Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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88being of the society to which they represents. They could help thegovernments by participating in the process of identification of child labouroccupations and processes in which child labours are engaged, rehabilitationsprocess like selection of beneficiaries, project proposals for NCLP schemeand functioning of schemes and by participating in monitoring and evaluationprocess. More so, they can also directly be involved as an implementingagency of NCLP scheme like running of special child labour welfare schools,awareness and publicity campaign etc. Being member of district level Projectsocieties, the Panchayat Raj Institutions members have the all powers,functions and role to be played as exercisable by other members fromGovernment departments and members of NGOs.The village Gaon burahs can play the role of quasi-Judicial authority anda credible advocate by admitting certain complains of child labour anddisposed cases according to traditional and customary laws and under certainGovernment Regulations. The GBs /PRI members have the role of aninformant and advise and aware the village masses and be a coordinatorbetween Government and the people. They can be a logical leader fordiscovering and denouncing child labour abuses at local level and can beseen as protector of child’s right.Thus no Govt. policies can successful without participation ofpeople and the society.At the concluding remark, I am of the view that the child labour is asocial crime created by an irresponsible section of the society. No economicand social issue is more serious than the denial of rights to a child. Childlabour perpetuate poverty and degrade the stock of human capital necessaryfor economic and the social development. Constitution of child labours createsunemployment and underemployment of the adults. It is an abuse to thehuman rights, so unanimously condemn yet so widely practised. Still itspractice is surrounded by a wall of silence and perpetuated by ignorance andilliteracy, which the present society has the responsible to break, erase onceand for all.

89CHAPTER XIXADULT LITERACY AND THE PRIs / GBsPOST LITERACY PROGRAMME (UNDER ADULT EDUCATION) ANDROLE OF GB/PRITypesPost-LiteracyProgrammes(PLPs)Aims &ObjectivesTo maintain andenhance literacyand generatebasic work skillsenabling adults tofunctioneffectively in theirsocieties.DeliveryMechanismFace-to-faceClassroom types,self-learning,mixedapproaches.Clientele GroupAll youth andadults (school)drop-out andsemi-literates.The PLP is a continuation of TLC for achieving those objectives:-a) Achieving self-reliance in literacy and numeracy.b) Becoming aware of the causes of their deprivation.c) Participation in the process of development activities.d) Acquire skills to improve their economic status and general well-beinge) Imbibes values, of national integration, conservation of environment,Women’s equality, small family norms etc.f) Creating an environment conducive for Literacy efforts and a learningSociety where literacy could be valued and cherished.Post-literacy Programme aim to maintain and enhance basic literacy,numeracy and problem solving skills, giving individuals sufficient general basicskill enabling them to function effectively in their society.Post-literacy Programme (PLP) is designed to strengthen literacy skills sothat learners can follow meaningfully other opportunities offered by continuingeducation programmes.PLP focus on the development of functional knowledge as well as thegrowth of technical literacy skills such as:-a) Recreational topicsb) Social/ Development issues.

89CHAPTER XIXADULT LITERACY AND THE PRIs / GBsPOST LITERACY PROGRAMME (UNDER ADULT EDUCATION) ANDROLE OF GB/PRITypesPost-LiteracyProgrammes(PLPs)Aims &ObjectivesTo maintain <strong>and</strong>enhance literacy<strong>and</strong> generatebasic work skillsenabling adults tofunctioneffectively in theirsocieties.DeliveryMechanismFace-to-faceClassroom types,self-learning,mixedapproaches.Clientele GroupAll youth <strong>and</strong>adults (school)drop-out <strong>and</strong>semi-literates.The PLP is a continuation of TLC <strong>for</strong> achieving those objectives:-a) Achieving self-reliance in literacy <strong>and</strong> numeracy.b) Becoming aware of the causes of their deprivation.c) Participation in the process of development activities.d) Acquire skills to improve their economic status <strong>and</strong> general well-beinge) Imbibes values, of national integration, conservation of environment,Women’s equality, small family norms etc.f) Creating an environment conducive <strong>for</strong> Literacy ef<strong>for</strong>ts <strong>and</strong> a learningSociety where literacy could be valued <strong>and</strong> cherished.Post-literacy Programme aim to maintain <strong>and</strong> enhance basic literacy,numeracy <strong>and</strong> problem solving skills, giving individuals sufficient general basicskill enabling them to function effectively in their society.Post-literacy Programme (PLP) is designed to strengthen literacy skills sothat learners can follow meaningfully other opportunities offered by continuingeducation programmes.PLP focus on the development of functional knowledge as well as thegrowth of technical literacy skills such as:-a) Recreational topicsb) Social/ Development issues.

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