Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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623. Please remember, we may not be able to prevent the disasters but wecan definitely prevent the damages associated with the disasters if weare well prepared.4. Who are the worst affected in the disaster? Yes…it is you andme……yours and my family…….yes…it is our Community who are theworst affected and hence we should be the first to react…first to respondto the disaster. Imagine…..a remote village…..it can not afford to wait forthe Government agencies to come and rescue them immediately….it isthe villagers who should respond immediately. Yes……government willsupport you to prepare you to respond quickly.5. Unless the community…that is you and me…our villagers…ourGB….our Panchayat leaders are not aware and are not empowered toprevent, mitigate, prepare and respond to disasters, the Government aidwill not be fruitful.6. In Arunachal Pradesh, we have taken a massive task of forming VillageDisaster Management Committees and prepare a Village DisasterManagement plan for all the villages under GoI-UNDP programme. TheState Nodal Officer is sincerely working on this issue. But we are laggingbehind. Only 20 villages have submitted their plans. I expect that all ofyou will form the committee. Prepare and plan and submit it at theearliest possible.7. You are the best judge to decide upon the safe shelters, risk areas inyour village, the right type of volunteers, how to activate the earlywarning system, search and rescue mechanism, damage assessment,your resources and weaknesses, etc. and hence you should sit togetherand prepare your action plan. Also chalk down what help you need fromthe Government.8. The concerned GB/PRI should ensure that the VILLAGE DISASTERMANAGEMENT PLAN for their village is prepared and updated once inevery six months.The model disaster management plan prepared by the villagers of LoiliangVillage under Tezu circle is under guidance of the District Administration isattached here for reference. All are requested to take interest and get theVillage Disaster Management Plan for all the villages at the earliestpossible. ;-

63VILLAGE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLANLOILIANG VILLAGETEZU CIRCLELOHIT DISTRICTVILLAGE DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PLANVillage: LOILIANG CIRCLE: TEZUBlock: TEZU DISTRICT: LOHITDate of Preparation of Community Contingency Plan: 1 st July 2005.INTRODUCTION: -Disaster in various forms has retarded the overall process of development andcompounded to the problem of poverty in the region since time immemorial.This has created a question mark on the aspirations of the people forcomfortable and secure life. Since its inception people has been striving tofind solace from disasters. Various disaster mitigation steps has beenformulated and implemented by Govt. and people. Unfortunately acomprehensive disaster management plan or method has still to be adopted.Thus the disaster management method and emergency response has yieldedlittle result from major disasters like FLOOD, EARTHQUAKE, CYCLONE, andDROUGHT etc.Of late, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with thesupport of Govt. of India (GoI) and in collaboration with the state govt. hasapproved a programme of disaster management. The programme is launchedall over India in the selected state prone to disasters. The present programmeis holistic and realistic in both character and approach. Unlike the traditionalcenter oriented emergency response programme, it begins from the grass rootlevel i.e. the village level. The current programme is community-basedprogramme, which provides active participation of communities in all level ofdisasters management works.In the present century disaster management has become an importantissue all over the world. When the whole world is marching towardsdevelopment and prosperity people are dying and suffering from disasters,both natural and artificial. Especially in the region like the Indian subcontinentwhich is highly prone to natural disasters; flood, drought, cyclone,earthquake are a recurrent phenomena. The situation in the Northeast Indiais not different. The NE India is one of the most seismologically active regions

63VILLAGE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLANLOILIANG VILLAGETEZU CIRCLELOHIT DISTRICTVILLAGE DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PLANVillage: LOILIANG CIRCLE: TEZUBlock: TEZU DISTRICT: LOHITDate of Preparation of Community Contingency Plan: 1 st July 2005.INTRODUCTION: -Disaster in various <strong>for</strong>ms has retarded the overall process of development <strong>and</strong>compounded to the problem of poverty in the region since time immemorial.This has created a question mark on the aspirations of the people <strong>for</strong>com<strong>for</strong>table <strong>and</strong> secure life. Since its inception people has been striving tofind solace from disasters. Various disaster mitigation steps has been<strong>for</strong>mulated <strong>and</strong> implemented by Govt. <strong>and</strong> people. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately acomprehensive disaster management plan or method has still to be adopted.Thus the disaster management method <strong>and</strong> emergency response has yieldedlittle result from major disasters like FLOOD, EARTHQUAKE, CYCLONE, <strong>and</strong>DROUGHT etc.Of late, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with thesupport of Govt. of India (GoI) <strong>and</strong> in collaboration with the state govt. hasapproved a programme of disaster management. The programme is launchedall over India in the selected state prone to disasters. The present programmeis holistic <strong>and</strong> realistic in both character <strong>and</strong> approach. Unlike the traditionalcenter oriented emergency response programme, it begins from the grass rootlevel i.e. the village level. The current programme is community-basedprogramme, which provides active participation of communities in all level ofdisasters management works.In the present century disaster management has become an importantissue all over the world. When the whole world is marching towardsdevelopment <strong>and</strong> prosperity people are dying <strong>and</strong> suffering from disasters,both natural <strong>and</strong> artificial. Especially in the region like the Indian subcontinentwhich is highly prone to natural disasters; flood, drought, cyclone,earthquake are a recurrent phenomena. The situation in the Northeast Indiais not different. The NE India is one of the most seismologically active regions

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