Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader Hand Book for Gaon Burahs and Panchayati Raj Leader

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12INTRODUCTION:CHAPTER-IVROLES / RESPONSIBILITIES / POWERS OF PRIIN RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN ARUNACHAL PRADESHIt was the dream of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of nation that the power ofGovernance is reached at the Grass root level i.e. in the village level. The trueand effective governance is achieved if the power is transferred to the grassroot level. The Gram Panchayat is the last unit of the Indian democracy. Theleader of the grass root level knows well the need at the village or grass rootlevel, because he is accustomed with the behavioral attitude of the man withthe nature. Accordingly, the Indian constitution under 73 rd ConstitutionalAmendment has empowered the Panchayati Raj institution in which it istermed as Local Self Govt. It has empowered the Panchayati Raj institution touse their available resources in the village level. Hence, the Panchayati Rajinstitutions have the vital role to play in the development process beingimplemented by the DRDA as per the guidelines provided by the Govt. ofIndia and State Govt. from time to time.ROLE OF PANCHAYATI RAJ INSTITUTION IN IMPLEMENTATION OF RDPROGRAMMES BY DRDA:DRDA is an autonomous body registered under section 3 of SocietiesRegistration Act 1860. It has been created for implementation of centrallysponsored / state sponsored programme for eradication of rural poverty. In theprocess of rural poverty eradication, the various bodies of Panchayat RajInstitution have vital role in providing support to the DRDAs. The role of thePanchayat Raj Institution in rural development activities of DRDA ishighlighted as below.A. GOVERNING BODY OF DRDAThe administration of the DRDA is carried out by a Governing Body. TheGoverning Body of the DRDA provides policy, directions, approve the annualplan and also review and monitor, the implementation of the plan includingthe different programmes. The Governing Body may give such directions tothe DRDA as may be necessary from time to time. The Panchayat leadershave active part in the Governing Body of DRDA. As per present policy of theGovt. the Chairman of the Zilla Parishad is also the Chairman of DRDA whichwas earlier entrusted to the Deputy Commissioner of the District. All the ZillaParishad members and the chairpersons of the Anchal Samities have alsobeen entrusted with the portfolio as members of the DRDA Governing Body.B. CONDUCT OF BPL CENSUSThe main function of the DRDA is to eradicate the rural poverty. To ascertainthe position of rural poverty, BPL census is conducted in the rural areas of theDRDA throughout the country. For conducting the BPL census some

13enumerators / supervisors are engaged who are to contact and consult theconcerned Panchayat leaders while carrying out census works in a particulararea and to conduct the census works by taking the views of the concernedPanchayat leaders. In finalization of final BPL list the Panchayat leaders aregiven exclusive information. For example while finalization of BPL list of 2002BPL census, the draft BPL list was prepared first and circulated among thePanchayat leaders for their views. Lastly, the Govt. empowered the ZillaParishad to finalize the cut off score for preparation of final BPL list.Accordingly, on the recommendation of Zilla Parishad score 26 was adoptedas the cut off score and the final BPL list of this District was preparedaccordingly.C. IMPLEMENTATION OF SGSYOne of the major aims of the DRDA to provide self employment to the ruralunemployed youths is SGSY.The programme “SGSY (Swarnajayanti GramSwarozgar Yojana)” is implemented for this purpose. Rural unemployedyouths from BPL category are provided assistance for their self employment.In selection and identification of Swarozgaries the Gram Sabha i.e. the VillagePanchayat is empowered. It is possible that the Gram Sabha held at thePanchayat HQs may not have the participation of all the BPL families.Therefore, in order to effort maximum participation of poor, a three memberteam consisting of the BDO or his representative, the Bankers and theSarpanch (Anchal Samity member) should visit each of the habitation in thePanchayat to ascertain from the BPL families the persons who can becovered under self employment programme for providing assistance.The programme SGSY has a mixed component assistance of Govt. subsidyand Bank loan. After implementation of scheme while the beneficiaries havestarted receipt of income generation, the loan component needed to bereturned to Bank. For recovery of loan, joint recovery drive consisting of Bankand Block official is given where the Panchayat leaders are also requested fortheir active participation for motivation of the borrowers in re-paying theoutstanding loan.D. RURAL SHELTERThere is a major programme implemented by the Govt. to provide shelter tothe shelterless poor. The schemes like IAY (Indira Awas Yojana) and GraminAwas one of the component of PMGY (Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana)are implemented for this purpose. Like other RD programmes in these twoprogramme also there is vital role to be played by the Panchayat leaders. Thisvital role is to select the beneficiaries for providing assistance. Presently theGovt. has framed a policy to prepare IAY permanent waitlist out of the BPL listof 2002 BPL census. The Panchayats were empowered to prepare the waitlist with approval of the Gram Sabha which has already been done as per theguidelines of the Govt.

13enumerators / supervisors are engaged who are to contact <strong>and</strong> consult theconcerned Panchayat leaders while carrying out census works in a particulararea <strong>and</strong> to conduct the census works by taking the views of the concernedPanchayat leaders. In finalization of final BPL list the Panchayat leaders aregiven exclusive in<strong>for</strong>mation. For example while finalization of BPL list of 2002BPL census, the draft BPL list was prepared first <strong>and</strong> circulated among thePanchayat leaders <strong>for</strong> their views. Lastly, the Govt. empowered the ZillaParishad to finalize the cut off score <strong>for</strong> preparation of final BPL list.Accordingly, on the recommendation of Zilla Parishad score 26 was adoptedas the cut off score <strong>and</strong> the final BPL list of this District was preparedaccordingly.C. IMPLEMENTATION OF SGSYOne of the major aims of the DRDA to provide self employment to the ruralunemployed youths is SGSY.The programme “SGSY (Swarnajayanti GramSwarozgar Yojana)” is implemented <strong>for</strong> this purpose. Rural unemployedyouths from BPL category are provided assistance <strong>for</strong> their self employment.In selection <strong>and</strong> identification of Swarozgaries the Gram Sabha i.e. the VillagePanchayat is empowered. It is possible that the Gram Sabha held at thePanchayat HQs may not have the participation of all the BPL families.There<strong>for</strong>e, in order to ef<strong>for</strong>t maximum participation of poor, a three memberteam consisting of the BDO or his representative, the Bankers <strong>and</strong> theSarpanch (Anchal Samity member) should visit each of the habitation in thePanchayat to ascertain from the BPL families the persons who can becovered under self employment programme <strong>for</strong> providing assistance.The programme SGSY has a mixed component assistance of Govt. subsidy<strong>and</strong> Bank loan. After implementation of scheme while the beneficiaries havestarted receipt of income generation, the loan component needed to bereturned to Bank. For recovery of loan, joint recovery drive consisting of Bank<strong>and</strong> Block official is given where the Panchayat leaders are also requested <strong>for</strong>their active participation <strong>for</strong> motivation of the borrowers in re-paying theoutst<strong>and</strong>ing loan.D. RURAL SHELTERThere is a major programme implemented by the Govt. to provide shelter tothe shelterless poor. The schemes like IAY (Indira Awas Yojana) <strong>and</strong> GraminAwas one of the component of PMGY (Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana)are implemented <strong>for</strong> this purpose. Like other RD programmes in these twoprogramme also there is vital role to be played by the Panchayat leaders. Thisvital role is to select the beneficiaries <strong>for</strong> providing assistance. Presently theGovt. has framed a policy to prepare IAY permanent waitlist out of the BPL listof 2002 BPL census. The Panchayats were empowered to prepare the waitlist with approval of the Gram Sabha which has already been done as per theguidelines of the Govt.

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