Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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16At District Level1. Project Director2. APO (Monitoring)3. APO (RE)4. TA (RE)5. Technical Assistant.6. Inspector E&MAt Block Level1. BDO2. VO3. ADO4. Joint BDO5. EO (RE)6. EO (Fishery)7. EO (Credit)8. EO (Ind)9. Progress Assistant

17CHAPTER-VMEDICAL DEPARTMENT AND ROLE OF PRI/GB(A) REPRODUCTIVE & CHILD HEALTH AND ROLE OF PRI/GBThe conference gives us a platform where the various services availableunder RCH & NRHM which can be shared with the GB/ PRI and Govt.departments who in turn should decimate the same to the general masseseven though the medical department is trying its best to decimate them to thegeneral public.1. IMMUNIZATION: ‘Prevention is better than cure’ which all of us know.By immunizing our children at right immunization schedule we canprevent our children from 6 (six) major killer diseases namely:Sl.No.Name of Disease Vaccines No. of Doses1. Tuberculosis BCG 12. Poliomyelitis BCG 53. Diphtheria DPT 44. Pertusis DPT 45. Tetanus T.T. 46. Measles Measles 1Also Vitamin – A prophylaxis given duly with Inj. Measles with OPV /DPT booster and three doses at 6 months interval. (Ideal Immunizationschedule attached). Since last two years the District Administration andDistrict RCH Society has launched a massive immunization programtreating ‘IMMUNISATION IS THE FUNDAMANTAL RIGHT OF ACHILD’.2. ANTE-NATAL-CHECK UP (ANC) : All pregnant ladies must go forAntenatal checkups as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. During ANCany abnormality in the mother & child can be detected and managed tohave a fruitful outcome. We have to ensure at the end of the pregnancya healthy mother & a healthy child. In order to achieve this mothershould receive-1. Two doses of T.T., one dose of T.T. in early pregnancy & the otherdose at one month interval of the first dose.2. Pregnancy anemia (lack of blood) is a major factor for underweightbabies, still birth & maternal morbidity and death during delivery. Toprevent pregnancy anemia IFA tablets are available in all healthinstitutions. As such all pregnant ladies must attend Antenatalcheckups to prevent from any unturned incidence during pregnancy& at the time of delivery.

17CHAPTER-VMEDICAL DEPARTMENT AND ROLE OF PRI/GB(A) REPRODUCTIVE & CHILD HEALTH AND ROLE OF PRI/GBThe conference gives us a plat<strong>for</strong>m where the various services availableunder RCH & NRHM which can be shared with the GB/ PRI <strong>and</strong> Govt.departments who in turn should decimate the same to the general masseseven though the medical department is trying its best to decimate them to thegeneral public.1. IMMUNIZATION: ‘Prevention is better than cure’ which all of us know.By immunizing our children at right immunization schedule we canprevent our children from 6 (six) major killer diseases namely:Sl.No.Name of Disease Vaccines No. of Doses1. Tuberculosis BCG 12. Poliomyelitis BCG 53. Diphtheria DPT 44. Pertusis DPT 45. Tetanus T.T. 46. Measles Measles 1Also Vitamin – A prophylaxis given duly with Inj. Measles with OPV /DPT booster <strong>and</strong> three doses at 6 months interval. (Ideal Immunizationschedule attached). Since last two years the District Administration <strong>and</strong>District RCH Society has launched a massive immunization programtreating ‘IMMUNISATION IS THE FUNDAMANTAL RIGHT OF ACHILD’.2. ANTE-NATAL-CHECK UP (ANC) : All pregnant ladies must go <strong>for</strong>Antenatal checkups as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. During ANCany abnormality in the mother & child can be detected <strong>and</strong> managed tohave a fruitful outcome. We have to ensure at the end of the pregnancya healthy mother & a healthy child. In order to achieve this mothershould receive-1. Two doses of T.T., one dose of T.T. in early pregnancy & the otherdose at one month interval of the first dose.2. Pregnancy anemia (lack of blood) is a major factor <strong>for</strong> underweightbabies, still birth & maternal morbidity <strong>and</strong> death during delivery. Toprevent pregnancy anemia IFA tablets are available in all healthinstitutions. As such all pregnant ladies must attend Antenatalcheckups to prevent from any unturned incidence during pregnancy& at the time of delivery.

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