Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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82iv.Attach the medical certificate if born/died in the medical.v. If you seek the registration within 21 days, the registration will be madefree of cost.vi.vii.viii.ix.If the report is furnished after 21 days but within 30 days, a fine ofRupees 2/- will be realized from you.But if you furnish the report after one month but within one year of itsoccurrence, it is registered on payment of prescribed fee of Rs.5/- andon production of an affidavit made before the notary public or any otherofficer authorized in this behalf and with the written permission of theconcerned authority. The specimen format of the affidavit is shown inannexure (A) below.And if you are reporting the event after one year of its occurrence, yourreport should be accompanied with the affidavit as shown in annexureA and table before the magistrate.Upon receipt of your affidavit the magistrate will give an order for theregistration or otherwise of the event. A late fee of Rs. 10/- will berealized from you in this case.x. Following these steps and formalities will help you get the eventsregistered in a short time without any delay.CONCLUSION:-It has been understood from the credible source that, from the nextcalendar year the reporting forms birth and death events as well as thecertificate form may be redesigned where the state LOGO and RGI’s LOGOmay be used.“PROMPT REGISTRATION OF BIRTH AND DEATH is a service, to theIndividuals the State and the Nation”.

83ANNEXURE (A)IN THE COURT OF EXECUTIVE/JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE I/II nd CLASS: -JUD/NO…………DATE………AFFIDAVITI Shri/Smti/Miss……………………….aged……years Son/Daughter/Wife/Elder/Sister of ………... By religion:……….by Nationality:…………byoccupation:…………...,permanent resident of village…….P.O……………P.S……….. Dist………..State……Ph. no…….Presently residing at (name ofvill/town)……………..P.O…………….P.S………………Dist. (A.P.), Ph.no…………… do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:01. That I am the (relation with whom the case is applied for) and Naturalguardian of ……………………..and the name of her/his mother (in caseof father is deponent) is ………………………and vice versa.02. That my aforesaid child/person (name)………………was born/died on(date to be mentioned)…………………..at …………………………(placeof occurrence).03. The name of his/her father is …………………………………….andmother is…………………(in case deponent is other than father andmother).04. That till date I have neither registered the name of aforesaid child, beforeDistrict Registrar Birth and Death, before any registrar in India, norobtained birth certificate for aforesaid event from any registrar of birthand death, which is required under RBD, ACT-1969 due to………………………………………(write reason for late report)05. That my aforesaid child is a school going student/not going and readingin class………….standard.06. That this deed of affidavit is sworn in to obtain birth/ death certificatefrom the competent authority for…………………….(purpose for whichthe certificate is sought).That the contents of para 01to 06 above are true and correct from mypersonal knowledge and belief. If any information as furnished above is foundfalse at any time, then I shall be liable to be punished as per relevant law.DECLARATION OF WITNESS:The contents of para 01 to 04 as furnished by the deponent above aretrue and correct from my personal knowledge and belief. If any falseinformation arises in any point of time, then I shall be liable to be punished asper the relevant law.1) Witness :- 2). Witness :-Name and signature Name and signatureSolemnly affirmed and declared by the both deponent & the witnessesbefore me on……. at…………… . The deponent & witness have understood

82iv.Attach the medical certificate if born/died in the medical.v. If you seek the registration within 21 days, the registration will be madefree of cost.vi.vii.viii.ix.If the report is furnished after 21 days but within 30 days, a fine ofRupees 2/- will be realized from you.But if you furnish the report after one month but within one year of itsoccurrence, it is registered on payment of prescribed fee of Rs.5/- <strong>and</strong>on production of an affidavit made be<strong>for</strong>e the notary public or any otherofficer authorized in this behalf <strong>and</strong> with the written permission of theconcerned authority. The specimen <strong>for</strong>mat of the affidavit is shown inannexure (A) below.And if you are reporting the event after one year of its occurrence, yourreport should be accompanied with the affidavit as shown in annexureA <strong>and</strong> table be<strong>for</strong>e the magistrate.Upon receipt of your affidavit the magistrate will give an order <strong>for</strong> theregistration or otherwise of the event. A late fee of Rs. 10/- will berealized from you in this case.x. Following these steps <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>malities will help you get the eventsregistered in a short time without any delay.CONCLUSION:-It has been understood from the credible source that, from the nextcalendar year the reporting <strong>for</strong>ms birth <strong>and</strong> death events as well as thecertificate <strong>for</strong>m may be redesigned where the state LOGO <strong>and</strong> RGI’s LOGOmay be used.“PROMPT REGISTRATION OF BIRTH AND DEATH is a service, to theIndividuals the State <strong>and</strong> the Nation”.

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