The water footprint and virtual water exports of Spanish tomatoes

The water footprint and virtual water exports of Spanish tomatoes

The water footprint and virtual water exports of Spanish tomatoes

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42 THE WATER FOOTPRINT OF TOMATO PRODUCTIONtheir help <strong>and</strong> useful advices. We also would like to thankthe M. Botín Foundation for financially supporting thisproject. <strong>The</strong> contents <strong>of</strong> the report remain the responsibility<strong>of</strong> the authors.9. REFERENCESAldaya, M. M. <strong>and</strong> Llamas, M.R. (2009) Water Footprint Analysis (Hydrologic<strong>and</strong> Economic) <strong>of</strong> the Guadiana River basin. <strong>The</strong> United NationsWorld Water Assessment Programme, Scientific Paper. United NationsEducational, Scientific <strong>and</strong> Cultural Organization, ParisAldaya, M. M. <strong>and</strong> Hoekstra, A. Y., (2010) <strong>The</strong> <strong>water</strong> needed for Italiansto eat pasta <strong>and</strong> pizza. Agricultural systems 103, 351-360.Andalusian Water Agency (2010). Proyecto del plan hidrológico de la demarcaciónhidrográfica de las cuencas mediterráneas <strong>and</strong>aluzas. [online]Available from:http://www.juntade<strong>and</strong>alucia.es/medioambiente/site/web/menuitem.a5664a214f73c3df81d8899661525ea0/?vgnextoid=c00b8e2d2f5b8210Vgn-VCM1000001325e50aRCRD&vgnextchannel=ee8feb3d87605210Vgn-VCM1000001325e50aRCRD [accessed on July 2010].Bertuglia, A. <strong>and</strong> Calatrava Requena, J. (2008) Las explotaciones hortícolasbajo plástico del litoral oriental granadino. Horticultura internacional, 64.Campillo, C. (2007) Estudio para el diseño de un sistema de recomendaciónde manejo de agua en rotaciones de cultivo hortícolas en las vegas del Guadiana.Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Extremadura.Castilla, N. (2007) Invernaderos de plástico: Tecnología y manejo. 2ª ed.,Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, Spain.CEC, M.Th., 1985. Soil Map <strong>of</strong> the European Communities Office for OfficialPublications for the EC, Luxembourg. 124 pp. 7 maps.

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