Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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58the Govt. can open the EGS Centres / Primary Schools, but the VECmembers should provide space, shade for construction of these schools onself help basis. They should ensure sufficient and suitable land for the EGSand Schools and its expansion. They should assist the officials engaged forcollection of information through Village Education Survey as and whenconducted. They should monitor regularly the number of out of school childrenavailable and taking steps to enroll and retain them in schools /EGS Centres.They should undertake, repair and do renovation of school building / to ensureavailability of separate toilets for boys and girls / to ensure provision ofdrinking water facilities and construction of ramps in the schools / to providegood and sufficient land for school and play field.The Community should have a sense of belonging towards the school.The community members should be willing to extend support in the activitiesof the school. The community members could be involved in ensuring that theteacher is regular to the school and all learners are also regularly attendingthe school.The success of SSA will depend on the quality of the community basedPlanning process. While SSA is formulated as the premise that the communitycan plan, it also accepts the tremendous requirements for developingcapacities in communities to do so. The SSA conceived a vibrant partnershipwith non governmental organization in the area of capacity building, both incommunity and in resource institutions. SSA will have a community basedmonitoring system.Education for Children with Special Need:SSA ensures that every child with needs, irrespective of the kind,category and degree of disability, is provided education in an appropriateenvironment. SSA will adopt “Zero rejection” policy, so that no child is left outof the education system.Power & Function of the Village Education Committee (VEC):1. To ensure regular and effective functioning of the schools.2. To recommend for grant of Casual Leave of staff members at theprimary level / EGS Centres to the District Authority.3. To take appropriate disciplinary action for misconduct of teachers by :a). with holding / release of Pay.b). No work, no pay.4. On recommendation of VEC action against the defaulting staff / teachermay be considered for transfer / termination from / in the school by theDistrict Authority.5. To report to higher authority on any administrative problem.6. VECs are empowered to recommend deduction of salaries, suspension/termination of the contract teachers / staff on extreme cases ofindiscipline/negligence in duties.As the Schools / EGS Centres are opened for the community benefit sothe monitoring and supervision is also necessary. They should ensure

59participation of the community and to create in the people a sense ofownership and belongingness. Any problem arising out of general control,supervision and management of the school will be discussed in the VEC.Performance report of the EGS workers and contract teachers appointedunder SSA should be properly maintained and its reporting to the concernedblock is mandatory to ensure regular and effective functioning of the schools.All VEC shall have joint bank account to be operated jointly by the Chairmanand the Member Secretary of the School. The account should be opened inSBI or any nationalized banks or in post offices. Because all grants receivedfrom the government will go directly to the VEC account, the fund may beutilized for various purposes like in repairing, making teaching aids, furniture,maintenance etc. They should maintain proper accounts of income andexpenditure for audit purpose. All kinds of grants / funds, raised by the villageEducation Committee shall be brought to the cash book.1. Setting up of Primary Schools within 1 km to 1.5 km radius. Though inhilly and hard belt area this criteria is not followed due to scatteredpopulation which not fulfills the criteria of Govt.2. Setting of EGS Centres3. Up gradation from Primary to Upper Primary. .4. Additional classroom5. Drinking water facilities6. K.G.B.V. for girl’s education7. NPEGEL for girl’s education8. Teachers appointed under SSA to get pupil teacher ration of 40:19. Out of School Children till date10. Enrolment of out of Schoolchildren till date --11. Through EGS12. BRCS set up13. Construction of BRC building14. CRC. Set up15. Construction of CRC building16. New Primary School building17. New upper Primary School building18. Constructed Dilapidated building19. Primary / Upper Primary20. Residential School BuildingTEACHERS TRAINING FOR QUALITY EDUCATION.TEACHERS TRAINING: -As SSA ensures the Quality Education, teachers training are being rtedBRC/CRC level to cover all the teachers in two consecutive years i.e.FOR CWSN CHILDREN.SSA ensures that child with especial needs, irrespective of the kind,category and degree of disability is provided education in an appropriate

58the Govt. can open the EGS Centres / Primary Schools, but the VECmembers should provide space, shade <strong>for</strong> construction of these schools onself help basis. They should ensure sufficient <strong>and</strong> suitable l<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> the EGS<strong>and</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> its expansion. They should assist the officials engaged <strong>for</strong>collection of in<strong>for</strong>mation through Village Education Survey as <strong>and</strong> whenconducted. They should monitor regularly the number of out of school childrenavailable <strong>and</strong> taking steps to enroll <strong>and</strong> retain them in schools /EGS Centres.They should undertake, repair <strong>and</strong> do renovation of school building / to ensureavailability of separate toilets <strong>for</strong> boys <strong>and</strong> girls / to ensure provision ofdrinking water facilities <strong>and</strong> construction of ramps in the schools / to providegood <strong>and</strong> sufficient l<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> school <strong>and</strong> play field.The Community should have a sense of belonging towards the school.The community members should be willing to extend support in the activitiesof the school. The community members could be involved in ensuring that theteacher is regular to the school <strong>and</strong> all learners are also regularly attendingthe school.The success of SSA will depend on the quality of the community basedPlanning process. While SSA is <strong>for</strong>mulated as the premise that the communitycan plan, it also accepts the tremendous requirements <strong>for</strong> developingcapacities in communities to do so. The SSA conceived a vibrant partnershipwith non governmental organization in the area of capacity building, both incommunity <strong>and</strong> in resource institutions. SSA will have a community basedmonitoring system.Education <strong>for</strong> Children with Special Need:SSA ensures that every child with needs, irrespective of the kind,category <strong>and</strong> degree of disability, is provided education in an appropriateenvironment. SSA will adopt “Zero rejection” policy, so that no child is left outof the education system.Power & Function of the Village Education Committee (VEC):1. To ensure regular <strong>and</strong> effective functioning of the schools.2. To recommend <strong>for</strong> grant of Casual Leave of staff members at theprimary level / EGS Centres to the District Authority.3. To take appropriate disciplinary action <strong>for</strong> misconduct of teachers by :a). with holding / release of Pay.b). No work, no pay.4. On recommendation of VEC action against the defaulting staff / teachermay be considered <strong>for</strong> transfer / termination from / in the school by theDistrict Authority.5. To report to higher authority on any administrative problem.6. VECs are empowered to recommend deduction of salaries, suspension/termination of the contract teachers / staff on extreme cases ofindiscipline/negligence in duties.As the Schools / EGS Centres are opened <strong>for</strong> the community benefit sothe monitoring <strong>and</strong> supervision is also necessary. They should ensure

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