Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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2f) The H.G.B. / G.B. shall assist the Government agencies in implementingany programme and policies of the Govt. in his jurisdiction.g) The H.G.B. / G.B. shall not disobey the command of the DistrictAuthorities and shall not indulge in any unwanted activities in the village.h) The H.G.B. / G.B. have no right to participate in any agitationprogramme against Government and they are not allowed to take part inany of the political activities.B. POWERS (ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE)a) All inhabitants of the village are bound to aid H.G.B. / G.B. whenrequired for maintenance of peace and order and apprehendingoffenders. If they fail to do so the H.G.B. / G.B. are empowered toimpose fine not exceeding Rs. 500/-. This order for imposition of fine canbe appealed before Deputy Commissioner / Addl. Deputy Commissioner.Fine imposed may be recovered by distraint of the property of the personon whom it is imposed.b) The H.G.B. / G.B. may try any case involving any of the undermentioned offences as per customary law in which the person accusedis / are residents within their jurisdiction.i) Theft, including in a building.ii) Mischief, not being mischief by fire or any explosive substance.iii) Simple hurtiv) Criminal trespass or house trespassv) Assault or using Criminal force.The cases which could not be settle in the village level kebang may bereferred to inter-village Kebang or to Circle level / Sub-Division level and thento the District level.c) The H.G.Bs. / G.Bs may impose a fine not exceeding Rs. 3000/- for anyoffence which they are competent to try and my also awarded paymentin composition to the extent of injury sustained. Such fines and paymentmay be enforced by distraint of the property of the offender.d) The H.G.Bs. / G.Bs shall decide all such cases in open Darbar in thepresence of at least three witnesses and of the complainant andaccused. They are empowered to order the attendance of all themembers and witnesses to be examined in the case and to impose afine not exceeding Rs. 200/- or any person failing to attend when soordered.e) If any such person to whom a fine has been imposed by H.G. Bs / GBsfail to deposit the amount at once of within such further time as thevillage authority may follow, the H.G.B.s / G.B.s shall send him to the

3Deputy Commissioner / Addl. Deputy Commissioner or AdministrativeOfficer of the area to be dealt with in such manner as he may deem fit..f) Any party aggrieved by a decision of H.G.B.s / G.B.s may appeal withinthirty days to the Deputy Commissioner / Addl. Deputy Commissioner, who onreceipt of such appeal, shall try the case de-novo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE CONCEREND PROVISIONS UNDER ASSAM FRONTIER(ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE) REGULATIONS, 1945SEC.6(1) The ordinary duties of police in respect of crime shall bedischarges by the village authorities. They shall maintainpeace and order within their jurisdiction.(2) The village authorities shall not be deemed to be police officerfor purposes of Section 25 and Section 26 of the IndianEvidence Act, 1872 (Act I of 1872) or the Section 162 of theCode of Criminal Procedure 1898 (since repealed by Act. II of1974)(3) The village authorities shall watch and report on any vagrant,or any bad or suspicious character found within theirjurisdiction and may apprehend any such person if they havereasonable grounds for suspecting that he has committed oris about to commit an offence, and shall hand over anyperson so apprehended to the (Deputy Commissioner) 1 or an(Assistant Commissioner) 2SEC.8SEC.9SEC.10On the commission of any heinous offence with theirjurisdictions, the inhabitants of the village shall at once, ifpossible apprehend the offender and in any case shall at onceinform the village authority, who if the offender has not beenapprehended, shall proceed without delay to the place wherethe offence was committed and enquire into it.It shall be the duty of the village authorities to report to the(Deputy commissioner) 1 , (Assistant Commissioner) 2 as soonas possible all crimes, violent, deaths and serious accidentsoccurring within their jurisdiction, and all occurrences whetherwithin or beyond their jurisdiction, which may come to theirknowledge and which are likely to affect the public peace; andto arrest and deliver up offenders as soon as may be (within aperiod of twenty four hours of such arrest excluding the timenecessary for the journey from the place of arrest) to theCourt having jurisdiction of try them.A village authority may pursue beyond their jurisdiction anyoffender or vagrant or bad or suspicious character whom they

2f) The H.G.B. / G.B. shall assist the Government agencies in implementingany programme <strong>and</strong> policies of the Govt. in his jurisdiction.g) The H.G.B. / G.B. shall not disobey the comm<strong>and</strong> of the DistrictAuthorities <strong>and</strong> shall not indulge in any unwanted activities in the village.h) The H.G.B. / G.B. have no right to participate in any agitationprogramme against Government <strong>and</strong> they are not allowed to take part inany of the political activities.B. POWERS (ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE)a) All inhabitants of the village are bound to aid H.G.B. / G.B. whenrequired <strong>for</strong> maintenance of peace <strong>and</strong> order <strong>and</strong> apprehendingoffenders. If they fail to do so the H.G.B. / G.B. are empowered toimpose fine not exceeding Rs. 500/-. This order <strong>for</strong> imposition of fine canbe appealed be<strong>for</strong>e Deputy Commissioner / Addl. Deputy Commissioner.Fine imposed may be recovered by distraint of the property of the personon whom it is imposed.b) The H.G.B. / G.B. may try any case involving any of the undermentioned offences as per customary law in which the person accusedis / are residents within their jurisdiction.i) Theft, including in a building.ii) Mischief, not being mischief by fire or any explosive substance.iii) Simple hurtiv) Criminal trespass or house trespassv) Assault or using Criminal <strong>for</strong>ce.The cases which could not be settle in the village level kebang may bereferred to inter-village Kebang or to Circle level / Sub-Division level <strong>and</strong> thento the District level.c) The H.G.Bs. / G.Bs may impose a fine not exceeding Rs. 3000/- <strong>for</strong> anyoffence which they are competent to try <strong>and</strong> my also awarded paymentin composition to the extent of injury sustained. Such fines <strong>and</strong> paymentmay be en<strong>for</strong>ced by distraint of the property of the offender.d) The H.G.Bs. / G.Bs shall decide all such cases in open Darbar in thepresence of at least three witnesses <strong>and</strong> of the complainant <strong>and</strong>accused. They are empowered to order the attendance of all themembers <strong>and</strong> witnesses to be examined in the case <strong>and</strong> to impose afine not exceeding Rs. 200/- or any person failing to attend when soordered.e) If any such person to whom a fine has been imposed by H.G. Bs / GBsfail to deposit the amount at once of within such further time as thevillage authority may follow, the H.G.B.s / G.B.s shall send him to the

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