download - Dedo Weigert Film GmbH

download - Dedo Weigert Film GmbH

download - Dedo Weigert Film GmbH

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When dimmed to 50 % lightoutput, power consumption dropsaccordingly resulting in twice therun time.Alternative power from any Anton/Bauer or PAG system, car cigarettelighter output or battery belt. Power consumption is only 8 Wdespite its high output. Operates from -40° C up to+ 40° C. LED power available indicator.Options: soft tube, soft box,white domeAttach by front end bayonet mountDLOBML-LT20Soft tube, 20 cm/8" long –Ideal for soft light in confined areas,e.g., car interior at night.Detachable light shaper–foldingplastic barn doors.DLOBML-SBX12soft box, 12 cm/5" wide –Gentle fill light, easy to look at, idealfor close ups. Filter slot accepts tungstenconversion filter.DLOBML-SBX12-CTOOrange tungsten conversion filterDLOBML-WD15White Dome, 15 x 15 cm, gentle light,evenly distributed, ideal for general baselight with removable side flags.DLOBML-TCFTungsten conversion filter for filter slotof all three accessories. Same filter slotserves for gel strips from any commonswatch book. Allows nearly any kind ofcolor effect.3

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