options and approachappropriate <strong>to</strong> your site and building shouldbe discussed in detail with your architect.Key sustainability considerations inchoosing a construction method: Plan the construction process <strong>to</strong> beresource-efficient i.e. <strong>to</strong> minimise waste,manage disposal of waste and <strong>to</strong> preventland and water contamination during thebuilding process. Select a construction method for whichyou will be able <strong>to</strong> find constructionexpertise locally or relatively easily.Refer <strong>to</strong> the issues raised under “Use of<strong>Sustainable</strong> Materials”, as theconstruction method will determine someof the building materials <strong>to</strong> be used. Aim for a design and construction methodthat is flexible enough <strong>to</strong> adapt forprojected future usage. Take account in the design of the futurefinancial and environmental cost ofdisposing of components and materials atthe end of their useful life, andmaximize the potential for reuse andrecycling.13

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyEnergy System OptionsOperational energy requirements of thebuilding (space heating, water heating,cooking, powering of equipment, lightingetc.) represent one of the biggest areaswhere your sustainability decisions can makean impact. Good quality, well insulatedconstruction, using the site’s aspect forpassive solar gain, results in a building thatrequires minimal space heating, so reducingenergy costs considerably. A communitybuilding looks for both reliability and lowoperational costs in its power supplies.Running costs will be determined by:-The thermal design of the building,including insulation standardsThe source of energyThe efficiency and degree of control ofthe heating system you select.Minimising energy use: control systems andinsulation.In tandem with effective heating, lightingand ventilation systems your building shouldbe designed for efficient energy use andenergy conservation. In Europe, heatingenergy accounts, on average, for 40-60% ofenergy use in a building. Heating energydemand can be reduced at a competitivecost by 30-50% in existing buildings and by90-95% in new builds, compared <strong>to</strong> thecurrent average, using widely availabletechnology and design knowledge. Two keyways of achieving this are through effectivecontrols and good insulation. Purchase ofenergy efficient (retailed as “A” category)models of appliances also helps. A unit ofenergy saved is as good as or better than aunit of renewable energy generated.<strong>Building</strong> regulations set a minimumstandard for energy efficiency, whichideally you should be aiming <strong>to</strong> exceed.You should discuss the potential for settingthe project’s energy consumption with yourdesign team. These could be based on thedesign team’s estimate for <strong>to</strong>tal annualenergy costs. Recognised industry standardsexist for residential buildings and for officespremises, but as yet there is no standardcalculation available for public or communitybuildings.14

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyControl SystemsThe range of control systems available ischanging constantly, and at a basic levelincludes:Electronic timers or programmersRoom thermostats or thermostaticradia<strong>to</strong>r control valvesSeparate thermostatic control on hotwater systemIt is important that you select controlmethods appropriate <strong>to</strong> your building designand heating system. Your design team willadvise on this. Information on controlsystems can be found on the National EnergyFoundation website www.natenergy.org.uk.InsulationInsulation is a very important part of goodthermal design. It offers potential energysavings in both refurbishments and newbuild, given that many buildings, includingnew build, are insulated below optimumlevels. Although insulation standards are setby <strong>Building</strong> Regulations, additional benefit isgiven by insulating in excess of thesestandards.One of the most important characteristicsof an insulation material is it’s longevity ofperformance over the lifetime of thematerial and building – most buildings do nothave insulation replaced during theirlifetime. Different insulation materials willachieve the same performance applied atdifferent thicknesses, so select a materialthat will last and maintain a highperformance.Key sustainability considerations <strong>to</strong>minimise energy use (See <strong>Guide</strong> 6 forchecklist):Specify sufficiently high levels ofinsulation – these may often be higherthan <strong>Building</strong> Regulation requirements.Don’t skimp on insulation duringconstruction.Choose an insulation material with longlife and durability.Minimise heat loss by controlling airflowand maximising air tightness and draftexclusion e.g. at doorways and windows.Choose an insulation material which isproduced in a sustainable way i.e. themanufacture process does not produceany ozone damaging chemicals such asCFC and CO 2(These materials are said<strong>to</strong> have ‘zero ozone depletion potential’- ZODP). Refer <strong>to</strong> your design team foroptions.Alternative approaches <strong>to</strong> insulation andventilation are being developed, althoughsome are in early stages and have not beenproven in the UK climate. Your design teamwill advise on appropriate options.Choosing your Energy SourceIdeally, your sustainability aims shouldaccommodate some use of renewable energywithin your construction project. Themajority of the UK’s energy comes fromburning fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil), whichproduces high levels of CO 2contributing <strong>to</strong>the greenhouse effect, with renewablesaccounting for only about 3%. Renewablesoffer a range of technologies with differing15

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyinstallation and running costs – harnessingessentially inexhaustible energy sources ofthe sun, the wind, flowing water, the heat ofthe earth and replaceable fuels such asplants. A summary of the main options foruse of renewable energy and theirapplication <strong>to</strong> community buildings is givenin <strong>Guide</strong> 7.It is common for renewables <strong>to</strong> contribute<strong>to</strong>wards a part of a building’s energy needs,supplemented by conventional sources – asillustrated by the growing number ofcommunity buildings in the Highlands andIslands adopting this approach. Two differentrenewable technologies can also becombined in a hybrid system.Key sustainability considerations inchoosing an energy source:Reduce dependency on non-renewableenergy (coal, gas, oil and electricityfrom a non-renewable source) throughgood design and insulation, combinedwith use of renewables.Choose an efficient heating system,lighting and appliances with lowproduction of CO 2and other greenhousegases.Make use of renewable resourceswherever possible and cost effective –this can be for part, rather than all, ofyour power needs if appropriate. Youdon’t need <strong>to</strong> make a commitment <strong>to</strong>run the entire building on renewableenergy, although this is entirely possible.Promote the creation of new jobs inrenewable energy industries by usingrenewable technologies.16

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyUse and Specification of<strong>Sustainable</strong> MaterialsSome of the materials that you use will bedetermined by the chosen constructionmethod - but you can still specify in yourProject Brief a minimum quality orsustainability characteristics that yourequire. Discuss with your architect theextent <strong>to</strong> which it is appropriate <strong>to</strong> specifysourcing requirements – your architect willlater write these in<strong>to</strong> the tender documentwhich building contrac<strong>to</strong>rs are obliged <strong>to</strong>follow. Be aware that your choice ofspecification is likely <strong>to</strong> have costimplications, on which your QuantitySurveyor will advise. There are a number ofsuppliers that observe environmental policiesfor manufacturing and sourcing their goodsand ‘Green Purchasing’ guides are availablein the trade. If your architect is experiencedin sustainable design, he/ she will be able <strong>to</strong>advise on these.Key sustainability considerations in usingand specifying materials (see <strong>Guide</strong> 7 fordetail):Use sustainably-produced materialswherever possible i.e. materials from arenewable source, whose production ormanufacture make minimal use of energyUse recycled or salvaged materialswherever possible e.g. maximise the useof building products manufactured fromrecycled material and re-use materialssuch as timber (eg beams / doors) ands<strong>to</strong>ne.Be aware of the adverse effects of mosttimber preservative treatments, and<strong>to</strong>xins released from synthetics – aim <strong>to</strong>specify for the least harmful and mostenvironmentally friendly options indiscussion with your architect.Consider the decommissioning costs ofthe different construction materials aspart of the overall building cost (i.e. thecost of dismantling and disposal at theend of useful life). This involvesidentifying which construction materialscan be recycled, and those that willresult in costly landfill. This may seemremote from your immediate projectcosts, but is part of the sustainabilityequation.Source building materials locallywherever possible <strong>to</strong> cut transportrequirements and boost the localeconomy:- this will not always bepractical particularly when sourcing‘environmentally sound’ components,fittings and finishings. In particular, localsourcing of heavy or bulky materials canprovide environmental and costadvantage - the geographic remotenessof many parts of the Highlands usuallyresults in higher than averageconstruction costs.17

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyMinimising Waste Water andManaging SewageSaving on the use of mains water, which isnow metered in all community halls, offersan immediate cost saving. More efficientwater use also decreases the demand fortreated mains water – treatment processeshave environmental impacts, as does thetreatment and disposal of waste water. Somebasic water conservation methods can beemployed in both a new build or arefurbishment. (Refer <strong>to</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 8).SUDS (<strong>Sustainable</strong> Urban Drainage System) isa Scottish Environmental Protection Agency(SEPA) regulation which despite its nameapplies <strong>to</strong> rural areas <strong>to</strong>o. It requires thatsurface water run off from a site is at thesame rate post-construction as preconstruction,<strong>to</strong> avoid water logging andflooding. This is enforced during the planningapplication process and can have quite highcost implications if, for example, installationof s<strong>to</strong>rm water holding areas is required.Surface run-off can be controlled or reducedby incorporating a holding pond within thesite, or recycling rainwater.Key sustainability considerations inminimising waste water and managingsewage (see <strong>Guide</strong> 8 for suggestedactions):Reduce overall water demand in thebuilding without affecting users’comfort.Incorporate systems which recycle rainand grey water where possible for nondrinkingpurposes.Select drainage systems which usematerials that are manufacturedsustainably e.g. fire clay products ratherthan PVC drainage pipes.Treat sewage sustainably.Design for effective management of day<strong>to</strong> day waste e.g. recycling facilities forbottles and paper.Access for All and ParkingLegal requirements for disability access arenow incorporated in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>Building</strong>Regulations for all new build, on which yourdesign team will advise. However, accessissues encompass more than physical accessand the checklist in <strong>Guide</strong> 9 should be used<strong>to</strong> ensure all aspects have been considered.Although access <strong>to</strong> buildings by publictransport is a planning priority, this ischallenging and often impossible in remoterural areas and car access and parking willbe needed in many Highland settings. Openaircar parking will have <strong>to</strong> be partlytarmac-surfaced <strong>to</strong> allow access fromvehicles <strong>to</strong> the building for wheel chair usersand those having walking difficulties.However, consideration should be given <strong>to</strong>using the remaining car parking space as arainwater soakaway facility. Gradedaggregate could be used <strong>to</strong> surface the areaallowing water <strong>to</strong> drain naturally rather thanhaving <strong>to</strong> build s<strong>to</strong>rm drains <strong>to</strong> meetstatu<strong>to</strong>ry standards. This would be a meansof potentially reducing water charges <strong>to</strong> thesite/building and meeting SUDSrequirements as described above.18

STAGE 2Developing your proposal: the scheme design studyPlanning Consent and <strong>Building</strong>ControlThe completion of Stage 2, the schemedesign study, is the ideal time <strong>to</strong> gainplanning consent if funding considerationsallow you <strong>to</strong> wait till this stage (if notapproved at the end of Stage 1 - see earliernote). Applying for planning permission atthis later stage allows your application <strong>to</strong> bebased on your architect’s detailed designproposal, rather than the initial proposal.The building warrant must be in placebefore the construction contract can be let.This requires submission of an application inan approval process completely separate <strong>to</strong>planning consent. It requires technicaldetail <strong>to</strong> be supplied by the design team,additional <strong>to</strong> the information submitted inthe planning application.What you should have achieved by the end of Stage 2You will have:-An assessment and prioritisation of the full range of sustainability issues <strong>to</strong> beincorporated in the building. You will have undertaken this as a community group,with guidance from the design team. It should have included consideration ofconstruction methods, material specification, energy sources and systems, water andwaste management and access for all.A completed Scheme Design Study report (the term used by the National Lottery’s<strong>Community</strong> Fund), based on the refined Project Brief. This will incorporate design,material specifications, and cost breakdown in sufficient detail <strong>to</strong> formulate thetender document which will be prepared in Stage 3.Full planning permission approval.<strong>Building</strong> warrant approval.Funding applications submitted and full funding confirmed.19

STAGE 3Construction and completionPurpose:This stage moves from the design in<strong>to</strong> the construction phase, through the tenderingprocess <strong>to</strong> let the construction contract. Your core sustainability decisions will have beenmade by now, and construction concerns should be focused on tight management and onsitemoni<strong>to</strong>ring and quality control.Listed below are the main steps that takeplace after Stage 2 through <strong>to</strong> completion.Your professional team will advise you on thedetail and legal requirements of each step. Ifyou would like a more detailed description,please refer <strong>to</strong> the SCVO publication which isbased on community experiences of buildinghalls and centres:- ‘The Brass Tacks –Guidance Notes for 21 st Century Halls:managing community projects’. SCVO 2000.Preparation of the tendering contractdocument: your architect will producethis formal document using the detailsagreed in Stage 2. It will be used as thebasis <strong>to</strong> select and engage buildingcontrac<strong>to</strong>rs.Tendering building contrac<strong>to</strong>rs: yourarchitect will issue a number of buildingcontracting firms with the tenderingcontract document and invite them <strong>to</strong>submit a competitive bid <strong>to</strong> undertakethe contract. Once the bids aresubmitted, your community group, withyour architect’s guidance, will select thebuilding contrac<strong>to</strong>r. Ideally selectcontrac<strong>to</strong>rs who can provide evidence ofexperience and commitment <strong>to</strong>sustainable building practice. Again, youmay wish <strong>to</strong> balance this with selectionof a locally based firm. Price may also bea deciding fac<strong>to</strong>r in awarding thecontract if there is a large discrepancybetween bids.Letting the contract: the contract willbe awarded <strong>to</strong> your preferred bidder andwill be a direct contract between thecommunity client and the buildingcontrac<strong>to</strong>r. Your architect’s continuedinvolvement will be in an inspection role<strong>to</strong> ensure that the building contrac<strong>to</strong>r isdelivering the work <strong>to</strong> specification.On-site management: ideally onecommunity contact person should benominated <strong>to</strong> liaise with the buildingcontrac<strong>to</strong>rs. This will involve responding<strong>to</strong> day-<strong>to</strong>-day management queries anddecisions, referring these <strong>to</strong> thecommunity group as and when required.Project hand-over, snagging andbuilding maintenance issues: Thehandover of responsibility for the buildingfrom the contrac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> the communitygroup takes place when the Certificateof <strong>Practical</strong> Completion is issued byyour architect. This usually takes placealongside the release of the CompletionCertificate that is part of the buildingcontrol process managed by the localauthority. Your full building insurancemust be in place at this point, as thebuilding contrac<strong>to</strong>rs insurance liabilityceases once hand-over has taken place.20

STAGE 3Construction and completion Final completion: during the next 12months, the contrac<strong>to</strong>r is still liable forcorrection of most hidden defects. It isonly at the 12-month point that FinalCompletion can be certified by yourarchitect, who conducts a final buildinginspection and draws up a ‘snagging’ lis<strong>to</strong>f faults <strong>to</strong> be addressed.What you should have achieved by the end of Stage 3You will have:-Received a tender document, prepared by your Design Team based on the ProjectBrief and Scheme Design Study content.Appointed a building contrac<strong>to</strong>r with some experience in sustainability issues.Completed all stages of building construction, including compliance with all legalrequirements and procedures.Completed the formal building hand over, with your community organisation havingtaken over full responsibility for the building from the contrac<strong>to</strong>r.21

Where <strong>to</strong> go for further information(NOTE: Funding sources for specific sustainability costs listed in <strong>Guide</strong> 11)Useful ContactsAssociation for Environmentally Conscious<strong>Building</strong> (AECB) is the leading environmentaltrade organisation in the UK, with theobjective of facilitating environmentallyresponsible practices within buidling.Publishes an excellent, informative andpractical quarterly magazine ‘<strong>Building</strong> for aFuture’. E: admin@aecb.net Tel: 01559370908 www.aecb.net<strong>Building</strong> Research Establishment (BRE) isthe UK’s leading centre for research,development and consultancy for all aspectsof the build environment, includingsustainability and environmentallyresponsible practices. Some useful reportsprovided free or through on-line bookshop.E: enquiries@bre.co.uk Tel: 01923 664000www.bre.co.uk/sustainable<strong>Building</strong> Services Research and InformationAssociation (BSRIA) is the association forbuilding services research which assists thebuilding services industry and its clients <strong>to</strong>improve the efficiency and quality of itsproducts and services. Some usefulenvironmental practice publications. E:bsria@bsria.co.uk Tel: 01344 426511www.bsria.co.ukCentre for Alternative Technology (CAT) Acentre in Mid Wales promoting anddemonstrating alternative energy andsustainable living. Run courses andinformation service. Over 80 practicalfactsheets, publications and a magazine. E:info@cat.org.uk Tel: 01654 702400www.cat.org.ukCIRIA is a UK-based research associationconcerned with improving the performanceof all involved in construction and theenvironment. E: enquiries@ciria.org.uk Tel:0207 222 8891 www.ciria.org.uk<strong>Community</strong> Self-Build Scotland providesinformation, education, advice, assistance,training and development services <strong>to</strong> Self-Build Groups in Scotland. http://www.selfbuild-scotland.org.uk/Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)promotes <strong>Sustainable</strong> Construction throughits website www.dti.gov.uk/construction/sustainEarthship Biotecture shares internationalexperience in building and using “earthship”construction, through it websitewww.earthship.orgEnergy Efficiency Best Practice Programme(EEBPP) is a UK government programme <strong>to</strong>help organisations cut energy bills by 10-20%.Provides independent advice <strong>to</strong> private andpublic sec<strong>to</strong>r, including a good list of casestudies. Tel: 01923 664258 www.energyefficiency.gov.ukEnergy Saving Trust is government funded<strong>to</strong> promote efficient use of energy. Largelytargeted at domestic homes and generalpublic. Tel: 0207 931 8401 www.est.org.ukEnergy 21 promotes research in<strong>to</strong>sustainable energy systems, water systems,waste management practices and buildingmethods. Based in Glouscestershire. E:info@energy21.org.uk Tel: 01453 752277www.energy21.org.ukENTRUST is the sole regula<strong>to</strong>r of the LandfillTax Credit Scheme. Essential if you areapplying for grants for environmentalprojects under the Landfill Tax Scheme. Tel:0161 972 0044 www.entrust.org.ukHighland Energy Efficiency Advice Centreprovides advice and leaflets on energyefficiency as the local office of a nationalnetwork of Advice Centres. Largely targetedat domestic residences; grants available aremainly for domestic upgrades. Housed in22

Where <strong>to</strong> go for further informationThe Highland Council’s Property andArchitectural Services, Kinmylies <strong>Building</strong>,Leachkin Road, Inverness, IV3 6NN.E: Debbie.McCrum@highland.gov.ukTel: 0800 512012Low energy lighting information can befound at www.natenergy.org.uk/cflsave.htmNational Energy Foundation (NEF), basedin Mil<strong>to</strong>n Keynes, was set up in 1990 <strong>to</strong> helpUK citizens address energy conservationthrough practical advice and help ininstalling energy saving measures andimplementing appropriate renewable energysources. www.natenergy.org.ukNEF Renewables is a department of TheNational Energy Foundation (as above). Itsaim is <strong>to</strong> encourage use of sustainable andgreen sources of energy, by promotingrenewable energy and providing informationand advice. www.greenenergy.org.ukRoyal Incorporation of Architects inScotland (RIAS) is the foremostarchitectural professional institute inScotland dealing with architecture and thebuilt environment. It has charitable statusand offers a wide range of services andproducts for architects, students ofarchitecture, construction industryprofessionals and all those with an interestin the built environment and the designprocess. The RIAS recently launched theworld’s first accreditation scheme forsustainable building designers. E:info@rias.co.uk Tel: 0131 229 7545www.rias.org.ukRoyal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)is the UK equivalent of the RIAS and isincreasingly interested in sustainabledevelopment. Web provides direc<strong>to</strong>ries ofRIBA practices, members, a bookshop andproduct selec<strong>to</strong>r and links <strong>to</strong> 1000architectural websites. E: info@riba.org.ukTel: 0207 580 5533 www.riba.org.ukScottish <strong>Community</strong> Renewables Initiative(SCRI) is a one-s<strong>to</strong>p shop for communitiesinterested in renewables, providing advice,project management and funding support.Jointly delivered by the Energy Saving Trustand Highlands & Islands Enterprise.www.est.org.uk/scri or www.hie.co.uk/community-energy.html. For advice andapplication assistance in Highlands andIslands contact:-Inverness and Nairn Enterprise Moray Badenochand Strathspey EnterpriseEric Dodd, CEU ManagerEric.Dodd@hient.co.uk Tel 01463 234 171Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Cowan House,Inverness Retail and Business Park, Inverness IV2 7GFCaithness and Sutherland EnterpriseRoss and Cromarty EnterpriseJon PriddyJon.Priddy@hient.co.uk Tel 01408 635 102Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise, StationRoad, Golspie, Sutherland KW10 6SNLochaber, Skye and LochalshRobert LeesRab@alienergy.org.uk Tel 01397 704 326AlIenergy, Lochaber Enterprise, St Mary’s House,Gordon Square, Fort William PH33 6DYShetlandSandy MacauleySandy@smpower.shetland.co.ukTel 01957 711 838SM power Services, Hagdale Industrial Estate,Baltasound, Shetland ZE2 9DSOrkneySam Harcussam.harcus@orkney.com Tel: 01857 677790Westray Development Trust Cotterochan,Westray, OrkneyWestern IslesHenk MunnekeHenk.Munneke@hient.co.uk Tel 01851 707 343Western Isles Enterprise, St James Square,9 James Street, S<strong>to</strong>rnoway, Isle of Lewis HS1 2QN23

Where <strong>to</strong> go for further informationArgyll and Islandsenquiries@alienergy.org.ukTel 01631 562 125ALIenergy, Kilbowie House, Gallanach Road, ObanPA34 4PFThe Scottish Executive’s energy efficiencywebsite has information on grantapplications for the “Scottish Clean EnergyDemonstration Scheme”. www.energyefficiency.orgScottish Ecological Design Association(SEDA) is a voluntary organisation ofprofessional members that advocatesecological design, providing information,advice and raising awareness throughevents, site visits, study <strong>to</strong>urs andpublications. It is compiling a Direc<strong>to</strong>ry ofMembers which should be ready by June2004. It is also working <strong>to</strong> establish a webgateway on sustainable design and buildingmaterials. Contact Gill Pember<strong>to</strong>n, SEDAMembership Secretary, The Library Wing,Abbey St. Bathans Duns, Berwickshire TD113TX. E: seda@freezone.co.uk andwww.seda2.orgScottish Natural Heritage is a Non-Departmental Public Body that works withScotland’s people <strong>to</strong> promote the care andimprovement, appreciation, and sustainableuse of Scotland’s natural heritage now andfor future generations; more information isavailable at http://www.snh.org.ukShell Better Britain Campaign - Althoughcurrently closed, this programme supportssustainable community action by awardinggrants <strong>to</strong> local groups and innovativeresearch projects. A new programme isexpected <strong>to</strong> be launched in Autumn 2004;more information is available atwww.sbbc.co.ukSolar Century is a commercial company setup <strong>to</strong> promote the use of, advise on andinstall solar pho<strong>to</strong>voltaic energy systems.www.solarcentury.co.uk<strong>Sustainable</strong> Communities Network Scotland(SCNS) is a charity founded in 1998 <strong>to</strong>promote the development of sustainablecommunity projects in Scotland.E: info@scns.org.uk Tel: 0131 557 8611www.scns.org.ukUK Solar Energy Society (UK-ISES) providescomprehensive links <strong>to</strong> solar and renewableenergy websites through its own website,SOLEIL (<strong>Sustainable</strong> On-Line EnergyInformation Listing). The site is maintainedby Oxford Brookes University.www.brookes.ac.uk/other/uk-ises/soleil.htmlWind Energy Network promotes wind energyprojects across the UK. E:enquiries@windsupporters.netTel: 0870 1343430 www.windsupporters.netTechnical ReferencesDesigning for Sustainability in theHighlands: The Highland Council’s DraftDevelopment Plan Policy Guidance on<strong>Sustainable</strong> Design, available from theCouncil’s Planning and Development Service.The Real Green <strong>Building</strong> Book. Free withAECB membership (see Useful Contacts). Anexcellent Direc<strong>to</strong>ry, listing and summarisingactivities of all members of AECB acrossbuilding trades, professions and suppliers.Green <strong>Building</strong> Products and ServicesDirec<strong>to</strong>ry. Hall, K. and Warm. P. 4 th Edition.Published by the Green <strong>Building</strong> Press, Nanty-Garreg,Saron, Llandysul, Carmarthenshire,SA44 5EJGreen <strong>Building</strong> Handbook. A guide <strong>to</strong>building products and their impact on theenvironment. 1 st Edition 1997. Published byT J International, Pads<strong>to</strong>w, Cornwall.24

Where <strong>to</strong> go for further informationScottish House, Gaia Research, 2001. Areview of recent experience in buildingindividual and small groups of houses with aview <strong>to</strong> sustainability, the use of traditionaland new materials, and innovative design.Published by The Stationary Office, 71Lothian Road, Edinburgh (tel. 08706065566) and available <strong>to</strong> download off theScottish Executive’s website: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/cru/kd01/orange/shar-00.aspTimber Cladding in Scotland, Davies, I.,Walker, B., Pendlebury, J., 2002. ARCAPublications Ltd. ISBN 1 904320 00 7.Technical information on the sustainable useof external timber cladding in constructionthat is specifically relevant <strong>to</strong> Scottishconditions. Available <strong>to</strong> download off theScottish Executive’s website: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/library5/housing/tcis-00.asp<strong>Sustainable</strong> Housing Design <strong>Guide</strong> forScotland. Stevenson, F and Williams, N,2000, prepared for Scottish Homes (nowCommunities Scotland). Guidance forhousing providers on dealing with specificissues of sustainability and housing. A webversion is available on the following website:http://www.official-documents.co.uk/document/deps/cs/shdg/index.htmlSources of <strong>Community</strong> SupportCouncils of Voluntary Service locatedthroughout the Highlands, providing localadvice on all aspects of running a voluntaryorganisation and developing projects.Local Enterprise Companies locatedthrough out Highland, provide support andfunding for community organisations. Themost up <strong>to</strong> date contact details are availableat:http://www.hie.co.uk/Local-Enterprise-Companies.htmInverness and Nairn Enterprise<strong>Community</strong> Toolkit website covers adviceon a number of relevant areas: click onEnter Site; select ‘Information’; select‘Advice Notes Index’ – and you will beoffered a drop-down menu of <strong>to</strong>pics(includes Working with Consultants;Feasibility Studies; Business Planning, Bidand Application Writing; Fundraising)www.community<strong>to</strong>olkit.org.ukSkye and Lochalsh <strong>Community</strong> Toolkitprovides useful web-based information onProject Planning (community consultation,feasibility studies and business planning).Other relevant sections <strong>to</strong> browse includeFundraising, Organisational, and GoodPractice (select <strong>Community</strong> Halls)www.slcvo.org.uk/<strong>to</strong>olkitThe Scottish Council for VoluntaryOrganisations (SCVO) produces a number ofpublications and provides advice on allaspects of setting up and running avoluntary organisation in Scotland including:The Brass Tacks – Guidance Notes for 21 stCentury Halls: managing communityprojects’. Scottish Council for VoluntaryOrganisations, 2000. www.scvo.org.ukThey may also be able <strong>to</strong> put you in <strong>to</strong>uchwith your local Federation of Village Halls.The most up <strong>to</strong> date contact details areavailable at : http://www.cvsscotland.org.uk/locations/index.htm25

Examples of best practice in sustainableconstructionMAKE BEST USE OF THE SITEAstley Hall, Arisaig, Lochaber:This village hall is a listed building that wasrecently repaired, upgraded and extendedby Simpson & Brown Architects. Substantialimprovements in energy efficiency wereachieved through the introduction ofinsulation <strong>to</strong> the walls and roof. Othersustainable design features include the useof homegrown timber for external cladding<strong>to</strong> the new extension. Work was completedin 2001.http://www.simpsonandbrown.co.uk/Birnam Institute and Beatrix PotterCentre, near Dunkeld:This redevelopment was designed byMacMon Architects <strong>to</strong> complement theexisting building and local <strong>to</strong>wnenvironment. Its most striking feature isthe timberclad extension, which contrastswith the Vic<strong>to</strong>rian s<strong>to</strong>ne and slate of theoriginal building, connecting the two with afully glazed link. New foyer, café artsworkshop, mezzanine gallery and multipurposehall have been created.Birnam Institute, Station Road, Birnam,DUNKELD, PH8 0DSTel: 01350 727674Email: admin@birnaminstitute.com http://www.birnaminstitute.com/contact.htmNational Trust for Scotland Visi<strong>to</strong>r Centre,Glencoe:This Visi<strong>to</strong>r Centre was designed andconstructed <strong>to</strong> have minimal negativeimpact on the natural environment. The sitehas a wastewater management systemdesigned <strong>to</strong> support and enhancebiodiversity. To minimise disturbance <strong>to</strong> theground below, the timber frame walls aresuspended on a framework of steel beams,which rest on concrete pad foundations.‘No go’ areas were established during theconstruction phase <strong>to</strong> prevent buildingactivity, s<strong>to</strong>rage and traffic from harmingnearby wildlife, plants and habitats. Othersustainable design features include the useof locally-sourced woodfuel for heating.Fuel consumption is minimised by highstandards of insulation and energyefficiency. All timber used in theconstruction of the building is home grownand free of preservative treatment. Thisincludes softwood for the timber frame andexterior cladding, oak for windows anddoors and sycamore for flooring. Windowsand doors were manufactured in theHighlands. Construction work wascompleted in 2002.www.gaiagroup.org/Architects/Glencoearticle web.pdf - detailed articlewww.gaiagroup.org/Architects/<strong>to</strong>urism/Glencoe/index.html - short summaryAssynt <strong>Community</strong> Sports Centre,Lochinver, Sutherland:Assynt Leisure, a registered charity,commissioned Gaia Architects <strong>to</strong> carry out afeasibility study on the potential <strong>to</strong> providean indoor sports, recreation and generalcommunity facility for the local community,which is spread across a wide geographicalarea. The building was designed by GaiaArchitects within tight site constraints,applying the principles of: flexibility andadaptability; quality and durability ofspecification; energy conservation andefficiency incorporating passive solar design;accessibility for all; high standards of indoorair quality; minimising the negative impac<strong>to</strong>f the development on the widerenvironment. http://www.gaiagroup.org/Architects/sport/assynt/index.html26

Examples of best practice in sustainableconstructionUSE LOCALLY-SOURCED/SUSTAINABLE MATERIALSRSPB Osprey Observation Post, LochGarten, Strathspey:This bird observation centre designed by BellIngram Ltd makes use of homegrownsoftwood for all structural timber, externalcladding and roof shingles. Located on anartificial island in a bog that is highlysensitive <strong>to</strong> changes in ground water levels,the centre was designed <strong>to</strong> avoid adverseenvironmental impact from drainageinstallation. Apart from rainwater disposal,drainage was avoided through the use ofcomposting <strong>to</strong>ilets. The centre wascompleted in 1999.Tel: 01479 821409Tourist info: 01479 810363E-mail:abernethy@rspb.org.ukField of Dreams, Findhorn Foundation,Forres, Morayshire:The Findhorn Foundation is a communitythat has developed approximately 50 privatehouses in the period since the 1970s <strong>to</strong>achieve a large-scale demonstration ofecological building practice. The buildingsdemonstrate widespread use of timber-clad,timber frame construction and someexamples of alternative methods such asstraw bale and “earthship” construction.Locally sourced materials and suppliers areused where ever possible.http://www.ecovillagefindhorn.com andselect ‘ecological building’MINIMISE ENERGY USE AND MAKEBEST USE OF RENEWABLESKinlochleven <strong>Community</strong> and SportsCentre, Lochaber:This centre, designed by Gaia Architects,comprises a main hall, and changingfacilities, a Learning Resource Centre forthe University of the Highlands and Islands,snooker room, fitness suite, kitchen andseveral general purpose community rooms.It demonstrates very high standards ofenergy efficiency and is heated entirely bylocally-sourced woodfuel, making it “carbonneutral”. A sweeping roof light in the slateroof brings daylight in<strong>to</strong> the centre of thebuilding. Dynamic insulation is usedthroughout, whereby air is drawn in<strong>to</strong> thebuilding through a permeable insulationlayer in order <strong>to</strong> recover heat that wouldotherwise be lost by conduction. Naturalpaint finishes are used internally. The centrewas completed in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2001.www.gaiagroup.org/Architects/sport/kinlochleven/index.htmlHofn Youth Centre, Westray, Orkney: Thisaward winning community centre isprimarily used as a drop-in for, andmanaged by, the young people of Westray. Awind turbine has been installed <strong>to</strong> generatepower <strong>to</strong> meet the majority of thebuilding’s heating requirement.http://www.hie.co.uk/communityenergy.htmland click on pdf file at bot<strong>to</strong>mof page.27

Examples of best practice in sustainableconstructionBettyhill Swimming Pool, North Sutherland:This swimming pool is run by a localcommunity company, Tongue and Farr SportsAssociation Ltd, and is supported by TheHighland Council. The facility is well used bythe local community and visi<strong>to</strong>rs, witharound 10,000 users/year. The building wasrecently converted <strong>to</strong> a biomass (wood fuel)heating system, replacing an expensive oilfiredsystem with renewable energy for bothswimming pool and space heating needs.Despite the building’s remote location, it hasbeen possible <strong>to</strong> source adequate supplies ofwood fuel. The oil-fired boiler has beenretained as a back up.http://www.energy-efficiency.org/casestudies/sceds/biomass.jsp and selectthe Bettyhill case study.Jim Johns<strong>to</strong>n, Tongue and Farr SportsAssociationTel: 01641 521217E-mail: JJohn20432@aol.comArdross Village Hall, Easter Ross:This new-build village hall was designed byDavid Somerville Architect and constructedon the site of the old hall. It combinespassive solar design with active solar heatcollection through roof panels, <strong>to</strong> optimiseenergy use.David Somerville. E-mail:somerville.abriachan@btinternet.comhttp://www.network-21.info/htm/pdf/Ardross%20Village%20Hall.pdfMcLaren <strong>Community</strong> Leisure Centre,Callander, Perthshire:This community sports facility by GaiaArchitects is an example of the large-scaleuse of healthy materials and a uniquemethod of energy efficient ventilation thatresults in a fresh and healthy indoorenvironment. As for Kinlochleven<strong>Community</strong> and Sports Centre (3.1), dynamicinsulation is used throughout, whereby air isdrawn in<strong>to</strong> the building through a permeableinsulation layer in order <strong>to</strong> recover heat thatwould otherwise be lost by conduction. Thecentre was completed in 1998.http://www.gaiagroup.org/Research/RI/DI/http://www.gaiagroup.org/Architects/sport/mclaren/index.htmlDESIGN TO CONSERVE WATERLoch Garten RSPB Visi<strong>to</strong>r Centre, Speyside– visi<strong>to</strong>r facilities include composting <strong>to</strong>iletsand waterless urinals (see previous entry).Abriachan Forest Trust, Inverness-shire: Acomposting <strong>to</strong>ilet and reed bed wererecently installed as part of community-leddevelopments <strong>to</strong> encourage visi<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> useand take and interest in the local woodland(see entry below).Contact David Somerville. E-mail:somerville.abriachan@btinternet.comENVIRONMENT-CONSCIOUS WASTEDISPOSALGatliff Hebridean Youth Hostel Trust, SouthUist:Living Water designed a wetland for thishostel for the treatment of septic tankeffluent.http://www.livingwater.org.uk/client.aspNational Trust for Scotland Visi<strong>to</strong>r Centre,Culloden Battlefield, Inverness: LivingWater designed a wetland treatment systemfor sewage from the café and Centrefacilities.http://www.livingwater.org.uk/client.asp28

Examples of best practice in sustainableconstructionEXAMPLES OF COMMUNITYWOODLAND PROJECTSSgoil na Coille, Sunart Oakwoods Initiative(SOI), Lochaber:Sgoil na Coille was constructed as part ofthe SOI’s rural development programme <strong>to</strong>provide some degree of shelter forwoodland education classes and workshops.The building is an open-sided structuremade of local larch that uses the round poleconstruction method. Removable wall panelsmay be added later.Jamie McIntyre, Project Manager (ForestryCommission)Tel: 01967 402165www.sunar<strong>to</strong>akwoods.org.uk/ruraldev/woodschool.htmAbriachan Forest Trust, Inverness-shire:This community-owned and managedwoodland offers facilities for locals andvisi<strong>to</strong>rs. A number of small wooden buildingshave been constructed <strong>to</strong> complementwoodland footpaths and car parking withBBQ stands, all led and developed throughcommunity participation. These includetree houses, a bird hide, and a composting<strong>to</strong>ilet.George Hawco, Chair, Abriachan ForestTrustTel: 01463 861257E-mail: g.hawco@btinternet.comwww:http://members.tripod.com/AbriachanMil<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Community</strong> Woodland Trust, EasterRoss:A purpose built log-building is planned forthe Mil<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Community</strong> Woodland,constructed from local timber. This buildingwill provide a venue for display ofinformation on the woodland, s<strong>to</strong>rage of<strong>to</strong>ols, and woodland related workshops.http://www.nhft.org.uk/mil<strong>to</strong>n.htm29

Subject guidesThe following guides provide further information on the issues covered inthe main text.<strong>Guide</strong> 1:Key considerations for sustainable design in a communityconstruction projectPrincipleAim and <strong>Practical</strong> Application1. Meeting<strong>Community</strong>Needs2. Workingwith theHighlandLandscape &environment3. ProvidingAccess for All4. Healthy<strong>Building</strong>s5. MinimisingEnergyRequired inConstruction6. Use ofSustainablyProducedConstructionMaterials7. MinimisingEnergy Use in<strong>Building</strong>Operation8. Minimising &ManagingWasteSustainablyEnsure active participation by the community in the design and management of the buildingproject.Ensure that the building is well used and financially sustainable by making sure it can be used byall sec<strong>to</strong>rs of the community, both now and in the future.Support the local economy by sourcing materials and employment locally where possible.Ensure that the building location and design protects natural and archaeological heritage andminimises adverse impact on landscape, natural habitats and species.Link <strong>to</strong> local features, enhance biodiversity, and encourage access <strong>to</strong> and enjoyment ofheritage.Ensure durability of construction in the Highland climate, taking account of conditions becomingwetter and warmer in the future as a result of climate change.Accommodate access and usage needs of all types of user group, exceeding legislativerequirements, so the whole community can benefit and the building is fully used.Encourage sustainable transport use, making access easy by foot, cycle and public transport.Ensure that the building design minimises the use of noxious materials and provides highenvironmental standards for its users in terms of air quality, ventilation, heating, lighting andacoustics.Re-use buildings or land where the opportunity arises.Use efficient construction methods that minimise the energy used in material manufacture,transportation and installation (referred <strong>to</strong> as “embodied energy”).Design out and manage waste produced by the construction process.Source materials as locally as is practical, thereby decreasing the environmental cost oftransport.Maximise the use of materials with low environmental impact e.g. materials that are recycled,reused, renewable or unprocessed.Maximise the use of sustainably produced materials e.g. homegrown or certified timber (not allhomegrown timber is certified, but virtually all is managed sustainably due <strong>to</strong> the high standardsof regulation in the UK forestry)Avoid the use of materials that release CO 2 , acid gas or CFC during manufactureAvoid materials that release (“off-gas”) <strong>to</strong>xic chemicals during their lifetime e.g. certain paints,carpets and floor coverings.Ensure that design makes best use of passive solar features in the aspect and orientation ofbuilding.Examine “Whole Life Costing” at the design stage:- analysing not only construction costs, butthe maintenance and running costs over the life of the building; and the cost of demolition/disposal of materials at the end of the building’s useful life.Select efficient systems that can be controlled <strong>to</strong> minimise energy wastage and costs.Insulate the entire building <strong>to</strong> standards well in excess of those set by the <strong>Building</strong> Regulations.Make use of a renewable energy source for part or all of the building’s energy requirements.Reduce water usage and make use of water recycling.Maximise the recycling of day <strong>to</strong> day waste (e.g. from catering and activities in the building) byincorporating on site recycling facilities such composting facilities and s<strong>to</strong>rage for segregatedwaste.Consider environmentally sound alternatives <strong>to</strong> soakaways for sewage disposal.30

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 2:WHO, WHAT & WHEN: An overview of steps in creating asustainable community buildingNOTE: the following table is merely intended as a guide - your design team may suggest some variation.KEY:Who is responsible for input at different stages*Points at which Key Sustainability Issues/Decisions arisePROJECT DEVELOPMENTSTAGES<strong>Community</strong> NeedsAssessment and Profile<strong>Community</strong> Architect Landscape Surveyor/ Quantity <strong>Building</strong>Client Architect Engineer Surveyor Contrac<strong>to</strong>r*Establishing an organisation<strong>to</strong> manage the projectSTAGE1: GETTING STARTED:THE BUILDING FEASIBILITYSTUDYDeveloping the ProjectBriefSelecting an Architect withsustainability credentialsSite Selection and Best Use*** * * *Meeting Essential PlanningRequirementsIndicative Costs andsustainability cost choicesFunding sources forsustainability aspects* **31

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 2:WHO, WHAT & WHEN: An overview of steps in creating asustainable community buildingPROJECT DEVELOPMENTSTAGES<strong>Community</strong> Architect Landscape Surveyor/ Quantity <strong>Building</strong>Client Architect Engineer Surveyor Contrac<strong>to</strong>rSTAGE 2: DEVELOPING YOURPROPOSAL: THE SCHEME DESIGNSTUDYHealthy and Comfortable<strong>Building</strong>s**Construction methods*** * *Use and Specification of<strong>Sustainable</strong> Materials***Energy System Options**Minimising waste water andmanaging sewage***Access for All and Parking***Planning consent<strong>Building</strong> Control/WarrantSTAGE 3: CONSTRUCTION ANDCOMPLETIONPreparation of TenderingContract DocumentsTendering building contrac<strong>to</strong>rsLetting the ContractOn Site ManagementProject hand-over, snaggingand building maintenanceissues** *32

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 3: Key issues in site selection and making the most of your siteNew build vs. re-use of existing buidingsRe-use of existing buildings, and consequent use of existing service infrastructure, can offer savingsin comparison with a new build. A concept know as Whole Life Costing calculates the cost of a buildingover its lifetime, including hidden costs such as:- Energy s<strong>to</strong>red in the existing building and its materials (energy used in manufacture, transportationand installation - referred <strong>to</strong> as “embodied energy”). Demolition costs and location of disposal of the debris. The degree and efficiency with which sustainability aspects can be incorporated in<strong>to</strong> the oldbuilding in conversion and extension. For instance a re-used building may be less energy efficientthan a new build.A new build in an urban or rural location offers the potential for maximum use of the latest sustainableconcepts in design, construction and operation – but may not present the most sustainable, efficien<strong>to</strong>verall solution once the above fac<strong>to</strong>rs have been accounted for. If you face a choice of re-use or newbuild, your architect can advise on these issues.Value Added Tax (VAT): The cost implication of VAT is also a major consideration in the decision <strong>to</strong> reuseor build new. The current tax regime is not sustainability-friendly: VAT is not charged on any newbuildconstruction costs (materials and contrac<strong>to</strong>rs) but all refurbishment/ re-use costs attract VAT at17.5% and a building extension is VAT-exempt only if it is considered <strong>to</strong> be “stand-alone” annex. As ageneral guide, if a refurbishment costs more than two thirds of the comparative new build, it is usuallymore cost and energy efficient <strong>to</strong> go for new build.Brownfield vs. Greenfield SitesBrownfield sites usually consist of land of low ecological value, where there has been previousdevelopment such as buildings or industrial activity. Planning and sustainability principles generallyfavour the use of brownfield sites because they make use of existing services and infrastructure, arelikely <strong>to</strong> have provision for public transport access, and are often suitable for mixed-use developmentsbecause they are commonly close <strong>to</strong> other developed land. A brownfield site may be redundant andcausing an eyesore in which case its redevelopment can support regeneration. Care should be taken <strong>to</strong>check out any possibility of ground contamination.In the Highlands, however, brownfield sites are not widespread outside small urban settlements, andnew development tends <strong>to</strong> take place on greenfield sites by default, especially in rural areas. Wheredevelopment is necessary in the countryside, planning preference is for in-fill, extension or conversionof existing buildings. If a greenfield site is the only option, it should be readily serviced by publictransport.33

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 3: Key issues in site selection and making the most of your siteSafeguarding and enhancing wildlife habitats, species and plant lifeSites of environmental importance and special interest are protected by statu<strong>to</strong>ry designations (egSites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)), that place constraints on development. At an early stage youneed <strong>to</strong> check whether any potential sites you have in mind are not high natural or archaeologicalheritage value. To do so contact your local Highland Council Planning Officer.The building should be designed <strong>to</strong> have minimal negative impact on the surrounding environment,including the ground that it will stand on. For example, The National Trust for Scotland Visi<strong>to</strong>r Centre atGlencoe in Lochaber has been built on stilts <strong>to</strong> minimise the need for earthworks on a sloping site, andalso <strong>to</strong> minimise negative impact on the natural environment.Although initially a construction site, with appropriate preparation your project can be designed <strong>to</strong>stimulate biodiversity, as well as minimise negative impact on landscape and habitats. Reference <strong>to</strong>Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs) can assist you <strong>to</strong> take an ecological approach <strong>to</strong> landscapedesign, planting and other features in the area surrounding your building. Eight LBAPs have beenprepared for the Highlands and are available for reference at The Highland Council Service Points andlibraries. The Highland Council’s draft Planning Guidance Designing for Sustainability in the Highlandscontains advice on how <strong>to</strong> safeguard and enhance biodiversity in the development of a building project.Efficient approaches <strong>to</strong> site development and landscapingDisposal of discarded earthworks from a site is expensive, especially in west coast locations and rocksubsoil is costly in energy and cash <strong>to</strong> extract. During the feasibility phase, a level survey by aprofessional surveyor and the use of trial pits by the structural engineer <strong>to</strong> assess sub-soil conditionswill help avoid hidden costs and plan for sustainable disposal of excavated materials.During the construction phase, work on the site should be planned and managed <strong>to</strong> minimise “siteintervention” i.e. the level of physical disruption and soil works on the site. One option is <strong>to</strong> consider abuilding on stilts which can compensate for site slope, rather than excavation. The need <strong>to</strong> dispose ofexcavated materials from foundations should also be minimised by their re-use for infill, car parkingsurfaces or landscaping.Public access routesCurrent figures show that transport is responsible for almost one third of the UK’s CO 2emissions. Siteselection should provide the best possible links <strong>to</strong> public transport <strong>to</strong> discourage personal car use wherepossible – e.g railway station in walking distance, bus s<strong>to</strong>p nearby, access by dedicated cycle routes.These considerations become more difficult in rural settings where car dependency is high, butshould still be incorporated in<strong>to</strong> plans where possible.34

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 3: Key issues in site selection and making the most of your site<strong>Building</strong> orientationSustainability opportunities are optimised by well thought out positioning of the building <strong>to</strong> takeaccount of the site’s microclimate. This can maximise the benefit of fine weather and offer protectionfrom adverse weather, which will reduce energy consumption and improve the durability of the buildingfabric. Overhead obstructions and shading by trees and adjacent buildings will limit the potential <strong>to</strong> usesome renewable energy technologies (e.g. limit solar efficiency / prevent the installation of turbines).Consider the following:Passive solar gainGood design of the orientation and glazed area of the building will make a significant contribution <strong>to</strong>space heating, allowing sunshine <strong>to</strong> heat up your rooms through the windows. This is referred <strong>to</strong> as“passive solar gain”. It can be maximised through the design of appropriate roof and windowproportions and through orienting glazed areas <strong>to</strong>wards the south as much as possible. Aspect will alsobe important for the efficient siting of solar panels or pho<strong>to</strong>voltaic units (solarPV) <strong>to</strong> maximise thesupply of renewable energy. Shading of low-angled winter sun by coniferous trees or buildings should beavoided.Shelter and prevailing windsSiting a building in the shelter of a landscape feature (e.g. a hillside) can provide protection fromprevailing winds and hence, some passive insulation. Existing trees or new planting can be used aswindbreaks/shelterbelts. This has the added advantage of protecting the building exterior, <strong>to</strong> someextent, from weather deterioration. Avoid naturally cold sites – frost pockets and hill <strong>to</strong>ps. Theorientation of the building within the site is also a consideration for ventilation control.Maximising daylight useUse of natural daylight in the building is both good for the health of the occupants and cuts down onenergy consumption for lighting. This can be achieved by good design – both orientation of the buildingand positioning of windows. Use of skylights and sun pipes can also enhance light penetration in<strong>to</strong>other parts of the building. A sun pipe transmits daylight from roof level <strong>to</strong> the interior of a buildingvia a tube that uses mirrors and other reflective devices.35

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 4: Some construction approaches that you may come acrossConstructionMethodTimberframeSteel frameCladdingTimbercladdingRaising thebuildingabove thegroundRound PoleGreenwoodStraw baleconstruction“Earthship”designApplication and CommentsA ‘lightweight’ construction approach using timber as the structural frame for walls,floors and roof. Specify timber from a sustainably-managed source. Sustainabilitycan be increased by combining this construction method with timber cladding forthe external walls, rather than conventional cement harling.A similar ‘lightweight’ method – although high levels of “embodied energy” are usedin the production of steel. Embodied energy is the energy used in extraction,processing and transportation of a building material or method. In steel frameconstruction, embodied energy is less if the frame is made from recycled steel. Canalso be combined with timber cladding.Cladding usually refers <strong>to</strong> the outside envelope of a building whose structureconsists of a timber, steel or concrete frame. It carries no load and is a protectiveand decorative envelope for the structural frame. Cladding materials include metalsheets, pre-cast concrete slabs, uPVC, tiles, masonry and timber.Timber cladding is not extensively used in Scotland but its use is increasing, drivenby aesthetic and sustainability benefits. There is considerable potential <strong>to</strong> usehomegrown timber as a renewable cladding material, adding value <strong>to</strong> Scotland’sforest resource and sustaining local jobs. The sustainability, lifespan andmaintenance costs of timber cladding will depend on how it is specified andconstructed. For example, appropriate choice of timber species, durability andconstruction details can ensure that <strong>to</strong>xic timber preservative treatment is notnecessary.The whole structure of the building can be raised off the ground, effectively on‘stilts’. This ensures minimum disturbance <strong>to</strong> the ground and its waterways byavoiding extensive earthworks - useful on a sloping site where excavation wouldotherwise be required <strong>to</strong> provide a level base for construction. Boardwalks can beused for access, although this can be expensive and is likely <strong>to</strong> requiremaintenance.This method uses a framework of whole stems (trunks) of conifer trees, which aresometimes bent in<strong>to</strong> the shape of the frame. Suitable for small buildings e.g.chalets, sheds and small barns.Construction with ‘green’ (undried) timber – usually <strong>to</strong> form a structural frameknown as “post and beam”. This dries out slowly in situ tightening the joints in theframe by natural shrinkage. ‘Green’ timber is also used for external cladding.At present, the use of straw bale construction for major buildings is uncertain, asdurability, structural safety and fire risk need further research. NeverthelessScotland’s first straw bale house was completed at The Findhorn Foundation,Morayshire, in 2002. Planners and building control officers are often wary, however,of large scale use of this method. Potential for small-scale use of these materialscould be demonstrated in a bicycle shed, garden shed, garaging for vehicles etc.This is the use of recycled car tyres, bottles and cans as main constructionmaterials. Many of the issues that limit the use of straw bale construction (above)also apply <strong>to</strong> this method.36

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 5:MaterialsSome sustainability issues <strong>to</strong> consider when specifying yourbuilding materialsApplication and CommentsTraditional “heavyweight” materials(concrete, cement,bricks, s<strong>to</strong>ne etc)Timber - for frameconstruction, claddingand internal finishesTimber preservatives(commonly used <strong>to</strong>prevent/suppress fungalgrowth and insect attackduring the life of thebuilding)Concrete, cement and bricks demand high-energy input inmanufacture and transportation, which is often far from the site.They also have low recycling potential at the end of the building’s life.Minimising their use will improve the sustainability of a project. Forexample, avoid over-specification of concrete foundations etc, wherethese are necessary.·The use of locally-sourced s<strong>to</strong>ne will minimise the environmental cos<strong>to</strong>f transportation and bring benefit <strong>to</strong> the local economy.Where possible re-use s<strong>to</strong>ne from other buildings- this has extrasustainability value and may enhance the visual and textural quality ofyour building.Where possible, make use of local demolition materials for ballast,infill or hard-core.Timber is a renewable construction material and providing it comesfrom a sustainably managed source, is one of the most sustainablebuilding materials available in Scotland. Aim <strong>to</strong> source timber aslocally as possible, <strong>to</strong> minimise transportation and support localbusinesses and employment.Most homegrown timber is now independently certified as comingfrom a sustainably-managed source. The current exception is homegrown hardwoods, although this absence of certification should not actas a deterrent. Forestry Commission Scotland uses strong regula<strong>to</strong>ryframeworks <strong>to</strong> control timber harvesting and many sawmills canprovide direct assurance that their logs come from a sustainablymanaged source.Avoid the use of tropical hardwood. Where possible use a temperatehardwood or softwood substitute. Only use tropical hardwood thatcomes from an FSC certified source (Forest Stewardship Council).Specify plywood or other building boards that do not contain tropicalhardwood.Where possible use reclaimed timbers - these have extrasustainability value and may add visual interest.Specify naturally durable timber species for cladding such as larch, oakor sweet chestnut, or alternatively, take appropriate steps in thedetailing, specification and construction of non-durable species (egspruce).Virtually all timber preservative treatments contain chemicalformulations that are increasingly being classified as <strong>to</strong>xic waste.These chemicals pose a threat <strong>to</strong> workers during processing and <strong>to</strong> theenvironment on disposal (eg as construction / demolition waste). Asfar as possible the use of timber preservative treatment should beavoided.Investigate alternatives <strong>to</strong> preservative use with your architect.Minimise the need for timber preservatives by good detailing,including the use of natural ventilation <strong>to</strong> maintain adequately lowmoisture content in timber.37

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 5:MaterialsSome sustainability issues <strong>to</strong> consider when specifying yourbuilding materialsApplication and CommentsCFC-based materialsand systemsPVC-uPaints and gluesInsulation materialsChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are chemicals used in the manufacture ofaerosol sprays, blowing agents for foams and packing materials, assolvents and refrigerants, and in some fire prevention systems. CFCscontain ozone-depleting chemicals that may contribute <strong>to</strong> globalwarming. Their use in buildings should be avoided.PVC-u is commonly used in the UK for wire cabling, window and doorframes, and drainage pipes. PVC-u products are believed <strong>to</strong> release<strong>to</strong>xic chemicals <strong>to</strong> the environment during both manufacture anddisposal. There is significant debate about the safety of PVC-u inconstruction, both in terms of the health of building users and itseventual disposal through landfill or incineration. It has already beenbanned by several European countries.Use alternative products <strong>to</strong> PVC-u, e.g. clay drainage pipes, Econetwood-based products for trunking and cabling.Many paints, varnishes and glues contain solvents that release volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) <strong>to</strong> the atmosphere on evaporation. Thesecan harm the health of both the worker applying them and the buildinguser.All timber panel products with a high glue content (eg chipboard, mdf,plywood) contain <strong>to</strong>xic chemicals.Use paints, stains and washes that are solvent and lead-free. Waterbased alternatives and paint products with low environmental impactare available.Wherever possible, substitute solid timber for timber panel products.When selecting your insulation material, remember that longevity andthe ability <strong>to</strong> maintain a high performance throughout its lifetime isits most important characteristic.Discuss options with your architect. A range of low impact, renewableinsulation materials are available:-- Sheep’s’ wool has high ability <strong>to</strong> absorb and release moisture – itcan absorb up <strong>to</strong> 30% of its dry weight with no noticeable reductionin performance. Its use could potentially provide an additionalmarket for wool, thereby supporting the sheep farming industry.Sheep’s’ wool is currently more expensive, however, than mos<strong>to</strong>ther insulation materials.- Recycled newspaper ( e.g. Filicrete Warmcel 500) has a good degreeof breathability, is readily available and generally affordable.- Other sustainable alternatives include flax slabs, boards andblankets or liquid made from recycled newspaper with jute, (forspraying in<strong>to</strong> difficult areas).38

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 6: Design checklist <strong>to</strong> minimise energy use and wastageDesign features <strong>to</strong> minimise heat lossControl of airflowInsulationstandardsWindow designEnergy controlsystems Fit draught-proofing <strong>to</strong> doors. Reduce the temperature gradient between inside and outside by use of bufferzones eg. porch or foyer Consider using au<strong>to</strong>matic door closure devices. Try <strong>to</strong> minimise the number of doors in use. Where frequent access is required through doorways, consider installingplastic strip curtains or fast opening/closing doors. Use high levels of continuous insulation <strong>to</strong> all external surfaces. Significantcost reductions in space heating can be achieved by insulating roof, floor andwalls well beyond the levels set in the <strong>Building</strong> Regulations. Applying this“spend-<strong>to</strong> save” principle at the outset will have a substantial impact inminimising the running costs of the building, which is a key consideration formany communities. Roof spaces should be insulated appropriately <strong>to</strong> a minimum depth of 150mm/ 6 inches. Floor insulation should be installed during construction of allnew buildings, including sealing of gaps between floorboards <strong>to</strong> preventdraughts. Wall insulation should be thickened at locations where radia<strong>to</strong>rs willbe placed. Select insulation products that are CFC-free with no effects of “off-gassing”.(See guide 5). Use glazing configurations with very low heat loss specification (ie. doubleand triple glazing), a large air gap and low emissivity (Low E) glass. Cavitiescan also be filled with gas. Although double glazing saves energy, installationcosts are high in comparison with the annual cost savings realized. Savingsare higher if windows are specified for very low heat loss. Consider windows that can be opened in a number of directions, maximisingflexibility <strong>to</strong> aid summer ventilation whilst protecting occupiers from drafts. Window-<strong>to</strong>-wall ratios should not be excessive and thermal characteristics(known as U-values) should exceed levels set out in the <strong>Building</strong> Regulations. Window design should give flexibility of building use and strike a balancebetween daylighting, ventilation, solar gain in summer, solar gain in winter,conduction loss in winter, noise control, general floor, wall and roof insulationlevels, views out, privacy, appearance and security. Separate electricty meters could be installed for discrete facilities within thebuilding that are <strong>to</strong> be hired out (e.g. meeting hall, computer suite) <strong>to</strong>ensure you can measure and charge for use appropriately. Any requirement for close control of correct temperature and humidity forspecific spaces within the building must be identified at the design stage eg.for IT rooms, museum spaces etc. Such areas should be separately controlled<strong>to</strong> achieve their specific performance requirements. Specify appliances (fridge, cooker etc) that have maximum energy efficiencyratings under the EU Energy labeling system.39

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 6: Design checklist <strong>to</strong> minimise energy use and wastageDesign features <strong>to</strong> minimise heat lossSpace heatingVentilationWater heatingLighting Underfloor heating (transmitted via a series of underfloor pipes) presents asignificant advantage for meeting halls and audi<strong>to</strong>riums by freeing up wallspace that might otherwise have been occupied by radia<strong>to</strong>rs. Used inconjunction with high levels of insulation, it is economic <strong>to</strong> run and can supplyuseful “round-the-clock” background heating, ensuring that the building iswarm enough <strong>to</strong> use at all times. Underfloor pipes will not interfere with theinstallation of a sprung floor for dancing. Where radia<strong>to</strong>rs are used, ensure that they are correctly sized and placedwhere heat is needed; increase wall insulation where radia<strong>to</strong>rs are locatedagainst external walls. Fit an “intelligent” boiler management system <strong>to</strong> make efficient use of hotwater and space heating. Avoid mechanical ventilation and/or cooling systems (which require energy<strong>to</strong> power them) by designing for natural ventilation throughout, combinedwith passive control techniques (eg, opening windows, shading, orientation,thermal mass etc). Manage ventilation carefully. Uncontrolled ventilation leads <strong>to</strong> high heat loss.For this reason, some sustainable buildings make use of air-tight constructioncombined with a mechanical heat recovery system (MHVR) that managesventilation and recycles heat. Consider if a central boiler is needed; for instance, it is often more cost andenergy efficient <strong>to</strong> deliver domestic water heating by point-of-use heaters. Specify energy efficient light bulbs and Compact Fluorescent Lampsthroughout. These are 8-10 times as efficient as ordinary bulbs and last longeralthough initial cost is higher. e.g. a 100w bulb burning 5 hours per day isestimated <strong>to</strong> cost £12.50 pa compared <strong>to</strong> an energy efficient bulb at only£2.50 pa. Specify lighting control systems that activate lighting when required, avoidingwaste. Use a combination of local manual switching, timers, motion detec<strong>to</strong>rsand daylight sensitive pho<strong>to</strong>-electic controls, <strong>to</strong> reduce energy use and costs.In addition, encourage a culture of people turning off lighting when notneeded. Use low pressure sodium lamps for external lighting for car parks and security,as these are the most efficient option available. The quality of the light colourprovided is low, but adequate for these applications.40

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 7: Renewable energy options appropriate for community buildingsApplication and practical considerationsLocal examples wherethe technology is in useSolar Thermal systemGathers energy radiated by the sun through collec<strong>to</strong>rs mounted onthe roof <strong>to</strong> directly heat fluids – primarily used for heating water. An easy <strong>to</strong> install, relatively cheap option. A “must have” if this isthe only renewables use you are able <strong>to</strong> incorporate in your design. Low installation costs (@ £3-4k) with reasonable pay back period –small scale could potentially be fully funded via the SCHRI (see HIE<strong>Community</strong> Energy Unit in Where <strong>to</strong> go for Further Information). The technology is well developed with a choice of equipment for manyapplications. Generally comes with 10 year warranty and requires littlemaintenance. Requires a conventional water heater <strong>to</strong> work in tandem. Couldprovide all hot water in summer and a contribution for the rest of theyear. Reduces CO 2emissions by 0.25-0.5 <strong>to</strong>nne/yr depending on type offuel replaced.Mull & Iona Slaughterhouse.Ardross Millennium VillageHallPho<strong>to</strong>voltaic Cells (PV)The cells convert light <strong>to</strong> Direct Current electricity, producing powerduring day light hours which can be s<strong>to</strong>red in batteries for later use. Can be used in very small scale applications through <strong>to</strong> integratedsystems for offices/ public buildings. Expensive <strong>to</strong> install for whole building system. Price depends on thesize system and amount of electricity required. Grant funding isavailable from Energy Saving Trust, but not at 100%. Long pay back period – up <strong>to</strong> 90 years. Therefore, highest costbenefitis from small cell applications, which could receive assistancefrom SCHRI e.g. see examples:- street lighting, parking meters,power/heat a bio-diges<strong>to</strong>r system for <strong>to</strong>ilets without mainssewerage. Valuable in remote locations with no mains electric, where a batterys<strong>to</strong>re is used. Power use can be controlled by timer or movement sensor e.g. forsecurity lights. A high seasonal variation in power output means that back up poweris ideally necessary e.g. with wind or conventional Check planning requirements, especially for listed buildings andconservation areas. Usually installed on roof, although can beincorporated in<strong>to</strong> wall design.Bus shelter lighting inShetland; combined withresponsive sensor <strong>to</strong>activate lighting only whenin use.Abriachan Forest Trust:-- <strong>to</strong> power playing of soundtrack recorded on smallinterpretive panels- <strong>to</strong> power the pump on thecomposting <strong>to</strong>iletRecent extension <strong>to</strong>Fortrose Academy, FortroseFishmarket, Wick41

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 7: Renewable energy options appropriate for community buildingsApplication and practical considerationsLocal examples wherethe technology is in useSingle Wind TurbineA single turbine can be linked <strong>to</strong> a building <strong>to</strong> produce and s<strong>to</strong>reelectricity – or <strong>to</strong> feed direct in<strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>rage heaters. Knowledge of the local wind resource is critical <strong>to</strong> design, drawing onMeteorological Office Data etc; specialist input is usually required. A suitable site for the turbine is required on or in close proximity <strong>to</strong>the building site. Installation cost ranges from £5-25k depending on size and type. Easy<strong>to</strong> install. Low maintenance - turbine life up <strong>to</strong> 20 years. Potential <strong>to</strong>decrease electricity bill by 33%. Particularly suited <strong>to</strong> off-mains-grid locations where a conventionalsupply is expensive <strong>to</strong> install. For off-grid systems, the size of thebattery bank will determine how long applications can be run if thereis no wind. Wind power is most commonly installed as part of ahybrid system, with a second tandem renewable source or mains/fossil fuel supply. Can be used in conjunction with s<strong>to</strong>rage heaters <strong>to</strong> provide a baselevel of heat <strong>to</strong> a community building. CO 2emission reduction is 5-6.6<strong>to</strong>nnes/yr for a 6kW systemproducing 12,000-15,000 units/yr. Planning concerns include noise, safety and visual impact.Two in Westray, Orkney(3KW and 6kW).One turbine suppliespower <strong>to</strong> Scoraig school(Wester Ross) and anumber of schools inSheltland.One turbine providesintermittent power supply<strong>to</strong> households on the Isleof MuckSmall Scale HydroelectricA mature and proven technology <strong>to</strong> produce and s<strong>to</strong>re electricity -‘micro’ (under 100kW) hydro schemes suitable for local application. Hydro costs are very site specific – and can be high. Relies on the water source being close <strong>to</strong> site of power usage. Bewareof droughts! Useful in remote non-mains locations – where they generally producea more reliable power supply than other renewable technologies. Planning considerations: Abstraction License needed (SEPA) <strong>to</strong> setrequirements <strong>to</strong> maintain river ecology; visual and noise impact fromturbines (relatively easily overcome).Isle of Eigg – Power supply<strong>to</strong> the Pier Centre, housingcafé, shop <strong>to</strong>ilets andshowers<strong>Community</strong>-owned hydroschemesat Knoydart,Lochaber and Assynt,SutherlandBiomass (also called bioenergy & biofuels)Energy from direct combustion of organic matter of recent origin <strong>to</strong>produce electricity and/or heat for space and water heating e.g.woody products, animal wastes or high energy crops burnt in boilersor s<strong>to</strong>ves. The capital cost of the boiler installation is significantly greater thanconventional systems – however wood fuel prices offset this overtime being very competitive compared <strong>to</strong> fossil fuels. Wood pellets, chips or logs (of low moisture content) are usual fuelfor small scale systems. Research the continuity of affordable/localbiomass supply at the outset.Bettyhill Swimming Pool,SutherlandPoolewe Swimming Pool,Wester Ross (at planningstage)Acharacle communityoffice, Lochaber42

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 7: Renewable energy options appropriate for community buildingsApplication and practical considerations Overall a biomass system is considered ‘CO 2netural’ with net ZeroCarbon emissions (carbon used in growing = carbon released inburning). However, this relies on the fuel supply being managedsustainably. Use of the technology can support new jobs and enterprises in anarea in forestry and chip processing or short rotation coppicing. Planning issues include: s<strong>to</strong>rage space for fuel; fire safety regs; fluevent specifically designed for wood fuel appliance; smokeless zone.Local examples wherethe technology is in useAveron Leisure Centre,Invergordon, Easter RossGeothermal - using the temperature of the earth.Earth temperature a few metres below ground level stays constantat 11-12C throughout the year. This geothermal heat can be pumpedin<strong>to</strong> a building using a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP). Can meet 100% of space heating requirements; usually only able <strong>to</strong>pre-heat domestic hot water – with a <strong>to</strong>p- up heating sourcerequired. Installation costs are cheaper if done during new build, as installationcan be combined with other site earthworks. GSHP can be cheaper <strong>to</strong> run space heating than oil, LPG and electrics<strong>to</strong>rage heaters, but is more expensive than mains gas. Planning considerations: is under floor heating possible? (radia<strong>to</strong>rscan also be used); is there space and suitable ground material for thetrench which will bury the ground loop?; what auxiliary heating willyou use? Environmental disadvantages are:– the use of mains electric isrequired <strong>to</strong> operate the pump (every unit used in pump produces 3-4units ground heat) however this still produces less carbon emissionsthan a conventional boiler; also, refrigerants are used in the system.Glenelg <strong>Community</strong> Hall,Skye & Lochalsh, hasinstalled a GSHP in the newbuilding <strong>to</strong> provideunderfloor heating for allrooms in the hallNew community centre atGlendale, Isle of Skye, Skye& LochalshGreen Electricity TariffsBuying Green Tariff electricity from the mains means your electricitysupplier is obliged <strong>to</strong> source an amount equal <strong>to</strong> the power youconsume from existing renewable energy sources, through the mainsgrid. Electricity is supplied <strong>to</strong> your building in exactly the same way – butis purchased by your supplier from a green electricity source such ashydro or wind farm. You pay a premium for a Green Tariff, as generation from renewablesis more costly, so your power is more expensive per unit <strong>to</strong> purchase(a few pounds per month – cost varies with supplier). The benefit <strong>to</strong> the community is not highly visible, but thiscommunicates <strong>to</strong> energy companies that there is a consumerpreference for renewables. When you buy ‘regular’ electricity, a small part will be fromrenewables, set by government targets and legislation which requireenergy suppliers <strong>to</strong> source a minimum percentage of the electricitythey sell from defined renewables sources.Glenelg <strong>Community</strong> Hall,Skye & Lochalsh, ispurchasing Green tariffelectricity <strong>to</strong> power thepump which drives theGSHP system43

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 8: Sustainability pointers for water, sewage and waste managementActionEnsure installation of water meters.Specify <strong>to</strong>ilets and urinals with low-volume flush(use lowest available); alternatively installsmaller cisterns or water dams <strong>to</strong> reduce flushvolumes.Use urinal equipment that does not require aconstant flow of water: - install variable timing systems for au<strong>to</strong>maticurinal flushing, or - install pressure-drop or occupancy detectionsensors <strong>to</strong> link urinal flushing <strong>to</strong> use.Specify taps that make efficient use of water;use spray heads or flow restric<strong>to</strong>rs, oralternatively, percussion taps (“pressmiser”),which contain an adjustable flow restric<strong>to</strong>r. Fitshowers with low flow heads.Fit plugs <strong>to</strong> sinks.Install a rainwater collection system <strong>to</strong> supplywater for <strong>to</strong>ilet flushing, washing machines and/ or watering gardens.Waste “grey water” from sinks, showers andwashing machines, with a relatively low level ofcontamination, can be recycled for purposeswith a low quality requirement e.g. <strong>to</strong> flush<strong>to</strong>ilets or for watering planted borders on site.Careful consideration should be given <strong>to</strong>minimising the need <strong>to</strong> construct s<strong>to</strong>rm drainsdue <strong>to</strong> their high cost. Most relevant <strong>to</strong> newbuilds.Savings and ConstraintsAllows moni<strong>to</strong>ring of water use and detection ofleaks.Toilet flushing uses about one third of domesticwater consumption.Low flush tends <strong>to</strong> be 2 litres perflush, as opposed <strong>to</strong> 4 litres, which is a considerablesaving.Rather than a continuous flush, urinals can be set <strong>to</strong>flush at 20/40 minute intervals (daytime) and twiceper night/unoccupied time.Reduces water volume used per wash.Reduces waste in running water.Several proprietary systems are available <strong>to</strong> collect,treat and use rainwater. Water needs <strong>to</strong> besterilised by a UV filter and <strong>to</strong>pped up from mainsduring low rain fall. Pay-back period <strong>to</strong> recover costscan be prohibitive.A number of systems are available that use greywater for <strong>to</strong>ilet flushing. The cost of installing sucha separate system needs <strong>to</strong> be offset againstdemand. Cost can be prohibitive. Water has <strong>to</strong> befiltered before re-use. More appropriate for largerbuildings with greater volume and shorterthroughput time than a small facilities with lowvolume and longer s<strong>to</strong>rage of grey water (with theknock-on hygiene considerations).Minimising the amount of paved/tarmac paths/carparking areas allows rainwater <strong>to</strong> drain naturallyin<strong>to</strong> the ground. Car parking areas could be formedfrom deep graded aggregates allowing significantsoakaway potential <strong>to</strong> be maintained whilst stillgiving a good surface.44

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 8: Sustainability pointers for water, sewage and waste managementActionThe use of constructed reed beds as analternative <strong>to</strong> a soakaway <strong>to</strong> treat sewageon site may be an option if there is spacefor the reed bed. The system requiresspecialist installation, regular managementand good explanation <strong>to</strong> nearby residents ontheir effective, smell-free and non-pollutingnature.Dry composting or long drop <strong>to</strong>ilets can beconsidered in smaller buildings or as astand-alone facility. Again, the systemrequires specialist installation and regularmanagement.Include waste recycling facilities in thedesign.Savings and ConstraintsCareful calculation needs <strong>to</strong> be made of thesize of the reed bed and land area necessary,given the likely numbers of people using thebuilding. Tricky in a refurbishment if no extraland. The rate of break down in the coolScottish climate may make the system <strong>to</strong>oslow <strong>to</strong> handle large volumes of waste createdby a sizeable building.Primarily suitable in rural locations, for lowvolumeuse, where the required drop-heightcan be achieved. Provision of a safe on-sitewaste composting area requires more land.The compost produced could be a usefulgardening resource on site. Local PR andinformation <strong>to</strong> residents and users required.Space should be allocated for s<strong>to</strong>ragefacilities on-site <strong>to</strong> aid recycling measures; egsecure and hygienic containers for glass,metal, paper, organic materials. This couldinclude a compost bin.45

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 9: Access for all - design checklistPhysicalconsiderationsAudio-visualconsiderationsTransport mode Provision of entrance ramps, au<strong>to</strong>matic doors, wide doors for wheel chairaccess. Electronically pinned-back fire doors. Low level public telephones for wheel chair users. Easy access switches at low level for wheel chair users. Disabled <strong>to</strong>ilet facilities. Lifts <strong>to</strong> upper floors <strong>to</strong> include braille inscription and voice messages. Good levels of lighting for those with poor, deteriorating or partial sight. Visual clues <strong>to</strong> floors; colour coding <strong>to</strong> enable people <strong>to</strong> know where theyare. Visual as well as audible fire alarm systems. Braille maps of the building. Installation of loop systems for those wearing hearing aids. Provision of cycle parking (bike racks, covered bike sheds) <strong>to</strong> encouragebike use and enable children and non-car owners <strong>to</strong> access <strong>to</strong> buildingeasily. Some entrance pathways and car parking areas <strong>to</strong> be well surfaced <strong>to</strong>allow easy access by wheel chair users and those with mobilitydifficulties.46

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 10: Sustainability tick list for community buildingsSummaryThe Sustainability Ticklist is a series of tables that highlight key sustainability features of abuilding project under the nine aspects of sustainability listed below.The Sustainability Ticklist is intended <strong>to</strong> help you: develop and maintain an overview of the key sustainability features of your project prioritise your sustainability goals and define the extent of your sustainability “mission” develop your project brief communicate with your design team communicate your sustainability aspirations <strong>to</strong> potential funding bodies.The Sustainability Ticklist summarises a broad range of sustainability features, some of whichmay not be relevant <strong>to</strong> your project. It is recommended that you seek the assistance of your designteam <strong>to</strong> complete the ticklist and <strong>to</strong> clarify any sustainability features listed that you areunsure about (particularly technical detail).Sustainability AspectsTick below <strong>to</strong> confirm you have consideredall relevant aspects in the attached lists1 Site Selection and Use2 <strong>Building</strong> Surrounds and Grounds3 Construction Methods & Materials4 Energy Systems5 Lighting6 Access for All and Parking7 Water Management8 Waste Management9 <strong>Building</strong> Surrounds and Grounds* Adapted from the SHN Green Scorecard - designed by the SNH Greening officer47

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 10: Sustainability tick list for community buildingsTick list1 Site Selection and UseIndica<strong>to</strong>rTick here Re-use of existing building <strong>to</strong> good environmental standards Re-use of a site of low ecological value - eg brownfield site Site located close <strong>to</strong> Railway Station (within 15 mins walk) Good bus access - serving surrounding communities, partner bodies, cus<strong>to</strong>mers(see tick list 6). Good cycle access via dedicated cycle routes (see tick list 6) Site not overshadowed or obstructed overhead (<strong>to</strong> accommodate renewable energyinstallation) Site can accommodate a sustainable waste-water treatment system Site chosen so that development will minimise negative impact on natural heritage Site chosen <strong>to</strong> avoid exposure <strong>to</strong> flooding, exessive frost and prevailing winds, and erosion Site chosen <strong>to</strong> take account of future climate change (warmer and wetter conditions)2 Project Brief and DesignIndica<strong>to</strong>rTick here Appoint architects with sustainability and environmental expertise High levels of insulation <strong>to</strong> roofs, walls, floors and windows, exceeding U-values (heatlosslimits) set out in the <strong>Building</strong> Regulations Use of passive solar design Design <strong>to</strong> accommodate future climate change (warmer and wetter conditions) Design <strong>to</strong> minimise construction waste, eg using off-site pre-fabrication Design for ease of disassembly (and re-use of components) Extremely low electricity use (kWh/m 2 /year within ‘low consumption’ bands). Extremely low water use (< 7.7 m 3 /person/year) Natural ventilation for >80% of building Passive heating/cooling systems i.e. not driven by electricity Adequate natural working lighting for >80% of building Renewable energy system installed <strong>to</strong> provide electricity (Solar PV, Wind micro-turbine) Electricity submeters installed - eg for IT suite, day use for each part of building, nightheating, night non-heating Rainwater collected and s<strong>to</strong>red for “grey water” use48

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 10: Sustainability tick list for community buildingsTick list3 Construction Methods & MaterialsIndica<strong>to</strong>r <strong>Building</strong> materials have low “embodied energy” (energy used in extraction, processingand transportation) A significant proportion of building materials are from a renewable resource (eg timberthat is sustainably managed) More than 10% of building materials are recycled (eg aggregate, s<strong>to</strong>ne, timber, blocksmade from pulverised fuel ash (PFA)) <strong>Building</strong> materials sourced locally <strong>to</strong> maximise benefit <strong>to</strong> local economy and minimiseenergy use in transport Insulation manufactured from renewable material that will perform well for the lifetime ofthe building Paints, varnishes, glues have low chemical content (eg absence of VOCs, heavy metaland other <strong>to</strong>xins) Window frames manufactured from sustainably sourced timber Timber and timber products carry FSC certification (or equivalent) All windows are double glazed using energy efficient glazing (low-E / low emissivity glass) All pipework is well insulated Natural floor coverings and fixings installed, eg solid wood, marmoleum, wool carpet(fixed with grippers, not glue)Tick here4 Heating and Cooling SystemsIndica<strong>to</strong>r Heating system creates no CO 2(“zero-carbon” system) Renewable energy heating system (eg woodfuel, ground source heat pump, electricfrom Green tariff) Condensing boiler used (if “wet” central heating system is installed) Electrical ‘point of use’ water heating installed, rather than boiler/immersion heater Timers <strong>to</strong> control all heating Thermostats <strong>to</strong> control all heating Any essential active cooling system does not use ozone-depleting substances Heat pumps & ducting used <strong>to</strong> recover and recirculate heat Solar Water Heating system installedTick here49

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 10: Sustainability tick list for community buildingsTick list5 LightingIndica<strong>to</strong>r Low energy light fittings installed throughout Motion and light level sensor switches installed in >60% of lighting Individual light switching installed Low energy sodium external lighting Motion and light level sensor switches for external lighting Fit skylights, sunpipes etc <strong>to</strong> reduce lighting demand Fit brise-soleil (canopies), tinted glazing, blinds etc <strong>to</strong> reduce glare Use task lighting (e.g.desk lamps) <strong>to</strong> reduce overall light demandTick here6 Access for All & TransportIndica<strong>to</strong>rTick here Covered and secure cycle parking Showers, clothing lockers & changing rooms installed for cyclists Collaboration with The Highland Council and cycling bodies <strong>to</strong> provide safe walking and cycleroutes Collaboration with Highland Council and bus companies <strong>to</strong> alter bus routes and timetables asappropriate Clear visual/braille and audio interpretation of building layout, fire alarms etc. Permanent video conferencing suite/cam recorders installed Low level, easy access switches, handles (incl lever door handles), telephones etc. for wheelchair users Good level of lighting, avoiding glare, throughout building for those with deteriorating sight Step-free access around the entire site, with gentle gradients Slip-resistant floor finishes50

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 10: Sustainability tick list for community buildingsTick list7 Water Management *Indica<strong>to</strong>r Self-closing and spray taps (or equivalent) <strong>to</strong> minimise water consumption Low-flow urinal flush systems Equipment, eg dishwashers that are labelled water and energy-efficient Re-use grey water and/or rainwater Plumbed chilled drinking water (rather than bottled water delivered) Reedbed sewage treatment (or equivalent waste water management system) Water meters with submeters for large use areas of building Water butts <strong>to</strong> collect rainwater for grounds use* Assumes that low volume cisterns will be installed, as per <strong>Building</strong> RegulationsTick here8 Waste ManagementIndica<strong>to</strong>r Provide adequate and accessible segration, s<strong>to</strong>rage and collection facilities forrecyclates (paper, cardboard, cans, etc) both inside and outside the building Provide compost bins and manage composting operationTick here9 <strong>Building</strong> Surrounds and GroundsIndica<strong>to</strong>r Survey undertaken <strong>to</strong> identify wildlife habitats and plant species on and near the site Design <strong>to</strong> minimise disturbance <strong>to</strong> wildlife habitats and plant species Wildflower meadow established Appropriate native trees, shrubs, hedging are planted Wildlife pond created Bird, bat, insect boxes introduced <strong>to</strong> the siteTick here51

Subject guides<strong>Guide</strong> 11: Funding sources for specific sustainability costsFundingavailable for:Renewable energyplanning andinstallationSolar Pho<strong>to</strong>voltaicOrganisationHIE <strong>Community</strong> EnergyUnit (through the Scottish<strong>Community</strong> and HouseholdsRenewables Initiative)www.est.org.uk/schriSee reference section‘Where To Go for FurtherInformation’ for full list ofcontactsEnergy Savings Trust(EST)www.solarpvgrants.co.ukTel: 0800 298 3978Type of AssistanceTechnical Assistance: Funding is available forprojects that are at a formative stage <strong>to</strong>investigate their potential <strong>to</strong> make use ofrenewable energy. These grants will: Pay for the cost of a feasibility study Provide support <strong>to</strong> develop a project proposal Pay for community capacity building relating <strong>to</strong>renewable energy.The maximum grant is normally £10,000. Grantscan be for up <strong>to</strong> 100% of eligible costs, althoughmatch funding is preferred.Capital expenditure: A capital grant is available<strong>to</strong> pay <strong>to</strong>wards the cost of installing mostrenewable technologies. Funding is available for: Capital costs for infrastructure Project management costs associated with thedevelopment and installation of projects The cost of establishing a partnership with athird party, such as a renewable energycompany, where appropriate.Grants are available <strong>to</strong> install pho<strong>to</strong>voltaic panels.If this is small scale with significant communitybenefit e.g. bus shelter/public <strong>to</strong>ilet lighting, itcan be funded through HIE’s <strong>Community</strong> EnergyUnit.For larger installations involving the supply ofsolar power <strong>to</strong> buildings, applications should bemade direct <strong>to</strong> the EST – the <strong>Community</strong> EnergyUnit can advise on making these applications.52

Supporting Action for <strong>Sustainable</strong> DevelopmentSustainability Checklist<strong>Sustainable</strong> Development is about improving our situation and getting the best out of the way we usethings, while limiting any negative impact our actions have now or in the future.The Sustainability Checklist provides a <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>to</strong> help you identify the most sustainable way forward foryour project. The purpose of your project may primarily be social, economic or environmental, but itmight have impacts or benefits in other areas that you havenít yet considered. A small amount ofthought at an early stage might make a big difference as the project develops.The Checklist prompts you <strong>to</strong> consider any impacts your project might have under the headingsbelow :<strong>Community</strong>EconomyEnvironmentThe FutureThere are a number of questions under each of these headings, designed <strong>to</strong> help you consider a rangeof sustainability issues. These are only a guide, and may not all apply <strong>to</strong> your project. Also, theremight be other issues you think are important and want <strong>to</strong> include.The checklist will help you <strong>to</strong> confirm your project's strengths and weaknesses and might also point<strong>to</strong> opportunities <strong>to</strong> improve the project's positive impact as well as threats that might reduce itseffectiveness. As a general rule its always better <strong>to</strong> identify these at the outset, rather than wait forthem <strong>to</strong> catch you out later on.Whilst you are working through the checklist, you might find it helpful <strong>to</strong> note down strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the table provided at the end. This will allow you <strong>to</strong> get anoverall picture of your projectís sustainability and what further action you might need <strong>to</strong> take <strong>to</strong>improve it.

COMMUNITY1. Does the project have widespread <strong>Community</strong> Support?- Has the whole community been able <strong>to</strong> comment on the project proposal?- If there are concerns about the project from anyone in the community have they been addressed?- How will you ensure the whole community is aware of how the project develops?2. How will the project strengthen the local community?- Does the project promote or increase access <strong>to</strong> culture (eg Gaelic), arts or crafts, music, sport, localhis<strong>to</strong>ry or archaeology?- Does the project provide training or other resources <strong>to</strong> increase community confidence or allow thecommunity <strong>to</strong> be more self-reliant?3. How does the project help <strong>to</strong> ensure everyone has access <strong>to</strong> the same level of resources?- Will the project help meet local needs for new services or <strong>to</strong> make better use of existing resources,including volunteers?- Does the project improve access <strong>to</strong> infrastructure, services, information or support?- Does the project make efforts <strong>to</strong> support the involvement of all members of the community, includingthose sometimes excluded such as older people, young people and people with disabilities?4. Does the proj ect have any impact on existing facilities or other organisations?- Will the projectís activities compete with or have a negative impact on other organisations and services?(I.e. Hall tearoom competing with local businesses or noise from a youth club impacting on other hallusers.)- Does the project overlap with work of other organisations?- Has consideration been given <strong>to</strong> impact on similar projects in the surrounding area?ECONOMY1. Does it help increase value of local products or make sustainable use of existing resources?- Does the project create new income streams from renewable natural resources?- Does it help <strong>to</strong> diversify the local or regional economy?- Where appropriate, does the project encourage visi<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> stay longer?- Does it encourage inward investment?2. Does it create jobs or retain existing jobs?3. How does it help <strong>to</strong> develop skills of local people?- Are efforts made <strong>to</strong> encourage uptake of such opportunities by long term unemployed or people withspecial needs?4. Local Sourcing?- Does the project purchase goods and services locally?5. How does the project impact on existing businesses?- Will there be benefits as a result of the project for local businesses?- Will the project compete with existing local businesses?- Will the project impact on businesses in surrounding areas?

ENVIRONMENT1. How does the project help reduce waste and pollution?- REDUCE – Does the project take steps <strong>to</strong> reduce what resources the project is using, ie. Consider buyingin bulk <strong>to</strong> reduce packaging and transport costs.- REUSE – Reuse existing resources such as glass jars, furniture or lef<strong>to</strong>ver paint. Are new premises orbuildings being used rather than making use of existing buildings? Does the project use recycledmaterials and rechargeable equipment?- RECYCLE – Ensure recycling opportunities are used or developed <strong>to</strong> minimise the amount of wastematerials generated.2. Does the project minimise energy use and/or support the development or use of renewable energy?If so, how will this be achieved?- Has the project undertaken an energy efficiency assessment?- Does the project, where appropriate, aim <strong>to</strong> reduce car use and promote public transport?- Has the project considered development or use of renewable energy sources?3. Does the project provide access <strong>to</strong> and awareness of wildlife and open s paces? If so, how will this beachieved?- Does the project provide sustainable access <strong>to</strong> wildlife and open spaces?- Does the project support access for all users? (People with disabilities, bike or equastrian access?)- Does the project provide interpretation of the local area?4. Does the project safeguard, protect and enhance the natural environment and support localbiodiversity? If so, how will this be achieved?- Has the project adopted good environmental management practices?- Does the project protect fragile ecosystems?- Does the project support the enhancement of native species and their habitat?THE FUTURE1. What positive changes will the project bring?- What changes in service delivery or access <strong>to</strong> services do you anticipate?- Will new resources, facilities or services be available as a result of the project?- What change in community confidence and capabilities do you anticipate?- How will the project impact on people's quality of life, such as health, safety or access <strong>to</strong> services oremployment opportunities?2. How does the project link with existing services or organisations?- Does the project work with other organisations <strong>to</strong> fill a "gap"?- How do you work with other services and organisations <strong>to</strong> co-ordinate and maximise resources?3. How will running and development costs be met in the long term, particularly after the lifetime ofany grant assistance?- Has a long term exit strategy been developed or included in the project plan?- How will you secure volunteer effort if this is necessary for the operation of the project?- How will you resource any future costs? – repairs and renewals, insurance, salaries etc.4. Does the project have any long-term impacts on the environment? If so, what are these?- Is there a loss of habitat or erosion as a result of the project?- Is there an increase in the use of resources or energy?- Is there a loss of non-renewable local resources?

StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsNetwork 21 is a Highland Well-being Alliance partnership established <strong>to</strong> support and build community basedawareness and action for sustainable development. If you would like further assistance please contactNetwork 21's Co-ordina<strong>to</strong>r for more information. Real examples of things other groups have done <strong>to</strong>overcome negative impacts and useful contacts can be found on the Network 21 website.For more information regarding Network 21 please contact Helen Turnbull, Network 21Co-ordina<strong>to</strong>r, An Drochaid, Claggan Road, Fort William PH33 6PH Tel: 01397 706106Email: hturnbull@network-21.info www.network-21.infoPho<strong>to</strong>s provided by Highland Council and Sutherland Partnership

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