Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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80The Registrar of Birth and Death has been assigned with immenseresponsibilities under the registration of birth and Death act, 1969. The mainduties and responsibilities of the Registrar can be broadly listed as under:a. To register all events according to establishment methods andprocedures laid down in the act.b. To ensure the accuracy and completeness of each record.c. To take steps to inform all carefully of all the births and deaths whichtakes place within his jurisdiction and to ascertain and register all suchcases.d. To adopt such measures as are required to inform the public of thenecessary procedures and requirements of registration and value of vitalstatistics.f. To prepare and submit the statistical report to the higher authority.g. To keep safe custody of the records.THE PROCESS OF REGISTRATION:-There are three reporting forms. Form-1- Birth (Pink colour), Form no-2;- Death (yellow colour) and form no 3:- still birth (sky blue colour). Theseforms have two parts. The part of left is called Legal Part and on the right isthe statistical part. The legal part of the forms contains those items ofinformation that are required for legal purposes and the statistical partcontains statistical items.a) The registrar will receives the filled in forms from the hospitals in case ofInstitutional events, medical or other Institution and from the individualinformants, directly or through notified officials such as Village Levelworker, Gaon Buras, ASM etc.He should carefully check each of theforms for its completeness and accuracy. He should ensure that theentries made in the form, particularly in the legal part, are legible andwithout any cutting or overwriting, as this would be the permanentdocument. Any of the entries in the legal part of the form should not spillover to the statistical part. If any of the above mentioned insuffienciesare noticed in the form, it should not be accepted and forthwith returnedto the Institution or the notified official for appropriate correction and ifnecessary for refilling.b) After having satisfied himself with the proper completion of the forms andafter the due verification of the veracity of the event, whenever needed,the register should register the event. Before registering the event heshould also make sure that the event reported has actually occurredwithin his jurisdiction.DELAYED REGISTRATION:-When the informant declares the particulars of an event after the expiry of theprescribed period, i.e. after 21 days, the registration of such an event is

81governed by the provision regarding delayed registration under section 13 ofthe Act and the relevant rules made there under.a. Registration of an event of which information is given to the registrarafter the expiry of prescribed period but within 30 days of its occurrence,is done on the payment of late fees. Registration of an event of whichinformation is given to the registrar after 30 days but within 1 year of itsoccurrence, is registered on payment of prescribed fee, on production ofan affidavit made before the notary public or any other officer authorizedin this behalf and with the written permission of the concerned authority.b. If an event has not been registered within one year, then the registrationof such an event can be done only on a written order of a magistrate ofthe first class or an Executive magistrate and on payment of theprescribed late fee.THE DELAYED FEES ARE BEING COLLECTED AS PER RGI’SGUIDELINESRate atwhich thePeriodcollection ismade in Rs.0 to 21 days nil21-30 days Rs.2.0030 days to below 1 Rs. 5.00year1 year and above Rs.10.00Mode ofcollectionThroughTreasurychallan againstthe RevenueHead:- 1475OGE-012-statisticsRemarks.Cash collection whereTreasury/Sub Treasuryoffices is not available andlater deposited to thetreasury in respect ofconcerned Registraragainst the revenue head1475 OGE-012-statisticsThe fee also payable for a search to be made, an extract or a non-availabilitycertificate to be issued under section 17, shall be as follows.• Search for a single entry in the first year for which the search is made :-Rs.2.00• For every additional year for which the search is continued;- Rs.2.00• For granting extract relating to each birth or death :- Rs. 5.00• For granting non availability certificate of birth or death ;- Rs.2.00REGISTRATION OF BIRTH AND DEATH MADE EASYi. Obtain Form-1(Pink colour) for reporting of any birth, Form-2 (yellowcolour) for reporting of death and Form no 3:- still birth (sky blue colour)from RBD branch or the Circle Office.ii.iii.Fill up the forms very carefully and furnish all the details otherwise, itwill be rejected.Obtain signatures of the Gaon Burah/ Anchal Samity member/Aganwadi worker of your village as a proof of your residence.

81governed by the provision regarding delayed registration under section 13 ofthe Act <strong>and</strong> the relevant rules made there under.a. Registration of an event of which in<strong>for</strong>mation is given to the registrarafter the expiry of prescribed period but within 30 days of its occurrence,is done on the payment of late fees. Registration of an event of whichin<strong>for</strong>mation is given to the registrar after 30 days but within 1 year of itsoccurrence, is registered on payment of prescribed fee, on production ofan affidavit made be<strong>for</strong>e the notary public or any other officer authorizedin this behalf <strong>and</strong> with the written permission of the concerned authority.b. If an event has not been registered within one year, then the registrationof such an event can be done only on a written order of a magistrate ofthe first class or an Executive magistrate <strong>and</strong> on payment of theprescribed late fee.THE DELAYED FEES ARE BEING COLLECTED AS PER RGI’SGUIDELINESRate atwhich thePeriodcollection ismade in Rs.0 to 21 days nil21-30 days Rs.2.0030 days to below 1 Rs. 5.00year1 year <strong>and</strong> above Rs.10.00Mode ofcollectionThroughTreasurychallan againstthe RevenueHead:- 1475OGE-012-statisticsRemarks.Cash collection whereTreasury/Sub Treasuryoffices is not available <strong>and</strong>later deposited to thetreasury in respect ofconcerned Registraragainst the revenue head1475 OGE-012-statisticsThe fee also payable <strong>for</strong> a search to be made, an extract or a non-availabilitycertificate to be issued under section 17, shall be as follows.• Search <strong>for</strong> a single entry in the first year <strong>for</strong> which the search is made :-Rs.2.00• For every additional year <strong>for</strong> which the search is continued;- Rs.2.00• For granting extract relating to each birth or death :- Rs. 5.00• For granting non availability certificate of birth or death ;- Rs.2.00REGISTRATION OF BIRTH AND DEATH MADE EASYi. Obtain Form-1(Pink colour) <strong>for</strong> reporting of any birth, Form-2 (yellowcolour) <strong>for</strong> reporting of death <strong>and</strong> Form no 3:- still birth (sky blue colour)from RBD branch or the Circle Office.ii.iii.Fill up the <strong>for</strong>ms very carefully <strong>and</strong> furnish all the details otherwise, itwill be rejected.Obtain signatures of the <strong>Gaon</strong> Burah/ Anchal Samity member/Aganwadi worker of your village as a proof of your residence.

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