Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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203. INSECTICIDE TREATED BED NETS (ITBN):ITBN is another important component of NVBDCP, where community ownedbed nets are to be impregnated with K-Orthine. The merits of ITBN are to betold to villagers by GB/ PRI leaders.4. AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS:Awareness campaigns like Anti-Malaria months are observed in selectedendemic villages. It is seen that inspite of well circulation, the GBs / PRI donot turned up nor the villagers are informed. To create awareness about thediseases and the programme, participant of the villagers is must. For thatmatter GB / PRI are to play a vital role in motivating the villagers. The DistrictAdministration has also published a pictorial book titled ‘Mission MalariaControl’ and copies of which are given to all the GB/PRI members. They arerequested to teach the villagers about the basic concepts of the MissionMalaria Control.5. SELF PROTECTION:Self protection methods like using nets, keeping the surrounding clean, stopbamboo plantation near houses, good draining system around the house etc.are important steps for which awareness are to be created in villages by GB /PRI6. SELF MEDICATION:Self Medication by the villagers has created problems in treating Malariacases. Because of improper medication the patient becomes resistant tonormal medicines and thus case becomes complicated. The GB / PRI are tomotivate the villagers for proper consultation with medical staffs in case of anyfever. The anti-malaria drugs are available in all health centers free of cost.7. MEDICS & AWW:The Medics and AWWs act as village link workers, for Malaria control. Sincethey are posted in the village level, the GB / PRI leaders are to make themaware of their duties in the field of Mission Malaria Control.8. Any fever in epidemic form in village is to be immediately reported to theDistrict Health Authority or to nearest health centers.Kindly note that this year we are able to control the Malaria to asignificant level and with your participation we expect more promisingresults in coming years.

21(C) ROLE OF GAON BURAS AND PANCHAYAT LEADERS AS VILLAGELEVEL FUNCTIONARIES FOR BETTER IMPLEMENTATION OF DOTSUNDER THE REVISED NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS CONTROLPROGRAMME (RNTCP)The following helps are expected from the Gaon Buras / Panchayatleaders1. Gaon Buras / Panchayat leaders can help for proper implementation /expansion of DOTS services under RNTCP in the grass root levels.2. In the Early Case Detection of Tuberculosis by sending the ChestSymptomatics to the nearest DMCs (Designed Microscopy Center) forsputum examination.3. In motivation of TB patients for undergoing treatment properly.4. To help in quick defaulter retrieval of TB patients and bring back thepatients on treatment.5. To help the supervisory staff during their home visits of patients.6. To help the proper identification of DOT providers in the villages7. To help the medical staff whole heartedly in organizing village levelsensitization meetings.(D) Know AIDS for No AIDS.AIDS(Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is the later stage of infectionwith the Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV). AIDS can take around 7-10years to develop symptoms after HIV infection. HIV is transmitted throughSemen and Vaginal fluids, infected blood and blood products, infected motherto her baby before birth during birth or through breast milk. Another importantmode of infection is the multiple use of the syringes which is commonamongst the drug addicts.CAUSES OF AIDS:-• Infected blood transfusion• Use of infected needle (in drug addict people sharing of same needle forinjection is practiced)• Multiple partners (Flesh traders and prostitutes are the most potentsource of infection)• Infected mother to her child

21(C) ROLE OF GAON BURAS AND PANCHAYAT LEADERS AS VILLAGELEVEL FUNCTIONARIES FOR BETTER IMPLEMENTATION OF DOTSUNDER THE REVISED NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS CONTROLPROGRAMME (RNTCP)The following helps are expected from the <strong>Gaon</strong> Buras / Panchayatleaders1. <strong>Gaon</strong> Buras / Panchayat leaders can help <strong>for</strong> proper implementation /expansion of DOTS services under RNTCP in the grass root levels.2. In the Early Case Detection of Tuberculosis by sending the ChestSymptomatics to the nearest DMCs (Designed Microscopy Center) <strong>for</strong>sputum examination.3. In motivation of TB patients <strong>for</strong> undergoing treatment properly.4. To help in quick defaulter retrieval of TB patients <strong>and</strong> bring back thepatients on treatment.5. To help the supervisory staff during their home visits of patients.6. To help the proper identification of DOT providers in the villages7. To help the medical staff whole heartedly in organizing village levelsensitization meetings.(D) Know AIDS <strong>for</strong> No AIDS.AIDS(Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is the later stage of infectionwith the Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV). AIDS can take around 7-10years to develop symptoms after HIV infection. HIV is transmitted throughSemen <strong>and</strong> Vaginal fluids, infected blood <strong>and</strong> blood products, infected motherto her baby be<strong>for</strong>e birth during birth or through breast milk. Another importantmode of infection is the multiple use of the syringes which is commonamongst the drug addicts.CAUSES OF AIDS:-• Infected blood transfusion• Use of infected needle (in drug addict people sharing of same needle <strong>for</strong>injection is practiced)• Multiple partners (Flesh traders <strong>and</strong> prostitutes are the most potentsource of infection)• Infected mother to her child

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